
The Statement in a Question

"She's so small though, and she looks so soft." He complained.

"Let him look, I don't care. Plus we're room mates and I don't normally wear my uniform if I don't have to, he'll get bored soon enough." I instructed.

"I wish we were room mates, you seem so cool. But I'm stuck with this weirdo," the girl said, pointing to the guard. The guard rolled her eyes.

The guy got off the floor and looked at me up and down, I ignored it and went to my bed. He stood watching me move, by the time I got to my bed he started to speak again.

"Your not fully human are you?" I stopped just as I was about to get on the bed.

"That sounds more like a statement then a question, but I'll take it as a question." I crawled into bed and didn't say anything after that. It was a question I never answered unless I had too.

"You going to tell us what you are?" The girl asked. "I'm curious now to."

"No." I rolled over facing the wall.


"Guys leaver her alone. If she doesn't want to tell you, then she doesn't have to."

"I'm her room mate, what happens if someone comes looking for her. How am I to protect when I don't know what she is, or why they could be after her." The guy pointed out trying to be a hero.

"I have never needed saving before, ever. I don't think I will need it."

"Yeah right."

"Unless one of you plan on killing me, I don't think anyone who isn't a friend can get in here. I'm sure the building is hidden well enough that we're not in danger. Please let me sleep, I have a long day ahead of me."

"Of course," they agreed. They used whispered voices and I passed out.