

What will happen if a hoarder starts selling everything he has? And what will happen when he's done? What will he do then?

YuaraKant · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Everything must go!

I can't keep going like this. Since years and years ago I've been collecting every object that has been important in my past (videogames, books, CD's, cassette tapes, Vinyls, collectible figures, VHS's, DVD's, Blu-rays, documents, old coins, bicycles, motorcycles, TV's, stereos, workout machines, clothes and even phonographs), and now my house's full. I can barely walk without stepping on somethig. There's no sunlight. I can't enter some of the rooms because of everything that's piled on the floor. I can't even get close to any closet because everything that surrounds it, and, even if I could, I can't open it because everything's inside barely fits there, and it would fall on me. Besides, every day I have to eat somewhere else because I don't have enough space for a fridge or even a cupboard.

I'm suffocating between so much dust and nostalgia.

That's why I've decided to sell everything on the internet. I just need lots of time to take pictures and upload them, but I don't have anything better to do.

It's been amazing: in just a couple weeks I've gained more than six months of my salary, and I have more space to myself. I can finally walk without stepping or dropping anything, I've taken away some of the piles that were blocking the windows, And I've already have a small cupboard.

But the best of all is I've found lots of stuff I didn't ever remember I had in the first place.

About a week ago, I've started selling everything I had collecting dust in some room, y little by little I've been emptying it until I found a cradle in a corner. I remember we bought it a long time ago for Valeria. She was my princess, but she grew up so fast. I bought her lots and lots of dolls and stuffed animals; they must be here somewhere. But anyway, back to the cradle, I remember Felipe used it next. I barely remember him. He must be now in fourth or fifth grade.

Do you think they still both remember me?

I can't keep going like this. I've already sold almost everything I have, and now I think my house is too big: the hallways are too wide, there's lots of room I never use, there's sunlight everywhere, I don't need a kitchen that big, and I barely have any furniture. And there's no one left.

Sometimes I go to some flea markets and pawn shops to relax, and end up buying more and more of the same garbage I've been selling, and I don't want it anymore, but what else can I do? I've been doing this all my life, and what will happen if I sell everything? What will be left?

I can't even recognize myself anymore.