
Chapter 14: Too Hospitable for a Hostage Situation

This was amusing for Ransom, but he was about to push himself too far. When he heard a small whimper escape Leena’s throat, he wasn’t sure whether it was a sign that she wanted him or that she was scared of him. But their proximity and the faint smell of her shampoo had his heart thudding away like fists on a punching bag.

“I don’t know yet,” Leena muttered with a shaky exhale.

Ransom smiled, trying to push away the thoughts of how her skin felt, what sounds she would make if he….

He cleared his throat and chuckled at himself. He stepped away from her and put an extra foot of distance between them. Now that he could get a good look at her face, Ransom saw that Leena was chewing on her bottom lip, and her eyes were glistening. A bead of sweat had started at her hairline on her forehead, and he wanted to wipe it away. He thought that whimper might have been a double entendre.

She’d asked if she was safe…. She said she wasn’t sure if she felt that way or not.