
Chapter 60

Rusty iron piece? ?

After using the medium-sized space stone, the area of the magic medicine world has doubled than before.

It is larger than all the mountains and rivers in Jiangcheng combined.

Pieces of flat land were reclaimed by the skeleton servants, and vibrant medicinal herbs grew wildly in the fields.

Seeing the magnificent country he had built with his own hands, Su Luo felt filled with a sense of accomplishment.

At the same time, I couldn't help but sigh.

Whether it's fiction or reality, it's true that killing people and grabbing treasures is the fastest growing thing!

First, Zhao Xiaoyuan gave himself a small space stone.

Now Feng Haiyang gave him another medium-sized space stone, and even cost him his life. It was hard to refuse such kindness…


quitting the magical medicine world, Su Luo took out several old and tattered manuscripts and biographies.

He had bought these things at a street stall in Black Crow City before.

Su Luo likes to read books. Reading books can make people calm. This is also a habit he has had since he was a child.

One of the books was a thick autobiography with a very exciting story. Su Luo read it with gusto and read it hard for two days in a row.

The book contains a lot of information about the Godhead.

People who don't know that there are gods in the world may think this autobiography is fake, but Su Luo thinks it is true!

There are three types of gods in this world: the god of attributes, the god of elements, and the god of dominance!

Among these three gods, the God of Dominance is the most powerful!

If the necromancer collects all the fragments of the death attribute godhead in the future, he will inevitably transform into an attribute god.

As for other pets, they will basically become the corresponding elemental gods based on their own elemental attributes.

As for the dominant god, there is no record in the book.

The only thing that is certain is that there are many lost fragments of the godhead in this world!

Su Luo frowned in thought. He couldn't help but think of the scene when he and his sister parted ways a few days ago.

My sister asked me to go to the war zone more often…

Could it be that fragments of the godhead might still appear there?


at this time.

In Feng Li's office at Yandu University.

A group of sad-looking middle-aged men surrounded him.

"Teacher Feng, please help Su Luo to publicly restore President Chiang's reputation."

"President Chiang doesn't think about food, let alone refining medicine. My old man is just waiting for him to save his life. "

As long as Student Su Luo is willing to publicly reconcile with President Jiang, we are willing to spend 50 million dragon coins to compensate him." "

Yes, Student Su Luo is a genius in our Yandu, but President Jiang is also rare The master of alchemy refining!"

Feng Li was so overwhelmed by the crowd that he had a bitter look on his face.

"Teacher Feng, if it is really inconvenient for you to come forward, can you please ask Su Luo to come here and we can talk to him in person." Everyone present

was a well-known person in Yandu, but at this time they all showed a look of confusion. An expression that looks like he is about to cry.

Although Su Luo has stabilized the production of potions that are needed throughout the city, some rare potions still require the alchemist to personally produce them.

As a saint-level alchemist, Jiang Xinghe had a huge impact on many people after his strike.

So these people are anxious to come to Feng Li to talk about this matter.



Su Luo was called to the office by Feng Li.

There was a drunken and sloppy old man sitting on the sofa next to the office.

"Su Luo, Jiang Xinghe from the Alchemist Association wants to reconcile with you. Master and I actually have no objections to this matter. It mainly depends on whether you are willing or not."

Su Luo had just entered the door and his buttocks were not yet warm. Feng Li He went straight to the point and stated the main purpose.

After pouring Su Luo a cup of tea, he sat back at his desk and picked up the small black iron piece to play with.

Su Luo's eyes lit up, and then he pretended to be calm and said: "You and Master can make the decision on this matter, I will listen to you." He said

casually, but Su Luo's eyes were looking at the piece of iron as if nothing. .

After obtaining two pieces of the Godhead fragments, Su Luo already had a certain understanding of the appearance of the Godhead fragments.

Although the piece in Feng Li's hand looked very different, Su Luo was sure that it was a fragment of the godhead!

"The main thing about this matter is that you have to express your position. Master and I don't care."

Feng Li frowned and looked sad. He was worried that Su Luo wouldn't agree, but he didn't want to make the decision for Su Luo.

"Senior brother, what kind of treasure are you holding in your hand?"

"It's just a special piece of iron. If you're interested, just take it."

Seeing Su Luo's curious expression, Feng Li's face immediately revealed A smile.

Eat people with a short mouth and treat people with soft hands.

As long as he takes the things, today's matter will be easier!

"What senior brother has in his hands is certainly not simple." Su Luo deliberately looked interested but embarrassed.

Old man Wu, who was drinking at the side, turned his head and looked at it, then lost interest and just poured wine into his mouth.

He had studied that piece of iron countless times, it was just a special piece of ordinary iron.

Seeing that Su Luo was still hesitating, Feng Li quickly stuffed the iron piece into his hand and said,

"Junior brother, take it as long as you like. I have been pestered by those people crazy these past two days. As long as you are willing to reconcile, Jiang There are a lot of good things in Xinghe, you can find a way to get them!"

"Since senior brother has said so, then I agree to reconcile."

Su Luo looked extremely reluctant, but then he was extremely excited. .

The iron piece finally arrived!

He pretended to look at the properties of the iron piece casually.

[Rusty iron piece:? ? ? ]

Su Luo:? ? ?

They really weren't lying, this thing was really just a piece of rusty iron!

"Hahahaha, I was like you back then. I spent a lot of money to get it from others. Are you surprised?"

Wu Yong, who was drinking at the side, suddenly stood up and pointed and laughed.

Su Luo looked at the iron piece in his hand with a confused face, and then looked at Feng Li.

"Junior brother, I thought this was a treasure a few months ago. I spent 100 million to buy it from my master." "

Now I'll give it to you."

Seeing that Su Luo was still confused, Feng Li immediately revealed a look on his face. He looked like he was in pain, urging him to quickly put away this precious lump.

That's when.

Another figure appeared at the office door.

"Long time no see."

After not seeing each other for a while, Jiang Xinghe is getting older and older, and he walks unsteadily.

The three people in the office didn't speak. Jiang Xinghe coughed awkwardly, and then turned his attention to Su Luo:

"Little friend Su Luo, I have been thinking day and night during this period, and I have gained a deeper understanding of the art of refining medicine. ."

"I want to compete with you in person."

"If Su Xiaoyou can win, the position of president of the Alchemist Association will be yours. If you lose, you only need to apologize to me in public."

"What do you think?"

Jiang Xinghe got straight to the point and looked at it expectantly.

"Do you think you can beat me?"

Su Luo looked at Jiang Xinghe expressionlessly, with a smile in his eyes.

"If there is no absolute, I will not necessarily lose."

Although the two did not confront each other like last time, their auras had begun to fight.

Before he had the strength, Su Luo was unwilling to reveal too much about his advanced medicine refining methods.

But he gave too much.

The Alchemist Association includes thousands of top alchemists in the Dragon Kingdom, and each one is a very important figure in a small city.

Sitting in the position of president is not only a material benefit, but one's status will also increase accordingly.

Don't let this kind of benefit delivered to your door go to waste.

After thinking for a moment, Su Luo agreed to Jiang Xinghe's bet without hesitation.

"How to bet?"

"Compared with the success rate or grade of the potion!"