
Everyone's Queen

The awkward moment when Gianna Bardot has to choose between her Ex husband, Alexander Solace and her current lover Aival Quinn. Just like the East and West in the compass direction, just like sunrise and sunset, one which marks the beginning of the say and the other marks the end of the day, the difference between Alexander Solace and Aival Quinn is crystal clear. Aival Quinn is a prince, the second son if the president, Alexander Solace is a son of the upper class families in the country and Gianna herself, is the only daughter of the Bardot family, The Solace family rival in business. Even though she is pampered and cared for by her two brothers and her father as the princess of the family, she is faced with a hard decision of choosing between her ex husband who refuses to back down and her current lover whom she’s still developing love for. Alexander Solace us cold, very straight to the point and doesn’t entertain nonsense. On the other hand, Aival Quinn is funny and accommodating, he’s caring about everything. On matters of appearance, you’ll be stuck if you have to choose between the two, and her own brothers, they were outstanding too... In the hall, Alexander Solace and Aival Quinn looked at each other coldly. One was the ex husband, one was the current lover. She was left seated in between then with an awkward look on her face. God! Can you let something happen and just divert their attention? Gianna wanted the earth to open and just swallow her whole... Also, her friend is stuck between her desire for Xavier, Gianna’s brother and the Bardot first born son who is serious and takes nothing for granted. Beth, Gianna's former classmate and class representative, after loosing both her parents in a tragic road accident is send out of the family and moves to a small apartment where she one day meets a man trapped in the gutter. She decides to help the man only to wake to a shocking reality that this young man had a memory loss and doesn’t remember his home.

Mrs. Cyborg · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs



“God!” Gianna wanted to cry out of happiness.

“Don’t cry... Don’t even think of crying right now because you’ll empty your tears before the real time comes!” Elliot laughed while wiping the drop of tears from her eyes. “Will you get ready for the big surprise? Zoe, help her!” Elliot said. Zoe smiled and took Gianna into the elevator.


News was quickly circulating that the good for nothing lowly wife of Alexander solace had divorced her and no one knew where she went afterwards. Those who were present said she left in company of a man and another lady. Alexander now hugged the secret photos Gianna took and bit his lower lip hard. This wasn’t good. He felt he deserved no better in this life.

“Alex, Victoria is meet you. Besides, mama claims she is hurt and is supposed to be taken to hospital. We’re spreading the news of that ungrateful bitch.” Mira said with a harsh voice.

“Mira, get out of my room!” Alexander said in a hoarse voice.

“Don't tell me you’re down because Gianna left you. She deserved to leave. After all she wasn’t contributing anything in this family!” Mira snorted.

“Ooh... You don’t understand simple English do you?” Alexander frowned and squeezed the pillow in anger.

“Three year Alex, three years of marriage with nothing to show off, not even one miserable child! What if she were even barren?” Mira continued. She wanted to make sure Alexander Solace blames Gianna for everything.

‘was it her fault?’ Alex thought bitterly. ‘How would I even explain that in three years we slept like strangers? I didn’t dare to touch her? Fuck! Three years inside marriage and you divorce while still a virgin. That’s ironic, it doesn’t seem real... Am...’ Alex had a bitter argument in his mind. He turned and looked at his sister with blood shot eyes. His eyes were already black and distant, the redness made everything terrifying.

“Mira, don’t cross the line!” Alex warned. Mira snorted and walked out of he bedroom. “come back here!” Alex commanded. Mira walked back. “Since when did you started snorting at me? Am I your age mate?”

“Huh!” Mira opened her eyes wide. “you didn’t hear everything I said, you didn’t react. You just picked that?”

Alex directly gave his sister a hot slap. He doesn’t negotiate with idiots, he doesn’t entertain nonsense. His sister was talking right in his face, since when? “I see well mother didn’t do the right job when it came to raising you!”

Mira was shocked and ran out of the bedroom screaming. If she can’t respect me now, did she even respect Gianna?

Victoria walked in and looked at Alexander Solace questioningly. Alex just sat there in a daze. “why would you slap your sister?”

“What's your agenda?” Alexander asked coldly.

“Now that she is gone... What do you think of me?”


Bardot Castle

Gianna pulled her dress in place and waited for Zoe to say something. Zoe didn’t say anything, she just kept calm staring at her. Gianna brushed a hand in her hair and sighed.

“What’s wrong? Don’t I look great in this dress?” Gianna asked nervous.

“Is there a dress you don’t look cool in? You’re a goddess who fits in every dress.” Zoe kept the cold look.

“Then what’s wrong? You’re making me nervous!” Gianna stamped her feet down continuously.

“Am angry ok? Look at you... Look at yourself in the mirror, turn around. Is this the Gianna of three years back? You lost too much of yourself, too much weight and even colour trying to please that son of a bitch who didn’t even appreciate your efforts. You want me to be happy?” Zoe’s voice were trembling and her eyes were teary but cold. Gianna didn’t know what to say.

“Zoe... I forgot everything about Alex today after you came for me. Am sorry I made you feel that bad... Am just... I was blinded by love, I was... Am sorry for everything. It was the most painful part in my life... And... And it hurts to revisit my memories...”

“An sorry... Don’t cry!” Zoe pulled her into an embrace because she was already crying. “you don’t have to be sorry. I just can’t get over it.” There was silence as Gianna broke away from the hug. “You spoiled your make up already!” Zoe said somehow jokingly.

Xavier arrived in time to see two happy ladies walking downstairs. It was evening and she was in an a black mini dress and heel boots while Zoe was in strapless black party dress which barely reached her knees and stiletto heels.

“Ladies in black!” Xavier said rolling her eyes sweetly on his sister.

“Does she need extra clothing? Really?” Zoe asked smiling.

“No... Am cool just like this. Don’t I look like a model?” Gianna spun around, her hair flowing in the motion.

“You were always one. Come one, let’s drive over.” Xavier leads the way out.

“Drive over? What if I say no? The guards can remain behind. Elliot surprised me with a car. Zoe, you want go be in the same car with Xavier or me?” Gianna held out the car keys. Elliot hadn’t told Xavier about this.

“That devil didn’t tell me anything!” Xavier was surprised at the same time waiting for Zoe's reply.

“I'll choose to drive with Xavier. Gianna, you need to enjoy the comfort of your new car!” Zoe said smiling.

Gianna smiled because she knew exactly why Zoe chose the latter. Well, after all its normal to have a crush on someone and always want to stay close to them right?

“Bardot hotel. Drive safely baby!” Xavier hugged Gianna and walked into the car.

Zoe stuck out her tongue at Gianna. They both laughed. “I want to see you this happy always.”