
Everyone's Queen

The awkward moment when Gianna Bardot has to choose between her Ex husband, Alexander Solace and her current lover Aival Quinn. Just like the East and West in the compass direction, just like sunrise and sunset, one which marks the beginning of the say and the other marks the end of the day, the difference between Alexander Solace and Aival Quinn is crystal clear. Aival Quinn is a prince, the second son if the president, Alexander Solace is a son of the upper class families in the country and Gianna herself, is the only daughter of the Bardot family, The Solace family rival in business. Even though she is pampered and cared for by her two brothers and her father as the princess of the family, she is faced with a hard decision of choosing between her ex husband who refuses to back down and her current lover whom she’s still developing love for. Alexander Solace us cold, very straight to the point and doesn’t entertain nonsense. On the other hand, Aival Quinn is funny and accommodating, he’s caring about everything. On matters of appearance, you’ll be stuck if you have to choose between the two, and her own brothers, they were outstanding too... In the hall, Alexander Solace and Aival Quinn looked at each other coldly. One was the ex husband, one was the current lover. She was left seated in between then with an awkward look on her face. God! Can you let something happen and just divert their attention? Gianna wanted the earth to open and just swallow her whole... Also, her friend is stuck between her desire for Xavier, Gianna’s brother and the Bardot first born son who is serious and takes nothing for granted. Beth, Gianna's former classmate and class representative, after loosing both her parents in a tragic road accident is send out of the family and moves to a small apartment where she one day meets a man trapped in the gutter. She decides to help the man only to wake to a shocking reality that this young man had a memory loss and doesn’t remember his home.

Mrs. Cyborg · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs



“Gg, hurry up!” Zoe paced the living room. Elliot called to have Gianna driven in the huge famous hotel. He personally wasn’t coming. But Xavier was there.

“Coming!” Gianna called back. Moments later, she walked down in an Mid-length Sleeve Two-Piece Formal Dress and heels. She looked so smart.

Zoe led the way to the cars and they got in. Gianna's favourite car was the one given to her by her brother.

“Why don’t you tell me where we’re going and this sudden meet me there talks?” Gianna asked.

“This is Elliot's idea.” Zoe shrug cutely.

The cars arrived. Zoe gave the cards to the receptionist.

“Miss Zoe Clifford, you’ll please go upstairs to room 600B, on the right of the elevator. Miss Gianna Bardot, room 800D. Here are the respective key cars.”

Zoe picked the key cards and looked at Gianna. Gianna's eyes darted around the enormous hotel. “Why do we have to separate?”

“I have never in my life doubted Elliot.” Gianna said and started walking. They entered the elevator. Zoe walked to the respective room. Gianna waited for twenty more floors before the elevator stopped. She sighed heavily and walked to the room. She inserted the key card and opened the door.

A handsome young man in his youth looked up with his sleepy eyes. His black hair flew in his face. Subconsciously, his elegant fingers moved to his face to wipe the hair off his face. He was breath-taking. Gianna sighed heavily.

“Welcome... Am Aival Quinn, the President's second son.” Aival licked his pink lips and held the glass of soft drink in his arms.

“Umm...” Gianna slowly moved forward.

“Gianna Bardot!” Aival Quinn smiled broadly. “am happy meeting you at such a close range.”

“You know me?” Gianna stood and looked at him. Aival pulled the chair for her and she sat down.

“I was at the party. Not everyone noticed my presence. Yeah, I know you!” Aival poured a glass to her. They clicked the glasses. “You’re even more beautiful in close range!”

Aival was humorous and Gianna smiled at him. “I’ve never met you in person by now I have an account.”

“Positive account!” Aival laughed.

Gianna took seconds to access Aival Quinn who was the complete opposite of Alexander Solace. Unlike Alex's black distant eyes, Aival had sleepy sexy eyes, as compared to Alex's slightly short hair, Aival had longer hair cut in a swag that allowed the front part to be longer than the rest. Unlike Alex's serious face and tone, Aival was funny and easy to mingle with.

But still, they competed on standards of beauty. They were both outstanding in their own way. Just like east and west, their differences were crystal clear.

One was a man she had loved for three years and was trying to forget him, the other was a man she just met and thought well, I can start developing my love afresh and move on.

“Aival, am not sure if I am the typical kind of a woman you would like.” Gianna rolled her eyes at him.

“I love you Gianna Bardot!” Aival said at her.

Gianna's heart aches and she suddenly became emotional. Alex, I wish this was you! A layer of tears formed in her pretty eyes. Three year, three good year’s Alex has never told her that three word sentence. No one has except from her family. But today, she met Aival Quinn and he directly opened up to her?

Gianna broke down. Three years without love, three years hoping one day Alex will love her in the end. But it didn’t

“Gianna? Is there something wrong?” Aival suddenly stood up and came to her side.

“Am... Am just happy I heard that...” Gianna forced a smile and gently pushed him away.

Aival Quinn was a sensible man and he immediately stepped aside and smiled. Gianna wiped her face clean and sighed. “We need to know more about each other first!”

“Sure my queen!” Aival knew how to appease a lady. Gianna smile broadly and thought, sweet Elliot, at least I won’t be lonely again!

I send you a friend request on Facebook and a text message on WhatsApp. You’ll save my number. We can talk about everything. And you can ask me about everything.” Aival smiled. He remembered well approaching Elliot. He knew well this family must be valuing their daughter a great deal. Elliot gave him a warning... If my sister ever complains about you, or your behaviour, I’ll storm into the royal home. Don’t even think of underestimating the Bardot’s, we will blow up you and your entire family.

That was right, anything for their only daughter... She must be happy. She must be safe...

“I like your company.” Gianna laughed and admitted. It was true. Alex never gave her time or even talked to her about issues. It made sense she suddenly felt comfortable around Aival Quinn.

“I should be the one saying that. Am sorry I took too long to admit.” Aival said sincerely.

“No harm right?” Gianna laughed and took a sip of her drink.

In room 600B...

“Was this all your plan?” Zoe asked as she looked out of the window over the city below.

“No. Elliot’s plan. Is it wrong?” Xavier was lying on the sofa with his legs intertwined.

“I think we should have let her be for the moment. It’s her decision after all.” Zoe tapped on the ground softly.

“I don’t blame Elliot because I understand him pretty well.” Xavier tapped on the glass. “Elliot wants Gg to move on as quickly as possible. We know you girls well. She might think of going back to that Solace whatever and hurt herself again. Besides, she’s just meeting up with Aival. Whether she accepts him or not is her choice.”

(Would you love someone who lost their memory? Be with me in this journey of Everyone's queen to know more on Beth's story with Lewis