
Everyday Stresses of Kazuki

Rising from the ashes of Clandestine, an aristocratic merc, social engineer and unrivalled overachiever take on the galaxy's greatest scum - from criminals, contractors, politicians and everything inbetween. Armed with their wits, weapons and a thousand hired guns, they navigate through a twisting web of allegiances, betrayals, conspiracies and plots in the highrise capital of the private sector. From the burning wreckage of the Ptolemy-1 Station to whatever void lay ahead, only one thing is certain: The indifferent galaxy will forever burn once more.

GrumpyBoi · Ficção Científica
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46 Chs

X33: Gambit

Kazuki wasn't able to get out of the blast radius, but he tensed his entire body as he met the impact. Placing his right hand out, he pressed against the flying wreckage with his weight, expending even more energy. 

"Shit!" Riharia shouted, raising her rifle and firing blindly into the container.

His exospine crashed out in energy. Kazuki pushed the door aside, lacerations dotted his gloved hand. A single man rushed outwards, throwing a flash bang directly towards Kazuki. He immediately deflected it away with his deflector shield, parrying it away as Riharia was caught in its blast radius, barely able to ignite her shield up against the flash.

She staggered backwards as the Loyalist sprayed at her, cracking the outer layers of her armour and belting into her chest. She fell onto the ground, out of the fight for now. As Kazuki rushed forward, he noticed their black hair and dark eyes. Marshall, that was what Svenn called him. As he fired heaps of bullets at Kazuki, he dodged to the side, deflecting them with his shield.

Rushing forward, he activated his WRIST-SHOT. The structure formed as it fired a plasma shot, peppering Marshall. Kazuki slammed directly into him, grappling. Staggering Marshall, he shot twice into his lightly-armoured sides. Marshall grunted, kicking Kazuki off of him. 

A string of bullets passed Kazuki's face as he ducked to the side, avoiding the skimming bolt. His eyes activated with a yellow after-hue. He activated his ANCHOR. Throwing himself into the fray once again, he appeared in front of Marshal. 

But where others failed, Marshall succeeded. Kazuki projected his dagger out from its sheath, the black blade of his ancestors eating all light. Marshall dodged backwards, narrowly avoiding the slash. He fired point blank at Kazuki with his rifle. Bullets smacked through Kazuki's vest-plate. The nanobots that formed the outwards layer flicked off, leaving only the titrica plates.

"Kaz…" Riharia muttered as she slowly staggered up from her injuries, aiming at Marshall as she opened fire

Kazuki kept pushing forward, using his momentum as the two exchanged bullets in a trade, continually deflecting bullets as he lunged forward with his dagger once again. Marshall twisted himself out of the strike-zone. He fired into Kazuki's left arm, but fell directly into Riharia's line of fire.

Kazuki snapped on a swivel, twisting and throwing his unloaded carbine at Marshall. He didn't foresee that. Marshall staggered backwards as the impact smacked him directly on his face, Riharia shot from behind, the ballistic impact pinning Marshall. Aching from pain, Kazuki took out his final solution. Railgun. He hammered down at Marshall. 

A golden bolt exploded. The railgun's muzzle-integrity decreased with the shot. It smacked directly into Marshall's chest. The gap in his torso was cauterised from the heat. His armour did nothing to stop the projectile.

Riharia staggered up as she walked towards Kazuki. He felt steam exit from his mouth, filtering out of his respirator. His body was pushing itself even further than usual. He hopes that Svenn is just as easy as Marshall, but that won't be the case.

"For… the cause…" Marshall tried to stagger up, slowly raising a hand to a grenade on his vest-plate.

"Arbiter, we need reinforcements…" Riharia trailed off, injecting morphine into her leg as she staggered upwards.

"Agreed, Gambit," said Kazuki, pulling his pistol out and double tapping Marshall before the near dead man could pull the pin. He walked off. 'If any forces are in reserve or freed up, make your way to the cargo bay. Many Loyalists down here. Captain Paulus, Status report. I'll need you and your police to divert forces to evac-ing the civilians.'

'Minimal casualties, Arbiter, and is that what you really want us to do?' asked Paulus.

'If you want my mercs handling the civilians, then sure.' remarked Kazuki. Paulus quickly shut up after that.

'Arbiter! I found something. More heat signatures from a few containers up ahead.' reported Eliza. Riharia staggered along as he threw her a stim, she caught it, injecting herself slowly.

'Good find.' stated Kazuki, with not an air of sarcasm in sight, really. His aug-glasses lit up with scanning rays.

Eliza's probe started to scan the containers containing the heat sources. But something stung at Kazuki's mind. Riharia's eyes widened as she reached out to tap Kazuki's shoulder.

'Wait…' Kazuki said, looking at the cargo containers.

'I'm picking up multiple heat sources all across the cargo compartment.' reported Sato, following on. 'Eliza, it's…'

As Sato was about to finish, something caught both Eliza and Kazuki's attention. Their scanners picked up a new heat-signature. Above. Above? His head shot up. A figure laid in waiting. They held onto the heavy machinery up above, his detections exploded into action, energy crackling outwards into the air.

They let go of the machines, dropping down as they shot downwards. Blazing white hair eclipsed their face, barrelling towards them.


Kazuki flung out of the way, avoiding a flurry of explosive bolts. Svenn Janstein slammed downwards into the floor. Riharia was barely able to get out of the blast zone. With shock and awe on his side, He slung a grenade at Kazuki. He raised his deflector shield, blocking it as it exploded upon impact, the energy sending him rearing.

At the same time, Riharia sprayed Svenn at close range. Her bullets slammed and deflected off his armour. And in a single second, he fired his corrosive hand-cannon directly at Riharia's mask. 

'Riharia!' shouted Eliza, panicking now that shit's hit the fan.

"Yes. That's her name." stated Kazuki, angrily as he reclaimed his strength. Marshall was sent to wear him down… Clever bastard…

Her body was sent back, flying into one of the containers as acid bubbled away at her helm-mask. She wasn't moving. Kazuki gave her one glance, then at Svenn as he twisted around. Kazuki rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the acid..

Corrosive acid melted against the containers behind him. A moment passed as the sparks slowly seeped into the steel. The spark ignited a whole display. Fireworks. Explosives. Eruptions filled Kazuki's eyes as Svenn charged. 

Tackling Kazuki, Svenn swapped his blaster out with his knife, knocking Kazuki to the cold ground. Kazuki was barely able to hold on, crackling his exospine to push Svenn back. As the dagger's tip tapped Kazuki's armour, he kicked Svenn off - scrambling to the side. The two drew sidearms, unleashing torrents against each other. Most flicked off each other's armour - as another rocking explosion sent flames in between the two. Staggered, they clamber upwards.

Shields activated, blades clashed, bolts smoked. Eliza started to panic. Panic? He can't be listening, not now. Not now. Not Now. Not Now. Svenn was fast. But Kazuki was faster. He couldn't beat Svenn in a battle of attrition. It was now or never.

'Dammit! Svenn's in the lower cargo bay! Shit, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck…' Eliza trailed off, not music to Kazuki's mind. He tried blocking her voice from his mind, as the two threw their emptied sidearms at each other, colliding as they spun off to the sides.

Every second he fought against the urge to look back at Riharia. But all was for naught as Kazuki had a front row seat… Tens of containers all across the cargo-bay merged into fireballs. Yellow flames erupted upwards to fill the void of air. The bay doors flung off from the force, allowing the freezing storm to seep in.

"Ya know… it's been a good time fighting you…" said Svenn, rushing towards Kazuki as he fired his hand cannon at him.

He leaned out of the way as he fired his WRIST-SHOT, peppering Svenn's armour and hampering his agility. With a window of opportunity, Kazuki activated his ANCHOR. Apparating behind Svenn, he latched onto him, swinging him into one of the containers. 

Fuel trickled out of the nearby containers as the flames spread. Steam burst from the container as Svenn crushed forward, pressing himself out of the dent. Kazuki grasped his half-blade from his leg, lunging forth as Svenn shot out a barrage of knives.

"Predictable!" Svenn shouted, his exospine cracking with power and energy as another boost crackled energy around him. 

It crashed against him. The blades injected themselves into Kazuki's Arm. Coming out the other side, it stopped before meeting Kazuki's lightly armoured neck. 

Steam started to vent out in huge volumes. Fire clung to Svenn's armour, but he felt nothing.

"You haven't learnt a damn thing have you?"

 "I'll finish what Freyja started." Kazuki promised, rushing forward with all he had left as he ripped the knife out of his own arm. He has one final idea left, one gamble to preserve what he has fought for.

"Oh, you'll try…" mocked Svenn, his eyes still shaking even after beating Kazuki down.

But as he charged towards him, the two noticed the shockwaves in the distance roar upwards. A shriek sent the two flying back from each other. Flames and explosions crackled across the whole cargo bay. But that didn't matter to Kazuki, he had to kill Svenn. Now.

"Nice try…" said Svenn, activating his own ANCHOR as he anchored directly to Kazuki's side. 

Svenn's close, perfect - the two exchanged glares. 

He can draw faster - but as doubt seeped in, Kazuki realised he had to commit. But could he? His energy levels were dangerously low, if he misses this… he'll be dead… But before Kazuki could react, a WRIST-SHOT splintered through the air, smacking into his chest-plate as he felt the force knock him back. FUCK.

And as Svenn slowly aimed at a staggered Kazuki, the sound of footsteps caught both their attention. Lunging through the air, Riharia crashed into Svenn. Her cheek was burnt from corrosion. 

"KAZ! GO FUCK HIM UP!" shouted Riharia, gasping with blood as she ignited a grenade. Svenn chucked her away as a vacuum bomb ignited between them. Kazuki pushed himself forward, upwards. Svenn's armour took a beating, his shield overcharging to defend against the heat.