
Every dog has his Day

lifting up a log of wood, he threw it in the blazing fire, the heat of the flames warm his old hands. the old man stared at the cloudy sky, he doesn't remember the last time he saw the stars, arranging his thoughts, he had to think on what to hunt tomorrow for breakfast, a beast, vampire, another strange creature or bizarrity out there, or should he go for the easiest of all Human meat.. world's order has crumble ever since the famous satellite fell, origins and mysteries hidden from the world have finally emerged. Faced with a strange climatic condition hitting they whole planet, the whole world is affected. Humanity cannot cope with the change as the gradually go extinct, in this battle without any goal, all living organisms, human and non human are fighting to survive. if your not strong enough, you might either be killed by the others, your own kind or by the weather itself. they only solution is to become a Hunter, a predator that feeds on his prey to survive but keeping note that prey can also prey on you. A BLOODY COLD JUNGLE.

Yellowcanary · Ação
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17 Chs

Chapter 14: A recount p1


The sounds of wood cracking and breaking dew to fire sounded in the cold room, the only source of heat in the room.

"I see"

That's all what Grace said, she stared at the dancing fire, surly peace was over, it was short but an enjoyable peace, she met a lovely husband and had the opportunity to look after her kids.

"Ethan, Luther, I have something to tell you both" said Grace, Lloyd immediately looked towards her, she nodded full of pains.

"I think is the right time we tell them, we might not have another opportunity when places become clearer" said Grace, Lloyd closed his eyes.

After giving some distance, Ethan gave Rebecca to Aurora to look after, Rui did not really care and just sat there warming her cold fingers, Liza in her side was trying all her best not to sleep.

"You must have noticed certain characteristics between me and you, your father and yourself?" Asked Grace, both kids nodded, Luther's strength and aggressive way he fought, mom's brutal entrance and how she took care of those white hair men.


Ethan did not say anything, he just stared at his palms, those memories, those fragments of a time he wasn't yet born, whose memories where those? He had a lot of questions.

"Actually, I am what you guy call vampires" said Grace.

"Wait, but those guys out there have white hairs!" Said Luther.

"Hmm, it has been more than a decade I had a taste of blood, and let me tell you, like Human beings, we have numerous species of vampires, some of which are very docile and others very hideous" said Grace.

Lloyd coughed gaining their attention, "those guys outside are actually the young born, when a vampire start sucking blood, they are some who change physically, deformation it varies with the species" said Lloyd.

"With that said, there's another information you need to know... Actually, vampires cannot give birth" she said.

"What do you mean?" Asked Ethan

"We are not her children" said Luther, he stared at Grace and Lloyd.

"When did you find out?" Asked Lloyd.

"Actually, I did not, but, after the incident of the vampires, my mind started getting clearer, memories of a distant past are like flowing back, memories of me imprisoned in a circular chamber with liquid inside and being observed by men in white coat.

"At that time, those where one of the numerous facilities of the famous organisation Atlanta corp, special in the building and studying of special types of fetus belonging to extraordinary beings" said Grace.

"How did I get out, or should I say, how did you guys got me?" Asked Luther.

"We did not get you... Or to be more direct, we where tasked to annihilate the base" said Lloyd, Luther and Ethan turn towards him.

"That day was full of blood and regrets, I shall never forget the agony on their faces" Lloyd paused as if arranging his thoughts, when he saw that he was ready, he recounted the famous day of their discovery.

"I am from a special organisation named the Cathedral Crossblood, aimed at tracking and hunting creatures going against the will and nature of god's creation, or to say what the told me, I was born, train and thought how to kill on command without any thinking, what you call a human weapon, each members of the force where lethal weapons with an objective to hunt down people like those guys outside and you" said Lloyd.

"All missions were always a percentage success with no failure or distraction, it was supposed to be maintained untile one day he appeared"

"A man named Desmond Dekker, his Ideo of the future were so dark that the higher ups where forced to monitor his activities, we soon discovered that he captured monsters and conducted experiments with them, all species with exceptions, the nosferatu race of all kind, the Demon kind, the yokai, kaiju, so many, and they most terrifying, he caught a Celeste being" said Lloyd, Ethan and Luther had difficulties following but did not interrupt.

"After getting this information, we were assigned a mission, eliminate Desmond and burn down his Ideo for the good of the world" said Lloyd.

"In the confrontation, everything when as planned, I was tasked to carry out the last mission, reaching Dekker's hideout, he was standing beside a metallic bed and on that bed, your mom was, at that time her hairs where still white with crystal crimson eyes, I would not lie to you, I was slightly frighten at how intense her glare was towards me, but my mission was primordial, so I got ready to terminate Desmond, but his following words took me off guard" said Lloyd.


"If you got the possibility to watch and change a future which ends badly would you fight to find a way to survive?" Asked Desmond.

"What nonsense are you talking about psycho" said Lloyd, his appearance differed, here, he was very young, to say, just a child, he rotated the two daggers in his hands and was ready to launch his attack.

"If I give you the opportunity to weakness humanities outcome, would you still call me a psycho?" Asked Desmond.

"... Say what you wanna say, but you got the wrong listener" he jumped, and in mid air dived towards Desmond, "go say that in hell!" He roared..

"Seeing the approaching Lloyd, Desmond sighed and called out, "Angel" with that, time freeze, the space near Desmond cracked and fell like shattered glaces, as a delicate silhouette of a girl came in, she walked and stood near Desmond, she lifted her hand and a bright light came out, the light left her hand and shot into Lloyd's forehead.

After making sure the light had successfully entered his consciousness, she turn to face Desmond, lifting her hand, she held Desmond who immediately shattered the shackles of time, he looked towards Lloyd in mid air, and then at Angel

"Is it done?" He asked.

"As you said, a portion of a fragment of the future was implanted on him, his mission and his goal and also his ending, as instructed" said Angel.

"Good, very good, in that case, we have nothing to do here anymore, we leave the rest on this both" he said, Angel nodded, she immediately used her soft palms to shatter another space, both of them entered and the space started constructing back itself like pieces of glasses resembling, Desmond gave one last glance at Lloyd and Queen Grace.

"The future is up to you both" the space came back to normal and the flow of time was restored.


"Ouge!" He held his throbbing head, "what the hell happened?" Asked Lloyd.