
Everlasting Bitterness [BL]

The wolves deep down are just as lonely as us insignificant mortals, Who's every breath kills another. To which day they will lay down and sleep eternally, Is the day where all earth bends down on their knee and pray. For the world has ended, by the hands of us mortals -2023

Alcaine · Geral
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Fool's training

Old leaves fell from it's branch, and a new one shall sprout; Seasons will come, seasons will go.




After Yin Yue finished his small meeting and bid his farewells. He closed the door to Tiao He's office, and immediately ran to his house, went to his room, opened the door wide, dropped his shoulders and finally breathed a huge sigh of relief.

He loved his father, don't get him wrong. But the old man is way too stiff for his comfort, it went to the point that he felt suffocated most times.

Yin Yue took off the hair piece that tied his loose hair and let those Rosewood colored locks flow off his shoulders, unhinged.

He dragged his feet to the soft mattress just across the room and slumped over. He could immediately feel the fluffy comfort of the quilts caressing his face.

He turned and laid on his back, Fiddling with the hair piece in his hands; "explode huh?" He hummed, "Well that sucks"

*Knock knock

"Ah Yin, are you back?" A voice followed after the knock,

"No!" He shouted,

"Then I'm letting myself in"

"Boo hoo"

A ravenette entered the room carrying a stack of books and scrolls in his hold. "Mother told me to give them to you,"

"For what?"

"For the things we'll be learning" he said, putting the things he was holding to the table, arranging them carefully, "didn't Father tell you about them?"

"Well the thing is..." he laughed nervously, "I won't be following the usual"

Guo Ye blinked, "What"

"Yea, he-- ya know; got other plans for me"

"About the test from earlier?"


"Oh, if that's the case; Mother already took care of it." He patted the mountain of books on the table, "These are all yours"

"S- seriously?"

"Did I stutter?"

"No, sir" Yin Yue finally sat up,

"Good, now that's out of the way…" Guo Ye eyed Yin Yue, his violet-gold eyes locked onto the others blue ones, which the latter gulped "Tell me the details of what happened after"


"Don't even pull the 'I promise not to tell anyone card' we both know you never bothered about those things"

"Hey! I Wasn't even going to say that!"


"I swear; once it's about this kind of thing happening, you get oddly worked up" he huffed, getting off the mattress and went to the table Guo Ye was at and took a seat.

Guo Ye also sat next to him, pouring himself a cup of tea, "what can I do, things like this interest me."

"Things about my private life?" Yin Yue cringed and mumbled, "creep"

Guo Ye merely lifted a brow while sipping the cold tea.

"Fine, I'll tell ya, and don't give me that look!" Yin Yue took a cup for himself, "He just said I'm wayyyy better than you and that I would be getting a very special treatment"



"Like what?"

"Uh… getting personally trained by him, maybe?"


"Yes, Maybe"

Guo Ye started, "How convincing,"

"Please stop the sarcasm," Yin Yue sighed, placing down his cup to the table, then a thought struck him like a bolt of lightning through his head "Wait…. Speaking of which, Remember our little bet?" The corner of his lips slowly raised to a crescent shape.

The corner of his lips twitched. This time, it was Guo Ye's turn to feel a bit gloomy, he took a deep breath and sighed, "Fine," he grumbled, "whats the damage"

"I knew you wouldn't back on me Didi"

Guo Ye stood up, "...we should go to the dining hall now, it's almost time for dinner"

"Kay," Yin Yue also stood up and stretched, "For the price…. I'll keep it for now."

"There won't be any interest by delaying it" Guo Ye also stood up while fixing the wrinkles on his sleeves

"No worries, I just don't have anything in mind right now"

"...please don't ask anything outrageous"

"Don't worry, I know you have a decent amount of coins stacked in your drawer"

"..." Guo Ye paused, his eyes widened like a deer that was about to be shot by an arrow. He slowly craned his head towards the smirking Yin Yue.

"That secret stash of yours aint a secret from me" Yin Yue didn't even bother looking back, he simply walked out of his room with both arms crossed behind his head. "Better say goodbye to them, cus they'll soon be no more~"

...True to his words, Guo Ye's secret stash soon went to his twin's belly.


Days passed by,

The children's of this years batch finaly got sorted out after the big surprise and started their studies under the careful guidance of their sect elders.

Ming Ming went to the Poison and puppetry sect, Ying Hua went to the elemental Sect, Kang Kai went to the Martial sect, and Guo Ye went to the Alchemy sect. While Yin Yue? Lets just say he was stuck with the clan head.


"...I hate this,"

"You just finished five numbers" Guo Ye mentioned

"Hha…" Yin Yue laughed with a smile, then slammed the table and stood up abruptly, "You meant like, FIVE NUMBERS THAT HAS TEN MORE NUMBERS IN IT EACH?!?!"


"AHHHHH" He threw his head back and laid flat on the floor, "I can't do this, the old man is a devil. A devil I tell you!"

"I mean, I can't really disagree with that. This amount is truly a terrifying sight" Guo Ye squinted at the paper stack on the table, "Did you anger him or something?"

"...not that I could think of"

"You sure?"

"I wouldn't be complaining as much if I knew what I did"

"Yea," he hummed as he picked up a random paper, "I mean, the questions here aren't that hard to answer. It's mostly the basic theory foundation of cultivating… the do's and don'ts in cultivation… Now that I think about it, isn't most of the paper here like that?"

"Mm," Yin Yue sat up, scratching the back of his hair. "I swear I even saw several questions being repeated… Did the old man give me someone else's by mistake?"

"No way, even if we are a single clan. Each of the five sects are independent with their own elder, Father doesn't have a hand in their internal affairs. So getting a paper task like this mixed up would be close to none. Especially since you're the only one studying under him"

"I hate this, I have to learn the lessons you learn PLUS the other four" Yin Yue groaned, scrunching his nose up in disgust, yet he still took a brush and continued on answering them one by one.

Meanwhile Guo Ye took another paper that contains the Alchemy questions.

It was filled with simple questions that didn't really go in depth about the Alchemy teachings. It's just asking "what is alchemy" and "when to use them" kind of questions. The general idea of them.

He took the elemental sect teachings question next, and it was the same. He skimmed through the stack, and it's all similar.

'Is Father going to make Ah Yin a jack of all trades?' he frowned, Being good in all areas is good in a way. But it also meant that he doesn't have a specialized area either.

Having something that you master in this dangerous world is key to surviving. That's why there are sects in this small clan. Heck, Even the five sects are just surface of the deep pond.

(A/N; just basic explanations, you can just skim through this part)

For example; the elemental sect will be broken to each element. Fire, earth, water, and air. Depending on the root the student is compatible with, they can have one or two elements they are good with. And depending on those, the students can take multiple courses.

The poison and puppetry sect is more of a sect created for those who preferred to avoid direct combat. They can be an assassin, a spy, or even a doctor. The poison and puppetry are sapperated to several courses, like for example; poison for medical needs or poison for combat or maybe for interrogation purposes.

The martial sect is pretty straightforward. Pick a weapon your comfortable with and go to a class that teaches you how to wield them properly. But they are all taught to enhance themself with ki to strengthen their muscles, etc.

The alchemy sect is not really a sect and more of a research institute. The first three years would be cramming all of the basic knowledge into their heads, the next five years would be the field trials with a senior that they partnered with, and then when they are finally senior, it's their turn to guide the juniors. The rest? It's up to them.

The Light and Dark sect is… a bit special. It's a sect that holds the hardest to categorize talents. Divinity teachings, Star readings, Fate counting, etc. Their teachings are also one of the most guarded between the five sects.

(A/N; yes it's not the best. But I tried, describing things like this isn't my forte)

"Just trust him," Guo Ye told his twin, "He probably have something in mind"

"Yea yea…" The rosenette grumbled, putting down the brush. "Im tired,"

"Then sleep,"

"But I dont want to,"

"Then dont,"

"Im bored,"


So... no update for 1 year, i dont have any other excuse except authors block.

I did already wrote for it, but it was too cliche; more cliche. The; something happens and they blame mc and kick him out kind of cliche. So i had to revise the entire thing. and ended up forgetting it after an author block.

Honestly I forgot about the male interest, I just remembered one. so any ideas? I would love hear them

sign, The Author

Alcainecreators' thoughts