
EVER AND NEVER END - Unreality Inreality

Enok is a young man full of failures in his life. One day she gets a VIP ticket to watch a concert from her childhood friend who has become a famous Diva. But after their meeting, a demon named Shetan appeared and caused panic in the city park. They parted ways, and Enok ran to save herself. However, fate took him to another path, namely death.

Rentsurugi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 01 : Proloug

Year 2023

Over time the world will continue to change because of the progress created by humans themselves. They always have desires, dreams, aspirations and goals to achieve success in life.

Everyone strives for it, they work hard for it. However, what about those whose lives are less fortunate or can be said to be unworthy, should they give up and surrender? Does anyone care? Or instead you blame their fate?

In this era, everyone lives in a system that is mutually beneficial for both parties. But there are not a few people out there who want to reach out to help each other, feed the poor, or even just small things like giving a piece of bread to children who pick up trash so they can sell it and get a piece of money to make a living. .

For example the fat guy in the tie is enjoying his meal in that restaurant with his elite entourage, I'm sure he must be really enjoying his life with the money he has. Buying houses, cars, women, whatever. (You're not fair god).

"Why do I always hate people like that, am I jealous of their lives?" I thought.

"Oi Mites! I've seen you just daydreaming in that trash can? Do you really like the smell, or are you part of it?"

"It's been raining heavily, wearing all black! Do you want to fly over to you?"

"Sorry sir, I'm sorting things out, who knows there are still things that can be used. Ahahaah"

"Ah, it suits you well. When you're done, hurry up and get inside, later if you get sick, my expenses will increase."

"Yes Sir!" ― "Commander, your father is the comm

The savage was gone. His name is Torang, the owner of this garbage factory. Its nature is like that. Hot-tempered, impatient, stingy, often drinks and brings prostitutes to work.

Damn it! Actually I don't want to work in a place like this, everyone claims to be god. But his behavior is nothing more than demonic.

Eng? You ask why I came to work in this place? Well, it's because I need money. Currently I live alone. No, actually I have a family, but because I'm a failure. their eyes all changed to mine.

That's why I decided to get out of the house and live in poverty in the middle of this glittering city full of disobedience.

"Why doesn't this world just end quickly, let trash humans like them die" ― "You bastard

thump! The sound of a trash can being kicked.

I looked up under the heavy drizzle of rain from the sky that looked dark. "Is the ending of my life will be as dark as the sky over there?"

It's already afternoon, time to go home from work and rest (I thought). But this fat savage always has extra work being given from him.

"Oi, don't go home yet. Help me move the things over there."

Tch! Just like calling people names. It's true that I haven't introduced my name to you, my name is Enok, a loser who lives in this mega-metropolis city.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied. then followed him from behind to a pile of boxes lined up against the ugly wall behind him.

"Don't fall, it is a very expensive valuable item"

Damn, this box is heavy too. What's in it? I then tried to peek through the tape that was slightly open.

"You see what's inside, tomorrow you don't work anymore"

"Fine, I'm sorry"

Life scenario. Those who are less fortunate will live to work hard. And even though you work hard, no one will come to praise you.

Torang cleaned his hands from the dust, he then took the money that was in the right pocket of his shirt.

"Here, your daily wages and a little bonus!"

I took it, then put on a happy face. Like a loser who just got a miracle from his god.

"Wow, thank you very much sir!"

What's a bonus, this is what my reward should be. But that's okay, I respect the intention. "I accept this money, Sir Torang."

"Ya,ya,ya. Get there quickly! You reek of trash!"

I stepped out of the rundown warehouse and saw outside it was still raining heavily. Actually, I could have gone home by taking the city bus, but I really needed that change.

"What can I do, I just walk"

Luckily I was wearing a hoodie. But just so you know, actually I always wear a hoodie every time I go out, so that people who have recognized me don't easily see this loser's face.

In the pouring rain, I was like a madman walking alone on the side of the road. Some people took shelter, and some people who were there laughed at me, yelling at me that I really was a madman. I looked down and ignored him. Keep walking watching my own steps in the middle of this pouring rain.

Arrived at boarding house 18:35

After taking a long shower with rainwater, the water inside the boarding house feels warm. I wonder why? is it because the water outside is colder?


I turned off the tap water, then I got out of the bathroom and immediately jumped into bed. Ahhh, my body feels like it's been beaten by someone. Sciatica and aches in every joint and bone. The tiredness in my body overcame the hunger in my stomach. My eyes started to get cloudy, they felt so heavy.

"I want to sleep for a while"


Behind the silence of my bedroom that looks like a trash can, I heard the vibration of the smartphone that I had placed on the table earlier. It must have been a phone call from someone. Somebody? Who is it? I have no one in this world, not even god. But why is the vibration sound taking so long? All right, you win smartphone.

I was very tired forced to get up to answer the call. But just as I was about to answer it, the call stopped. I then put the smartphone back on the table.

PiP! PiP! Incoming voicemail.

"Shit! Torang must be annoyed because I didn't pick up his phone call"

I took the smartphone back from the table, and I opened what the message contained.

"New number? Who"

The contents of the message;

"Enok, how are you? It's me Lyla, I hope you are healthy now. I want to invite you tomorrow at my first concert as a Diva, don't worry, you are a VIP guest for me. Just show them this message later. Come, okay? don't let it be. Lyla!"

Heh hee hahahaha!! I laughed happily in loneliness in a room that looked like a pile of trash. My heart is so lonely, my happy tears come out.

"God, so you really exist!?" I shouted releasing the anger of my hatred towards him.

I didn't expect that he still remembers a loser like me. Even though we haven't seen each other and haven't updated each other since 10 years ago. But I'm really very happy, this way I can give something that I really wanted to give him since we became friends.