

Birds chirped as the morning sun spilled into the small simple room. The bright light blinded Andi as she groggily woke up. Her body ached as if it had been ran over by a car. Her vision slowly restored showing a brightly lit small room fill with wooden furniture. The room looked cheaply made but cozy. Andi struggled to sit up before hearing footsteps coming towards the room, suddenly the door flew open revealing a small boy caring a tray with a bowl on it.

"Sister your finally awake!!" He exclaimed as he let himself in the room.

The boy was small, no more than six years old, with a rounded face and bright blue eyes. He had porcelain skin and dark brown hair. He looked like he could be a doll if it wasn't for how worn down he looked. While his face still held some baby fat his small body was as skinny as a stick and the skin on his hands showed blisters and calluses from hard work. From looking at his eyes Andi could tell that while young he had already been forced to grow up.

"Sister I made some soup for when you woke up, wait you shouldn't be sitting up on your own, you're still hurt." The young boy said as he rushed over to her side.

Andi looked at him confused, just who was his sister. As far as she knew she only ever had sisters never a younger brother, and her sisters where both adults and neither where nice enough to make her food or help her if she was injured. So just who was this little boy?

Andi looking at the unfamiliar room decided not to say anything yet and addressed the most important thing on her mind first.

"uhm… what happened, why am I sitting injured in this bed?" She asked the small boy.

"Y-you don't remember?" the boy was slightly amazed at his sister's skills of being forgetful. She did something so brave but stupid and dangerous and she didn't even remember.

"You were walking with the princess when a horse pulled cart suddenly came speeding at the princess, you pushed her out of the way and got hit, luckily most of the injures you sustained were small otherwise how could we afford a doctor, really you never think before you act!" the boy huffed, putting on an angry face, but Andi could feel the concern and love behind it.

A horse pulled cart? A princess? … what was this kid talking about? But before she could ask anything she saw a small portion of her long hair fall forward…. Long hair? She has always had short hair; long hair was just too much to take care of for her. She looked at the lock of hair and then at her hands, like the young boys her hands where covered in blisters and calluses. She scrunched her eye brows together confused.

"B-brother, um can you get me a mirror?"

"Sure?" the boy looked at her confused by her sudden request.

After setting the food down on the nightstand he left and brought back a small old and rusted hand mirror. The glass had a slight fog over it from old age but it worked well enough. The reflection she saw back confused her. The girl in the reflection looked slightly like her but not at the same time. The girl was younger, around 15-16 years old, with bright blue doe eyes. She had fair skin and instead of freckles covering her face she had two small reddish brown dot birthmarks under each of her eyes. Her hair was a dark brown and fell all the way to her waist. Unlike her past self she wasn't chubby at all instead she was too skinny making her body look a little awkward like it would have a hard time holding itself up.

"Who, where…. When..." She looked at the boy with a confused face before asking "Who am I?"

The boy looked at her like she had just asked the stupidest question.

"You're my sister, Andrea, what's wrong with you? … Wait do you really not remember?" he looked concerned and then abruptly got up.

"I'll go get a doctor to look at you" he went to rush out but before he could Andi grabbed his arm.

"no, wait you just said we don't have the money for a doctor, I… um think I know what's going on."

The young boy looked at her with worry and doubt.

"What's going on then?" he asked eyeing the door obviously thinking that he still needed to get a doctor.

Andi had to think of something quickly, even if he brought a doctor she doubted the doctor could cure her being a different person, he might even think she's crazy and who knows what could happen then. Plus, like the boy had said, this small family obviously didn't have much money she couldn't let what they had go to waste.

"I... I have amnesia" she spouted out.

The young boy looked confused at his sister.

"Amnesia? What's that?"

The girl rushed to explain "Umm basically its when you hit your head too hard and forget things." She tried to explain it in the simplest way possible.

"So.. you even forgot who you are?"

Andi breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the boy was starting to believe her.

"Yes, I forgot most everything, I can't even remember where I am… I'm probably going to need sometime before I began to remember things."

She hoped that this explanation would at least buy her sometime before she figures out where that heck she is or how she even got there.

I tried to make this chapter a little longer, I'm also going to try to write ahead a bit so I can create a more regular update schedule. Anyways, I appreciate any comments telling me what you think, and also feel free to tell me if you see any mistakes, I edited it all myself so I apologize if there is any! c:

Hollowluvcreators' thoughts