
First Showdown

After taking care of the five who had been looking for them quickly, they enter through a narrow entrance that Maro had told them about and the entrance had no one and as they get deeper they come to a curve where they hear Orc voices. As they get closer they see Zenon surrounded by Orcs. Then Axel puts his plan into practice. Zenon was trying to get loose when he felt something in his ear.

- Be quiet sir Zenon it's me Maro, don't do anything and don't say anything I will let you go. Axel and the others are here to help you. - Close your eyes, the show's about to start.

Maro goes up to the ceiling and lets out a burst of light that blinds the Orcs. Axel and the others enter and attack the Orcs, Zenon gets loose and takes the gun Axel threw at him and attacks the ones near him in a spin. The enemies are taken by surprise and fall one by one. Axel goes up to Zenon and greets him.

- You'd better get ready, here come more. - As soon as Elisa finishes speaking the reinforcements arrive and prepare to shoot arrows.

- Shoot!

- SCUDD! - Nyara creates a barrier that protects them from the arrows - FIRE BALL!

- COME ON! - Sarah takes advantage and invokes an elemental that was a spider made of lightning so Sarah tells her to attack and the spider creates a shower of lightning that kills the archers.

- Very good, we got them all! - Says Axel looking at the Orcs to see if there were any alive - "No, we didn't.

- No, we didn't. There is still one more at the bottom of the cave. There is someone there and something very bad is also together with this person.

- Are you sure Maro?

- Yes, I am sure.

- What do you want to do Axel?

- Let's go before they come.

- No way Axel, a barrier prevents us from getting out, he imprisoned us here, he wants to kill us anyway. - Elisa who had returned from the tunnel that went to the exit - Both this and the other passage have a barrier.

- Damn. Well, if he's waiting for us, let's not disappoint him Miss Maro, show us the way.

- Of course.

Walking through the narrow tunnel they arrive at a large narrow and poorly lit area where the only light comes from a small hole at the top that shows a place lined with soldiers' bodies and a person wearing a long black hood in the center. Who looks at them and claps his hands.

- Not bad they are smarter than these Iron Dragon idiots, you know I can tell they didn't get past my Orcs. Well, that's good.

- It's over for you, give up! - says Axel pointing his sword, Sarah was preparing an invocation.

- Do you really think I will give up Axel? I am from the dark clan, we don't give up our missions. And soon you will join these bodies.

They hear grunts and in the darkness behind the enemy begin to appear several yellow eyes that soon disappear and the group hears a noise from above and dodge when something falls between them. The monsters that were three had black skin and from the belly up was the body of a woman and the legs were spider legs. Its hands were claws and its mouth dripped poison, its hair was gray and quite disheveled, and next to it were several spiders of measured sizes.

- Damn it's an Arkini, I hate Arkinis. Sarah looks like it's a reunion of your family.

- Shut up.

- My pets, kill them.

- Split up and be careful with the bites, my friends are poisonous. - Says Zenon -

- For Agaron! - shouts Elisa and casts a magic on her friends that leaves their bodies with a light blue glow that increases their strength and resistance. -

Separately they attacked the spiders and dodged the Arkinis that were twice the size of normal men and their skin was resistant to common attacks. The place was tight that didn't leave much room to move. Sarah summons a medium fire elemental that had the appearance of a wolf. She sends it to attack with fireballs that burn the spiders easily. Zenon used his dexterity to dodge and attack the spiders by piercing them in the head with his dagger. And Axel, who was not far away, cut the spiders masterfully with his sword. Then Arkini advances and he jumps and attacks first cutting his arm and lastly piercing his belly and cutting it in half.

- Zenon and Elisa take care of the spiders.

- Ok.

- Sarah give me support. - Arkini gets angry and moves forward with his claws to attack then a fireball hits his face leaving him dizzy. Then he sees Nyara drawing one of her swords to attack one hand and with her free hand she releases a fireball again.

- Stay alert knight! - She laughs and dodges the small spider attack.

Zenon dodges the clawed attack with a great leap and pierces the beast's back and then cuts off an arm and one of its legs and Elisa finishes with her blessed sword slices and dices the beast's head.

- Galera ducks down. Come to me Hilda. - A circle of light blue magic appears from the ground and from it a woman shaped elemental appears wearing what looked like a toga and in her hand she had a bow and arrow. Hilda THROWS ICE LANCES! - She throws powerful ice spears in the direction of the spiders she still had and at Arkini's body who even with her head cut off was dangerous.

- Not bad Arkini.

- Shut up Nyara

- It's over for you-we killed your beasts! - says Sarah scornfully.

- You really think you've defeated me-I haven't even begun. - She lets out a dark laugh-

- Aff when he starts laughing like that things always get ugly- says Zenon with a sigh-

- When Nyara takes a step towards the enemy something attacks her and throws her away and then she is lifted up by a bigger Arkini than the others that was on the ceiling that holds Nyara in its web.

- Damn it had to be the mother of all. - Zenon says with his mouth open

- Zenon you and your mouth. - says Elisa, hitting him on the head.

- Sorry my love but I had to say that laugh I couldn't give my comment.

- I'm not your love.

- So mean.

- You are going to die. - The enemy flies and stands on the beast's shoulder- Kill them all!!! The beast opens its mouth to eat Nyara.

- Will someone give me a hand? - it says trying to get loose.

- I'll help you Miss Nyara.

- DARK SPHERES! - says the dark guy and the sphere hits Zenon's chest, throwing him against the wall.

- I'll take you and your mascot down. The two attack, but the monster's skin was more resistant than the other and didn't suffer any damage. - Sarah says surprised -

- Of course my pet is different from the others and I'll start with this one first. - Points to Nyara- Eat it. The beast opens its mouth and eats Nyara.

- Elisa, I need support with your blessing. Sarah, use your magic, better spells on him, Zenon comes with me.

- Why save her, Axel? She won't be missed.

- Sarah!

- Okay, okay. Fireball wolf! - The wolf hits the beast's chest while Elisa casts a magic on Zenon and Axel of agility that leaves them wrapped in a red aura. - Go Soon Axel. FIRE BALL!

- Give me a hand Zenon

- Of course brother. - Zenon prepares by joining his hands and throws Axel up and he leaves his sword on fire and attacks cutting the beast's chest, but the beast is fast and catches him and throws him against the wall.

- Idiot thinks that will stop him. The beast will attack closer to Axel and he is startled when he sees Nyara opening her mouth.

- Nobody eats me you stupid beast now open your mouth and say Aaah. - Her fist goes up in flames and she punches him in the mouth and jumps on the open hand and frees Axel and cuts off the beast's hand. - Ew that's disgusting, ew. - And it cleans itself. -

- Thank you!

- No problem. Whoever you are already pissed me off.

- Shut up and die BLACK RAY!

- Oh no, you bastard! SCULPTURE OF LIGHT! AND DIVINE CORENTE! - Says Elisa who defends Nyara and Axel from the attack and white chains emerge from the ground and bind the beast. Which makes him angry.

- That won't hold me.

- It will for long enough. Axel, Sarah, Nyara attack together at my signal.

- Okay!

- I won't let you try. - He tries to conjure the magic but the chains don't come off. -But what the hell is this?

- Now people!

- FIRE BLADE. - Says Axel with his sword in flames that with one cut he throws blades of fire towards the beast.

- Andira RAY TEMPESTADES. - Says Sarah and the spider creates powerful lightning-

- FLAMING TORNADO. - Says Nyara her gloves go up in flames and she creates a large tornado.- FLAMING TORNADO. - Says Nyara her gloves go up in flames and she creates a large tornado.