
Evan's Journey: from Earth to Hestia.

Evan Hawthorne, a young man with an androgynous beauty, has always faced discrimination and isolation because of his appearance. His life takes an even stranger turn when he discovers that he can become pregnant, leading to his family's complete rejection. Desperate and alone, Evan finds himself in a tragic car accident, only to awaken in a magical forest on the planet Hestia.

Taishabrice · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter XI

After the incident, Isabella became overprotective of us, especially me. I guess she saw how fragile I was compared to Zane. She wouldn't let me go hunting with Zane anymore. She wouldn't let me go fishing, and she rarely let me go gather fruits with him. It's been seven days since the incident, and we're nearing the eighth month of the year. I've noticed the villagers starting their preparations for the journey to the Kingdom of Lumina, and I'm very excited about it. I've even made a small list of things I want to find there that I can't get here.

On my list:

1. Books in Esthian language to learn and understand more about this world.

2. Herbs and spices not found in Eldergrove.

3. Tools and materials for crafting and cooking.

4. Fabrics and threads for making new clothes.

5. Seeds for plants I haven't seen here but remember from Earth.

Now that I'm not allowed to join Zane on his expeditions, I spend more time at home and around the village. This has allowed me to get closer to the villagers, Isabella, and the girls. During my "confinement," I've learned a few things. For instance, Lila's element is water, and Mira's element is fire.

Mira is a bit of a tomboy. She's direct, honest, and doesn't mince her words, but she's also kind. She enjoys activities traditionally done by men, which isn't frowned upon here but makes her stand out among the other girls in the village. Lila, on the other hand, is her opposite. She's sweet, gentle, and nurturing. She dotes on me a bit too much, considering I'm older than she is, but I don't mind. It's everything I ever wanted in a family but never had. Now that I do, I find it more than enough.

With more free time on my hands, I've taken up a few activities. I've been making objects I used to use on Earth. In the kitchen, I made yeast, and everyone loved the pastries and bread I baked. I tried making wine with a fruit that resembles grapes. The fruit, which the villagers call "talgor," doesn't have all the characteristics of grapes, but it's delicious nonetheless.

I write all my adventures in my journal, which has become a thrilling activity for me. I've also tried pottery. The soil here is perfect for pottery. I found a patch of clay-rich soil and made plates, mugs, and pots. Isabella was thrilled and suggested I make more for the house.

After the incident, I felt that Zane and I had grown closer. Perhaps the danger brought us together. Despite being confined to the village, I felt our bond strengthen every day. We talked more, shared more about our lives, and spent our evenings together, discussing everything from mundane tasks to our hopes and dreams.

One evening, while we were sitting by the fireplace, Zane turned to me with a thoughtful expression. "You know, Evan, I'm really glad you're here. You've brought so much joy and light into our lives," he said, his voice sincere.

I blushed, feeling warmth spread through me. "I'm glad to be here too, Zane. This place, this family... it means everything to me."

Zane smiled, and for a moment, we just looked at each other, the fire casting flickering shadows on our faces. It was a simple yet profound moment, one that deepened our connection even more.

Every day, I found myself looking forward to these quiet moments with Zane. Whether we were working on a project together, sharing a meal, or just talking, I cherished every second. I knew that our bond was something special, and I was grateful for it.

As we continued our preparations for the journey to the Kingdom of Lumina, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The adventure ahead was sure to be filled with challenges and discoveries, but I knew that as long as Zane and I were together, we could face anything.

With each passing day, I felt more at home in Eldergrove. The villagers had become my friends, and Isabella, Lila, and Mira had become my family. And with Zane by my side, I knew that I had found something truly extraordinary.