
Evan's Journey: from Earth to Hestia.

Evan Hawthorne, a young man with an androgynous beauty, has always faced discrimination and isolation because of his appearance. His life takes an even stranger turn when he discovers that he can become pregnant, leading to his family's complete rejection. Desperate and alone, Evan finds himself in a tragic car accident, only to awaken in a magical forest on the planet Hestia.

Taishabrice · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter VIII

It was a day like any other when Zane and I set out for a hunting expedition. My role during these trips was to help transport the game and gather additional resources along the way. We were running low on meat, so this hunt was particularly important. As we walked our usual path, I picked some medicinal herbs. I had found a plant that resembled cotton last time, and I gathered a lot more this time. With my knowledge from Earth, I planned to use it to make bandages and soft padding for our bedding.

As we continued on our route, something felt off. We hadn't encountered any animals, not even a two-horned rabbit. Zane began to find it strange as well. "It's odd," he murmured, scanning the surroundings. "If there are no animals around, it usually means there's a larger predator nearby."

We searched and searched, but found nothing. Deciding not to return empty-handed, we changed our plans and headed towards the river to fish. As we walked, I suddenly heard a deep, rumbling noise. It was a sinister growl that made my entire body tremble with fear. I turned to see what it was, and in the next moment, I heard a thud. Zane had been hit and was sent flying, crashing against a large rock.

Before I could process what was happening, an enormous bear-like creature appeared. It was about two meters tall, with a massive black and brown body, four powerful arms, and a huge head. It growled and roared, the sound echoing through the forest.

I wanted to run to Zane, but he shouted, "Hide! I'll handle this. Just stay safe!"

"Can you really defeat this thing alone? I don't know how I can help, but—" I started, but Zane cut me off.

"Go hide! Now!" he yelled, more forcefully than I had ever heard him.

I flinched at the intensity in his voice. This was the first time I had seen Zane so serious and determined, despite being injured and covered in scratches. He charged at the creature, and I ran to find a hiding spot.

The creature, which Zane later called a "Tetrabear," continued its battle with Zane. Zane, with his extraordinary strength and earth element, created walls of stone to block and attack the Tetrabear. The ground trembled under the force of their clash. Zane's fists, empowered with earth magic, landed heavy blows on the beast, but the Tetrabear was relentless, its four arms giving it a terrifying advantage.

As I hid behind a tree, one of the stone walls Zane created was shattered by the creature. A piece of debris hit me on the head, and I felt a sharp pain before blood started to trickle down. My vision blurred, and I began to lose consciousness. The last thing I saw was Zane trying to reach me, only to be struck by a powerful swipe from the Tetrabear's claws, slashing across his back.

Then, everything went black.