
Evan's Journey: from Earth to Hestia.

Evan Hawthorne, a young man with an androgynous beauty, has always faced discrimination and isolation because of his appearance. His life takes an even stranger turn when he discovers that he can become pregnant, leading to his family's complete rejection. Desperate and alone, Evan finds himself in a tragic car accident, only to awaken in a magical forest on the planet Hestia.

Taishabrice · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter IV

I woke up to the sight of a wooden ceiling above me. Lying there, I took a moment to process everything that had happened. "Everything happened so fast," I thought. "One moment I discovered that I have the ability to get pregnant. The next, I died in an accident, woke up in a forest, and met a kind family in this strange new world." I sighed, shaking my head slightly. "Everything is so weird right now, but I don't care. In the first place, I never really felt like I belonged on Earth."

My stomach growled loudly, making me laugh awkwardly. "I better go see what I can find to eat," I said to myself. I got out of bed and headed toward the door. Just as I was stepping out of the bedroom, I saw Lila, Zane's sister.

"Oh, you're finally awake," she said with a bright smile. "You were so tired that you immediately fell asleep. We decided to let you rest. It's already morning."

I was a bit surprised. I hadn't realized I'd slept for so long. "Oh, that explains why I'm so hungry," I thought to myself.

"Let's go eat," Lila said cheerfully. "Mom and Mira are finishing up breakfast. It's almost ready." She took my hand and led me down the wooden stairs to the kitchen.

Downstairs, the kitchen was bustling with activity. The smell of fresh food filled the air. Isabella, Zane's mother, was setting dishes on the table, and Mira was helping by preparing the last of the meal.

Isabella looked up and smiled warmly when she saw me. "Oh, you're awake! Come, sit down and eat with us. How are you feeling? Did you sleep well? Are you not tired anymore?"

Feeling a bit shy but grateful, I responded, "No, I'm good now. Thanks."

"Come on, sit down," Isabella encouraged me. Everyone was busy helping with the final preparations.

As I took a seat, I noticed Zane was not with us. "Is Zane not joining us?" I asked.

Lila chuckled. "Oh, he's coming. He was just washing up. We can start eating; he'll be here soon."

I nodded, feeling an unusual warmth in my chest. It was the first time I was genuinely happy to have a meal with others. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the loneliness I had felt before. As we began to eat, I realized that maybe, just maybe, I had finally found a place where I could belong.

As we were eating, Zane appeared and apologized for being late. "Sorry for the delay," he said, taking a seat at the table. We continued our meal, and I took in everything around me.

The table was set with a simple yet hearty meal. There was bread, though not the soft kind I was used to, but rather a denser, rougher bread. There was also a pot of soup, steaming and fragrant, and small pastries that looked like medieval treats. Among the dishes, I noticed boiled eggs, but they were much larger than normal chicken eggs.

The aroma of the food was comforting, and as we ate, I started to feel more at ease. I began to get to know Zane's family better through our table conversation. Lila and Mira were lively and engaging, while Isabella's warmth made me feel at home.

"So, Evan," Isabella asked, "where are you from?"

"It's a bit complicated," I said, not sure how much to reveal. "I guess you could say I'm from far away."

Lila smiled, "Well, we're glad you're here with us now."

Mira added, "Yes, it's nice to have new company."

Zane, finishing his meal, spoke up. "I have some daily tasks to take care of. Yesterday, I hunted a wild boar, so today I'm going fishing and foraging for fruits. Evan, would you like to come with me?"

I was intrigued by the idea and nodded. "Yes, I'd like that. But first, I need to wash up."

Isabella nodded and handed me some clothes. "Here, take some of Zane's clothes. They might be a bit big, but they should do."

I thanked her and asked Lila where I could wash. She led me to a small washroom. I took my time, enjoying the feel of the cool water washing away the dirt and stress of the past few days. Once I was clean, I put on the clothes Isabella had given me. They were a bit large, but they were clean and comfortable.

Feeling refreshed, I joined Zane outside. "Ready?" he asked with a smile.

"Ready," I replied, feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity about what lay ahead.

Together, we set off into the forest, heading towards a nearby river where Zane said we could catch some fish. The morning air was crisp and the forest was alive with sounds. As we walked, Zane pointed out different plants and explained their uses. His knowledge of the forest was impressive, and I found myself feeling grateful for his guidance.