
Etraisa's Phantoms

Quakey · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


A gentle breeze was let in through the open window of the study. A breeze wasn't the only thing that entered though, surprising as it is.

The King's study was well guarded, no one should have been able to get in. The castle walls were not climbable, and the corridors much to confusing. It was firtually impossible to get in with out a guide. Enless that somebody had a Phantom. A powerful ability. And this someone did.

A cloaked figure krept through the open window of the empty study. The King had not arrived just yet. There was still time for her to blend. She thrust out her hands, as a dark mist began to wrap around her, her figure beginning to fade. Within moments, she was invisible. An unseen smile was on her face as she moved towards the closed door, just as it was thrown open. She stepped back into the shadows, away from the now revealing light of the corridor.

His majesty entered, arguing with an advisor before slamming the door in their face. He walked to his desk, falling into his chair, clearly deprived of sleep. He had been focused on ending this cursed war, resulting in him getting little to no sleep each night. It was a perfect opportunity for an assassin. As the woman stepped out of the shadows, summoning a knife from a ring on her finger, she approached the king.

When she was in range, she spoke.

"Long live the king."

As his blood pooled on the ground, she turned to leave, but felt a sharp pain in her leg. She looked down to see a knife in it. She turned around seeing a small girl clutching another knife. She smiled at the child, pulling out the knife and healing herself.

As she crouched to the girl's level, she took the knife from her hands.

"You must be the princess. Quite alot of fight for such a young thing. I was supposed to kill all the witnesses, but I think I have a better idea. I'll just take you with me."

She whispered softly to her.

The woman grabbed her hand, dragging her along. The little girl fought her, but was clearly not able to do any harm. The woman wrapped dark tendrils around the girl, knocking her unconscious. The woman's allies waited below, using their phantoms to float her down to the ground. She looked at the girl in her arms.

"You and I are going to have alot of fun."

Please tell me what yall think!! I love constructive criticism

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