

a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.

adesida_mercy_4232 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


Growing up I wasn't always a bad kid, come to think of it back then I had a normal childhood I had friends and didn't have to worry much. but times change.

"Hi" my name is Cassy and I am going to be the narrator of this story. so relax we still have a long way to go.

have I said I had a pretty normal childhood not until I started doing drugs? well, can you blame me, I was diagnosed with Generalized anxiety disorder? didn't know what it meant then all I can remember was my mother crying after I got diagnosed. At the age of 12, my dad raped couldn't do anything about it. why? because my mother was weak and I never wish to become like her. then I started doing drugs cause it was the only way of leaving in my own world and forget everything that ever happened to me. I didn't know that I will get this addicted to myself it felt like heaven. at age 15 I took my first hallucinogens (e.g. LSD) and I must say it felt so good. at least for that time. I don t know my all world would jet crumble before my eyes. one Sunday after church, we all got home, suddenly felt the urge to do drugs so I went to my room to quickly sniff in some Cocaine and some Crack. only for me to back and saw my mum looking has tears rolled down her eye at that I really knew I fucked up big time.