

Plan. Analyse. Design. Code. Test. Debug. Release and Repeat. A Developer's life revolves around this simple lifecycle. Caught in an unknown accident, Noah, a young alpha tester is reincarnated into the game world he was testing. Moreover, in a world that is soon to meet its end. Blessed by the goddess of infinite possibilities, Noah is granted an ability to live the world with his previous developer's privileges. Open Console. Execute Script: script-0.sh ===== Reader Disclaimer: The first few chapters were written in haste to get my idea on paper. Please add comments if anything turns out too confusing (Some are intended lol, will be explained as the story progresses). Hopefully my language will also get better with time as well. Hope you enjoy the story. ===== Credit to KnightOwl for novel cover background. ===== Discord: TBA Patreon: TBA

k_a_m_u_i · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 9

Unlike the other rooms so far, the ice spirits library room was very decorated. Patterns of the temple of ice covered almost every single object in this room.

Each shelf contained spirits from the same species. The spirits materialised in the form of different species. Ranging from fairies to even dragons.

The spirits were considered to be strong trancended beings who died centuries back.

For some inexplicable reason, only humans or part human blooded were capable of forming contracts with spirits. People from other species weren't able to form a contract even when the contractor was of the same species as the spirit. That said, other species were strong even without forming contracts as they had larger mana capacity and affinity than humans.

Going over the books, Noah found records of spirits and their contractors. The powers and techniques there were able to exhibit and so on. Only a few books had the conditions to summon them listed. All in all, Noah considered this to be a high success and started scanning over all the books before putting it back exactly how he found it.

Done with the tedious task, Noah composed himself to enter the last room: the forbidden spirits room.

Tapping the library card against the door, Noah entered the last room.

The room was pitch black. There wasn't even the slightest hint of light coming from anywhere in the room.

The moment he entered the room, the door closed behind him leaving him in the pitch black room.

Turning around Noah decided to head back to the four before he got lost. But for some reason even after taking a few steps, he was not able to feel the door that should've been in front of him.

The darkness of the room started to interfere with his sense of direction and time.

Looking at the mini map in the corner of his field of view he was able to find the position of the door and estimate the size of the room based on how many steps he had taken.

Now confident knowing the way back to exit the pitch-black room, Noah decided to explore the room a bit more before he left, albeit slowly by feeling what's in front with his hand.

Noah could feel a column pedestal as he reached the centre of the room. On the pedestal, Noah could feel a thick book with his hands.

As the only way to read the book was to leave with it outside, Noah tried to pick it up from the pedestal.

However, no matter how much he tried, he was not able to move the book from the pedestal.

As he was about to leave, Noah decided to try one last attempt to take the book.

Touching the book, Noah activated Inventory. As the command activated the book disappeared from his hand.

With his goal now achieved, Noah exited back to the spirit room.

'Is this what the robber who took the weapon manuals felt,' Noah chuckled with excitement.

Taking out the book from his inventory, Noah could finally see one of the forbidden spirit book. It had black leather cover with thin intricate designs and archaic characters written all around it.

Unable to contain his excitement, Noah opened the book. At the first page of the book there was only one word written. Although it was written in a language he didn't know, Noah somehow felt he knew what it was.

"Skade. Skadi?"

Dugen. Dugen.

The moment the name was uttered, the book started beating like it had a heart.

Feeling that something went very wrong, Noah rushed back inside the forbidden room and kept the book back on the pedestal.

Noah could feel his body temperature dropping slowly.

Feeling the unnatural change, Noah rushed out of the library after thanking the librarian quickly. By the time Noah reached the bathhouse in the temple, his body had turned pale white. Much to his luck, there wasn't anyone at the bathhouse.

Sinking into the hot bath, Noah could finally breathe a sigh of relief and close his eyes. He could feel himself falling into a deep sleep.

As his consciousness slipped, he could see himself in a forest. Snow kept falling heavily, while the trees gently swayed. From the distance a tall lady approached him wearing what looked like an armour made with the remains of beasts. Her long white braided hair sat gently on her shoulder. With her fierce light blue, she eyed Noah as if she was aiming for her prey.

Noah couldn't take a step from where he stood. The snow that was on his foot didn't even allow him to lift his legs.

"Hmm… weak… but you'll do," the lady finally spoke after circling around him.

Bringing her hand forward, she covered Noah's face with her hand and started reciting in archaic.

Soon after sparks started flying.

Forcing contract over user… Forcefully creating Master-Servant contract between Master Skadi and Servant Noah…10%

Noah could only helplessly curse in his mind, unable to move while watching the progress increase as the recital continued from the tall lady.

Trying to gather all his strength in his hands, Noah tried to move only to be faced with a arrogant smile from the tall lady.


Faced with no other option to physically get away, Noah used Distort, which also failed.

Watching time run out, Noah opened up the console window to inspect all the changes happening to him through the logs.

Glossing over, Noah finally found a ray of hope among the items in the log: the Master-Slave contract.


'please let this work…'

Noah used Distort on the contract.

Noticing the flow of mana, the tall lady's expression just got wider as her voice echoed in Noah's mind.

'Struggle however much you want, boy'

Ignoring the painful voice, Noah continued to focus on his skill. This time a lot of parameters started floating in front if his eyes.

The contract was the most one sided contract he had ever seen, true to it's name.

The servant is to always address the master with respect… All requests from the master have to be faithfully fulfilled by the servant… the contract can only be dissolved by the master… and so on.

Noah continued skimming the contract pausing after finally finding what he was looking for.

Master: Skadi

Servant: Noah

Betting everything on this last hope, Noah waited for the moment the progress hit 99% before completing his distort skill to modify the two parameters.

The moment the skill completed, Skadi noticed the fluctuation in the contract spell but it was too late.

Force fully created Master-Slave contract between Master Noah and Servnat Skadi.

Ice element awakened.

Mana +200

Ice affinity +1%

You can now use skills with the ice attribute by learning magic circles based on your intelligence.

You can now form contracts with ice spirits based on your affinity.

Ice spirit contract created.

Mana +200

Ice affinity +1%

You can now learn ice spirit unique skills by learning magic circles and relationship with your contracted spirit.

New skill learnt: Spell Distortion.

Distort any spell while the target is casting. Success rate of the skill depends on the complexity of the spell, level of skill and awareness of target spell caster.