

Daoist77M9rh · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


5 months passed and Riley was still doing he's hero deeds. Some folks knows him and his good actions, sometimes he gets rejected but he didn't cared and looks for another. After getting busy again, he protects the lambs from the wolves. The wolves were more feral so he unsheathes his sword and swings it accurately at the feral animals. He took out seven but more were coming. He gets scared of the numbers of the wolves. Then he gets save by hunters from their village.

He was lucky that someone had rescued him this time. After the encounter, he washes himself near a river. He was covered with wolfs blood and he sits down exhausted. 

He then hears a scream of a girl from the other side. He quickly grabs his sword and charges from the noise. While searching for the noise, he sees a girl getting beat up by a group of kids too. The group of kids were at the same age as Riley. Riley hides his sword and will solve this problem using his fist. He jumps and drop kicks the biggest one in the group. He then punches the left ones, it didn't took long for Riley to get gang up and gets beaten. They ripped his cape that his mother gifted him. He only sees the girl looking at him, crying for him and shouting to stand up. 

Riley stands up, he eats all the punches and punched one of them and send him flying. This made them run away and even the big kid runs off. Riley then took a stone and throw it at them and shouting "don't ever come back!". Riley was full of bruises and also has a black eye. He ignores the pain and asked the girl if she's alright. The girls hair was messy and even has a leaf on it. The color of her eyes are dark red, she stopped crying and was grateful for his help. Riley drags her to the near river and washes her face that was filled with soil. 

Riley then offers her to get healed up by his mother. The girl hesitated and before she could say a word, Riley introduced himself to her. The girl says her name to him, her name was cenna. She lives close to the haige village but a little isolated. Riley said her mothers name is Fiona and he said she can help them feel okay. Cenna was shy and doesn't talk and goes first. Cenna just gave him a nod and her hands were grabbed by Riley heading to the haige village. They arrived at the house and his mother, Fiona, was shocked from Riley's face. She heals him up quickly and heals cenna without a second thought. Fiona senses cenna is a witch just like her from the past. She remained silent because she sees Riley and cenna can be good friends. 

After a long talk, Riley offers her a bread and a hot milk. Riley forces her because Riley is a straight forward brat who doesn't think twice. Riley shoves the bread in her mouth, cenna laughs instead of getting uncomfortable. The two laughed getting more close to each other in a second. It was about to get dark and Riley was hoping he can see her tomorrow. Cenna wants to see him too, so she said yes and waves goodbye shyly. Riley's mind suddenly sparks and realizes he left the sword in the wood. He hits his head on the table twice and rolls over from disappointment. He goes to the bed feeling frustrated and acting like he's about to die when he doesn't say anything. 

In the morning, Riley goes out early in the morning. He sees his left sword Infront of the door, Riley was happy and throws it away because her mother walks around still sleepy. He greets his mother good morning and goes to pick up the sword and heads outside. The town was so peaceful now, Riley sits down on the fields admiring the view. Cenna walks towards him and asked if she could sit next to him. They sit closed to eachother and watches the clear blue sky. Riley and cenna talked about their dreams. Cenna said she wants to have a nice fair job in a kingdom someday when she grows up. Riley proudly said he will become the strongest hero there is. Cenna was astonished from Riley's dreams and gave him an applause. 

They head back to Riley's house and spends their time to each other.