
Eternal Scroll of Gods and Demons

Accidentally crossing over to the Tian Dou Continent, he was burdened with all sorts of misfortune. But by chance, he awakened a mysterious ancient scroll. From then on, he harbored both gods and demons within him. With a snap of his fingers, mountains and rivers changed, and with a wave of his hand, the heavens and earth shattered.

bjorn_jung · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

The Unluckiest Time Traveler

"Hey, what are you guys doing? Where are you dragging me?"

As soon as he opened his eyes, Gu Wei panicked.

Because at this moment, he was being dragged forward by two unfamiliar young men dressed in ancient clothing, one on each side, their actions rough to the extreme, as if dragging a dead dog.

"Huh? He's not dead yet?"

"Hmph, waking up just in time. He dared to harass the master's concubine, so he deserves to be burned alive along with his sister."

The two young men turned their heads, their faces full of cruel grins.

Harassing the master's concubine?

To be burned alive?

What despicable things had he done?

Gu Wei was instantly dumbfounded.

He remembered traveling to Mount Emei in Sichuan with his girlfriend for a vacation, only to accidentally fall off a cliff. He thought he would be smashed to pieces, but instead of dying, he woke up again and found himself in this inexplicable place.

This wasn't the lush forest at the foot of Mount Emei. Instead, it was a courtyard with ancient arches all around.


Just as he was feeling confused, a torrent of memories suddenly flooded into his mind.

"I... have traveled to another world?"

Fusing with this sudden influx of memories, he was instantly shocked.

This wasn't Earth, there was no Mount Emei, and certainly no girlfriend.

This was a place called the Tian Dou Continent, where martial arts prevailed and the strong were respected.

And he, was a collateral disciple of the Gu Clan in the Crimson Dragon Empire, named Gu Wei.

Although he was from a collateral branch, his talent for cultivation was extremely high. Just reaching adulthood, his cultivation level far surpassed those so-called direct line geniuses.

Two days ago, he received a message from the clan leader, saying he wanted to meet him alone.

He was extremely excited, thinking that his high talent in cultivation had attracted the attention of the clan leader.

And as long as he gained the favor of the clan leader, opportunities would arise for him to shine in the clan despite his humble status as a collateral disciple.


Just as he was about to go, instead of the clan leader waiting for him, it was Su Chengxue.

Su Chengxue, a concubine taken by the clan leader half a year ago, was only twenty years old and incredibly beautiful.

Seeing that the clan leader was not present, Gu Wei instantly realized that something was amiss.

But before he could react, the door of the study slammed shut with a bang.

Subsequently, Su Chengxue took the initiative to approach him, behaving flirtatiously, and uttering shameless words.

As a disciple of the Gu Clan, especially a humble collateral disciple, Gu Wei naturally knew the consequences of offending the concubine of the clan leader.

So, he wisely chose to withdraw and tried to rush out of the study.

However, just as he turned around, the door of the study was kicked open from outside.

Standing outside the door was the current clan leader of the Gu Clan, Gu Qingtian.

Gu Qingtian's face was gloomy, his eyes filled with overwhelming killing intent.

Before he could explain, he heard Su Chengxue's pitiful cries from behind.

"Husband, please do justice for me. This little rogue, this little beast, he, he took advantage of your absence, trying to... to do something inappropriate to me. If you hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid I would have..."

Amidst Su Chengxue's exaggerated and groundless accusations, he didn't even have a chance to defend himself before he was angrily thrown into the dungeon by the furious clan leader.

After two days of inhuman torture, today, he finally faced the final trial.

Gu Wei, a collateral disciple, harassed the concubine of the clan leader, deviated from the right path, unforgivable crime, and was publicly sentenced to death by burning.

Apart from that, his parents were also implicated for their inability to discipline their son. All their family assets were confiscated by the clan and they were expelled from the Gu Clan, sentenced to a lifetime of mining in the most notorious mining area of the Gu Clan. They were not allowed to leave the mining area unless they died.

In order to save him, his sister bribed the guards, but when the elders found out, she was also sentenced to death by burning.

"Is my fate supposed to be this miserable?"

Understanding the experiences of this body, Gu Wei almost spat out blood.

When others traveled to another world, weren't they supposed to bring all sorts of amazing skills and then become kings and rulers in the new world, dominating everything?

He, on the other hand, not only didn't bring any amazing skills, but also traveled to the body of a poor fellow who was about to be burned alive.

Is there a more depressing way to travel?


A thunderous roar echoed in his mind, grand and sacred, as if it could shatter his entire consciousness.

For a moment, his mind fell into a blank state.

But it didn't last long, and he quickly regained his clarity.

"The Eternal Scroll of Gods and Demons?"

Gu Wei murmured subconsciously.

After the strange roar just now, a mysterious ancient scroll appeared in his mind.

The scroll depicted countless vivid patterns, including historical figures from various eras, various birds and beasts, as well as countless ancient gods and demons with overwhelming power, giving him a dazzling sensation.

"Isn't this old man with the Qinglong Yanyuedao Guan Yu from the Three Kingdoms?"

"These four strange beasts, aren't they the four great ancient divine beasts, Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque, and Xuanwu?"

"And that giant without a head, wielding a board axe, isn't he Xingtian, the ancient god of war?"


Gu Wei muttered to himself like a madman, "Haha, it seems that I, Gu Wei, am indeed not destined to die! "

He had just thought that he was the unluckiest time traveler in history. Now it seemed that he might not have traveled here just to be a scapegoat. Perhaps he had a sacred mission to fulfill after traveling here, which was why he had this mysterious and powerful golden finger.

Appearing in his mind was the mysterious ancient scroll named the Eternal Scroll of Gods and Demons.

At the same time as he traveled, he actually merged with it. As long as he had a thought, he could summon the totems on the ancient scroll into reality to fight for him!

"Haha, this kid is really crazy!"

"To be about to go to the execution ground and still think that he's not supposed to die, he must be dreaming."

Not knowing what was happening in Gu Wei's mind, the two young men mocked him recklessly, their eyes looking at him as if he were an idiot.

"Are you guys having fun laughing?"

Gu Wei suddenly laughed, his laughter chilling to the bone.

"Darn it, if you want a taste of fear, we'll give it to you. Do you really think we're refined scholars?"

"Since you enjoy being abused so much, we might as well just beat you to death right here."

The two young men became angry, turning to attack him with their fists and feet.


With a deafening roar, before the fists and feet of the two men could reach him, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of Gu Wei.

Clad in ancient battle armor, wielding a pair of immensely heavy giant hammers, with a face like a ghost and eyes gleaming, the figure exuded a towering and unshakable aura.

Li Yuanba, the first great general of the Sui and Tang Dynasties!

Seeing the upright figure appearing before him, Gu Wei suddenly felt dizzy.

This... was actually real!

When the Eternal Scroll of Gods and Demons appeared in his mind just now, he was somewhat skeptical. But now, with this attempt, he had indeed successfully summoned a historical general.

(Note: "Li Yuanba" is a legendary figure from Chinese history and literature, known for his immense strength and courage.)