
Eternal Resonance

Yu Sheng, a genius who can master anything just by looking at it. Back on Earth he was known as The Little Music God for his masterpieces in the music industry as well as being known as The Little Business God for his methods in gaining immense profit in the business industry. However, although one would think he had it all, to him, his life was only filled with indifference after losing the love of his life. This indifference caused him to conduct many illegal and unthinkable activities. After living on Earth for 60 years he was brought to a mystical world filled with beings you would only hear from in a fantasy story. A world filled with strange and mysterious powers along side multiply different races that tries to keep up with the world hierarchy. Will Yu Sheng, a genius who is good at anything be able to make a name for himself in this world? Will he be able to overcome his indifference? Chapters will release at 1:30 PM EST possibly everyday.

Zue_Wang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Zou Xiaolian Identity

"What do you think their doing in there?" On a tall building Xu Weizhe questioned while squinting his eyes trying to take a closer look at where the two in particular were doing.

"I think their making out." Xu Lengyu said with a deadpan look with a pair of binoculars covering parts of his face. 

"It can't be. I mean, are we talking about the same Xu Wantian? The overly arrogant, disgusting and trash Xu Wantian?" Not believing a thing he just said Xu Weizhe turn to look at him with a curious look.

"Damn right I am. In just less than a day he managed to fix that dirty personality of him and even win over Zou Xiaolian the Music Fairy of the human race!" Xu Lengyu replied with a hyped tone as if bragging about Yu Sheng accomplishments. 

"He's even an alchemist. A Master Alchemist at that! Do you know what it means for us who only focus on business and cultivation to have an alchemist?" Taking out the two beauty pills he bought from Yu Sheng he threw them into the air while catching them continuously, showing them off at Xu Weizhe.

"It means we will become richer." 

Xu Weizhe who was listening observe the beauty pills in Xu Lengyu hands carefully with crossed arms. 

"I must say, I didn't expect to discover that Xu Wantian was an alchemist when I used my omnipotent eye to observe him." He disclosed with one eye closed as if trying to figure out the secret within the beauty pill. 

Xu Lengyu hearing this took a peak into his eyes with a serious look. Xu Weizhe right eye was charcoal like just like everyone else in the Xu Clan.

However, his left eye had three triangles in them spinning around rapidly. If one looked closely they could see a sand like color spinning within those triangles.

"Legends say the omnipotent eyes has the ability to learn anything and everything as long as they use it to look through someone else eyes." He mentioned while putting away the beauty pills. 

"I am sure you were looking through Xu Wantian eyes a lot weren't you? You even looked through mine while I was fighting Zou Xiaolian." Hearing this, Xu Weizhe felt exposes.

'Is he going to teach me a lesson now?' Thinking to this point he couldn't help but gulp in fear.

"So tell me. Were you able to learn how he was able to make those beauty pills?" Xu Lengyu asked with a peculiar look that seem to be filled with excitement. 

"Unfortunately, I wasn't able to." Xu Weizhe responded with a sigh of relief. 

"The technique he used was weird. In fact, the moment he began the process of refining pills my vision became blurry so I wasn't able to see the full thing." He continued with a pondering look. 

"Is that so..." Xu Lengyu nodded his head before turning back to peak through his binoculars. 

"As expected not even the omnipotent eyes can defy the will of the Dao of Indifference."





"Eh?" Inside the barrier Yu Sheng once again froze. 

'Did she just say my real name? No! It must be a mistake!' His mind immediately shut down as he stare blankly at Zou Xiaolian. 

Seeing the dumbfounded look on his face she chuckled before coming closer to whisper in his ears. Her heated breath tickling his earlobe.

"Do you want me to repeat what I said my lovely Prince~" She said in a teasing tone making Yu Sheng bow his head downward to hide his face that was fully red.

'Calm down Yu Sheng! You are the little business god for crying out loud! Are you gonna make some woman you hardly know take control of you?!'

'At times like these think about what Yin Qing'er would feel!'

'No you idiot! Think about what Qing Yin would feel!' 

'Hah, and you expect me to kneel down to an idiot like you who can't deal with women? Pathetic.'

 Listening to a strange voice that for some reason appeared in his head Yu Sheng was able to quickly calm down.

He stare at Zou Xiaolian with cool and collective look before raising his head and saying:

"Did you hit your head somewhere really hard that you got struck by stupid woman?" 


'You idiot that's not how you talk to a lady...' The voice in his said in disappointment.

"I see you've been enjoying your little vacation my prince." Zou Xiaolian replied with a smile that hardly looked like one. Her face twitching from time to time as if she was trying to control herself from doing something that could possibly harm Yu Sheng. 

"What prince? Are we roleplaying? Alright then, I will be the Prince and you will be the maid that will climb into my..." Obnoxious of her current expression Yu Sheng continue acting like he didn't know what she was talking about.

".... and we will make a lot of babies that will grow up to one day inherit the throne." He shared with a perverted look, bringing out all of Xu Wantian personality. 

"Oh, but what would our Queen Yaojing think if I suddenly have all your children while you were gone from the tribe? Not to mention your people. What would they think if your first children came from a human such as me?" 


Yu Sheng turn silent at her words. A imagine of Yu Yaojing smiling as she welcome all his children appear in his mind. There was also Yu Huan and all the grannies. However, they weren't as happy as Yu Yaojing, instead they looked like they were about to murder him as if he committed a great sin.

Especially the people. They stared at him as if he betrayed the Yinyue Race. Which in actuality if he did do such a thing with Zou Xiaolian then he would have betrayed them by defying their number one rule. 

Which is that they cannot reproduce with other races.

"Who are you?" Dropping the act Yu Sheng stare at her with cold eyes. He already began clenching his fist ready to fight her even if it meant he would die. 

Although he was currently trapped in her barrier, with how close they were standing next to one another he was confident in piercing through her stomach with his fist. 

Zou Xiaolian seeing the change in his behavior stopped teasing him by actually kneeling to the ground, shocking Yu Sheng. 

"Reporting to Prince Sheng, I am Yu Xiaolian. I discarded my title as a member of the Zou Clan in order to join the Yinyue Race. Becoming a traitor of not only my clan, but the entire human race." She announced. 

"I am also a subordinate of Lady Yu Huan." She concluded. 

"Aunt Huan?" Yu Sheng stare at Zou Xiaolian or better known as Yu Xiaolian in shock. 

"Can you put some clothes back on first." He commanded with blush while turning away his face from staring at her cleavages in her purple undergarments. 

'You idiot! She was literally offering her body to you yet you decline her?! You probably hurt her pride by doing so!' The voice in his head yelled at him.

'Shut up! Also who the hell is in my head?! Do I really have schizophrenia?!' He thought while grabbing his head as if trying to get rid of the voices.

"Yes." Zou Xiaolian quickly nodded with a some what disappointed look making Yu Sheng speechless. 

'This women are crazy...' He couldn't help but thought with a lost look. 

"So how were you able to become a part of the Yinyue Race?" Yu Sheng seeing she fully put on her clothes questioned, trying to clear his head. 

She responded at his question, "Lady Yu Huan with her brilliance was able to use 50% of her race blood. Turning me into a half human, half yinyue." 

"Is that why there's a mark on your face?"

"Yes. This is my birth mark. Although it's only a semi version of it's full potential." She explained with an upset look. 

"I don't get it though. You were from one of the great clans. So what led to you betraying the human race?" This was what Yu Sheng didn't understand. When he first met her he could immediately tell she wasn't a simple person. 

Now that he knew she was once from one of the Great Clans it now became obvious that she had a high position in the Zou Clan.

As if expecting this question she smiled with a disdainful look. 

"The Zou Clan is a clan of people who grows up enjoying music. We love music and we like spreading our own songs so other's could hear. Our goal basically aligns with the Yinyue Race. That is, to worship the Music Goddess, Yinyue. However, due to the bad history that the Human Race has with them and the fact that the Yinyue Race supports the Elf Race if we were to do such a thing we would be labeled as traitors. As for me, because I am stubborn since young I refuse to let the hate between our race stop me from improving myself in the Dao of Music."

"I just cannot understand why we cannot live in harmony. We are literally the only Domain that has been hating one another for millions of years. Even the dragon race were able to put down their pride and accept the phoenix race as another ruler of the Beast Domain in recent times." She finished with a sadden sigh. 

"That's because the human race will always find ways to hate everything around them." Yu Sheng responded with a sneer while nodding his head in agreement. As someone who was once a human who lived till his 60s and in the body of a human right now he understood the human heart best.

"Maybe your right." 

Yu Xiaolian also nodded in agreement. 

"By the way since your Aunt Huan subordinate do you know where she is? I haven't heard from her ever since that day with the Central Domain people." Remembering that Yu Huan has gone missing every since that day Yu Sheng asked believing that she probably knows where she went. 


"Are you guys done making out yet? It's been nearly an hour." Just at that moment Xu Lengyu shouted at them causing the two to look outside to see his face glued onto the barrier.