
Eternal Resonance

Yu Sheng, a genius who can master anything just by looking at it. Back on Earth he was known as The Little Music God for his masterpieces in the music industry as well as being known as The Little Business God for his methods in gaining immense profit in the business industry. However, although one would think he had it all, to him, his life was only filled with indifference after losing the love of his life. This indifference caused him to conduct many illegal and unthinkable activities. After living on Earth for 60 years he was brought to a mystical world filled with beings you would only hear from in a fantasy story. A world filled with strange and mysterious powers along side multiply different races that tries to keep up with the world hierarchy. Will Yu Sheng, a genius who is good at anything be able to make a name for himself in this world? Will he be able to overcome his indifference? Chapters will release at 1:30 PM EST possibly everyday.

Zue_Wang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Woke Up As Xu Wantian

"Number 9 failed." In the Central Domain, at the most tallest skyscraper. A woman with silky white hair raised her glasses to the tip of her nose. Her eyes sparkling a serious glint. "Number 9 failed." She repeated, trying to get the attention of the others in the room.

"Poor Number 9." Another woman, small in figure shook her head. The Number 5 glued to her right cheek.

"I always knew that attitude of hers would get her killed." A woman with a fox mask on said. The Number 2 could be seen on her left arm. "The Princess always told us we can always be arrogant, but never to be too arrogant in front of the Yinyue race."

"Heh, isn't that what Number 15 did? Yet look what happened to her." A woman with the Number 8 on her neck chuckled, waving her hand a headless corpse appeared.

The corpse was perfectly intact with no rot or smell to be seen. Yet, when the women saw the corpse their expression became one with disgust.

"Get that failure out of my sight." A woman who surprisingly has black hair said coldly. The Number 1 could be seen on her right hand.

"How did u even obtain her corpse?" Someone else asked. The Number 3 on her right eye.

"Hehe." Rubbing her nose, Number 8 respond with a cheeky smile, "Have you forgotten what my specialty is?"

The women hearing this expression changed. Killing intent began leaking out of their body.

Number 8 wasn't fazed by this at all, instead she continued smiling. "Don't worry, i will make sure to receive all your corpse and give them a good burial."

"Even if their blown to bits." Number 8 continue smiling as she looked at everyone's body with greed and lust.

"Hmph, that's if you will survive long enough to see that day come." A woman with the Number 7 on her belly looked at Number 8 and sneered.

"Oh don't worry on whether I will live or not." Number 8 lazily rest her hands behind her neck and said, "Instead you should worry about our new mission."

"Isn't that right Number 12?"

Number 12 hearing her name or well, her number being called turn to Number 8 and stare at her through her glasses. Her eyes seemly trying to penetrate through Number 8 head.

"Did you retrieve Number 9 corpse?" She questioned, her eyes still locked onto Number 8.

"O- Of course I did!" Number 8 stuttered with sweat constantly dripping down the back of her forehead.

Seeing her still looking at her with her dead eyes Number 8 gulped before quickly taking out Number 9 corpse.


Silence filled the room as they look at what's suppose to be the corpse.

"You call this a corpse?" Number 7 stared dumbfounded at what was a huge container filled with blood.

Number 8 didn't even look at Number 7. Instead she answered with shifted eyes, "Yu Bing used her Note of Detachment to freeze the laws of the Endless Dao, freezing Number 9 as well."

Her eyes took a peak at Number 12 when she spoke, but what she saw left her frightened. Her dead eyes actually lit up dimly.

"Ah! Wait, wait, wait! I'm not done yet, Yu Bing then used the Endless Notes to crush Number 9 body. All she did was lift her hand and she was dead."

"All that is left is her pool of blood."

"I see." Number 12 nodded her head and her slightly lit eyes went back to dead eyes until they went back to their normal emotionless eyes causing Number 8 to sigh with relief.

"Well, the truth is all we have is bad news and more bad news." Number 12 shook her head as she once more rest her glasses at the tip of her nose.

"All members from Number 13 - 59 that we sent to the Human Race is dead."

"As for the rest, Number 60 - 99 that we sent to different races. They are also dead."

"Do you know what this means?"

"Its time to make this war reach its climax."






In a small room two men in black robes with a hood covering their faces stared at a body in front of them. In their hands were bloody knives, the blood coming from the body laying lifeless on the ground.

"Is he dead?" One of the men asked, his shoulders quivering as he spoke showing that he was quite frightened by what they just did.

"Of course he's dead! Those Xu brats might be tough, but this one clearly isn't. That's why he was sent to this hell." The other man said in spiteful tone, "If it wasn't for the fact that the bounty on this kid was big, I wouldn't have even bother coming here."

The man shook his head as he took one last look at the boy. "Let's go, although the Xu Clan wouldn't bother with the death of some trash, that doesn't mean they won't investigate the cause of his death."

The man turn around and quickly left the small room, his companion quickly following behind.


Five minutes after the men in black robes left the lifeless body open its eyes. A cold, calculating glint appearing in them, before disappearing.

"I thought I was about to die." The body sighed as he rub his black hair in confusion.

"I was sleeping then all of sudden I have been turn into the body of an adult. I can also hear my own voice clearly too." The body whispered to himself as he wonder what the hell is going on.

"Is this the Eternal Online System doing? But I didn't even click the button to transfer to a different body." Yu Sheng questioned.

That's right, Yu Sheng once again got transferred to a new body.

"I wonder if I can enter back my baby body..." As he ponder this thought, memories came flowing into his brain.

"Ah!" The memories caused his brain to overload with too much new information resulting in immense pain. He held his head together feeling like his head was about to explode at any moment.

Soon the pain recede, until it vanish completely.

"Fuck, Is this what Granny Bing meant? That my mind space could explode due to it being limited?" When he finally couldn't feel anymore pain he began going through the previous host memories one by one while thinking of what Yu Bing said.

"But that can't be right. Since I am now in a adult body shouldn't my mind space become unlimited?"

"Unless, its because its my soul which is that of a baby currently resides in this body or the previous host was simply too weak."

"Whatever the case I should first get rid of the previous host problems before I can move on to gathering information about the Human Race."

While looking through the previous host body he realized his given name was Xu Wantian, a person born with garbage talent in cultivation. A Grade I talent, also known as Bronze Talent.

Due to being born with such talent he was disowned by his father, The Xu Emperor, who is The Sword Sovereign right-hand man.

Nothing much is known about the Sword Sovereign. However, everyone believe he is the Domain Ruler of the Human Race.

Due to this, although he may be called a Sovereign, he's not the one who looks over the Human Race. This is done by his left-hand man, The Qi Emperor and his right-hand man, The Xu Emperor.

There are also eight clans that managed the Human Race known as The Great Clans. The Ling, Yao, Mo, Tang, Zou and Feng. The Xu and Qi clan is also apart of the Great Clans, but because of their prestige of being close with the Sword Sovereign not many include them as the Great Clans and instead call them The Ancient Clans.

Below the Great Clans is the Four Academies. The Divine Music Palace, Evil Divine Asylum, Divine Pills Sect and Divine Martial-Sword Sect. Each operating by one or two of the Great Clans.

As for Xu Wantian, although he was born in the Ancient Xu Clan, because of his trash talent, not only did the Xu Emperor disown him, he was also forgotten by his mother and cousins.

The only good thing was that his father left him along with a few of his other cousins who were born with trash talent a business with the goal of whoever is able to earn a capital of One Billion BCD and hold it for ten days would receive his favor and welcome back to the Xu Clan.

Unfortunately for stupid Xu Wantian he choose to waste his time idling around playing games or playing with women instead of building his own forces to counter attack his cousins attacks on him.

And because of that in just two days after being disowned he died.

"Luckily for him, he got the Business God reincarnated in his body! Don't worry little Wantian, although you were a degenerate I will make sure to take good care of your body and bring you to great heights!" Yu Sheng laughed with a happy smile after digesting all the information he received.

"I can easily make billions of dollars and send them to Mom so that we can focus on the prosperity of our tribe." With a new goal in mind, Yu Sheng was about to leave the small room when he paused.

"Wait a minute, if those men were to come after me again how will I defend myself?" When he thought of this he hesitated whether or not he should leave the small room or not.

"Fuck, this is bad. I may have train myself in some martial arts on my life on earth, but what can that do against cultivators who can rip my body apart with one fist!" Yu Sheng grew scared at the thought of dying such gruesome death. He wouldn't really die since he still has his real body in the Yinyue Tribe, but that doesn't mean he wanted to experience death again.

He thought long and hard on how to get out of his current predicament, but nothing came to mind. Before coming to this word he was merely a mortal human and before being transferred to this body he was just a baby! What could he possible do?!

"You really are hopeless." At that moment a female voice enter his mind, "Check the system, you will see that some of your locked abilities are now temporarily unlocked."

"Huh, who are you? What are you doing in my head?" Yu Sheng looked around, but saw no one.

"Do you really have to let me say more words? Talking right now is making me so drowsy... Listen up boy, I am the Eternal Online System. A system I created in hopes to creating more Eternal Experts. That is all I will tell you. Hopefully the next time we talk you won't already be dead...."

The voice soon vanished as if it was never there. This confused Yu Sheng greatly, but he didn't let it bother him as right now the main problem was figuring out how to become strong enough to defend himself.

He listen to the voice and bring up his system. The first thing he saw was exactly what the voice said.

[Would you like to temporarily unlock your abilities?]

Yu Sheng immediately clicked the yes button, but when he did he felt... nothing.

"Huh? Shouldn't I be bursting with unlimited power or something? Isn't that what always happen to those who get reincarnated in a new world?"

Disappointed and quite angry he browsed through the system and saw what he was looking for.

Music Marks : Twist of Fate (Weaken), Dreamy World (Weaken), Eternal Melody (Weaken)

Twist of Fate : ???

Dreamy World : ???

Eternal Melody : Item

[Eternal Melody] Headphones that plays music the host creates. Bringing forth an emotion infused with an element (Depends heavily on the song created).