
Eternal Resonance

Yu Sheng, a genius who can master anything just by looking at it. Back on Earth he was known as The Little Music God for his masterpieces in the music industry as well as being known as The Little Business God for his methods in gaining immense profit in the business industry. However, although one would think he had it all, to him, his life was only filled with indifference after losing the love of his life. This indifference caused him to conduct many illegal and unthinkable activities. After living on Earth for 60 years he was brought to a mystical world filled with beings you would only hear from in a fantasy story. A world filled with strange and mysterious powers along side multiply different races that tries to keep up with the world hierarchy. Will Yu Sheng, a genius who is good at anything be able to make a name for himself in this world? Will he be able to overcome his indifference? Chapters will release at 1:30 PM EST possibly everyday.

Zue_Wang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

The Ego Of An Eternal

Section D of The Blood Lake Prison.

The two, after killing Hang Jiaotong arrived at a place filled with chains covered in blood. These chains continuously piercing into what looks like a man body.

This man was extremely skinny, his complexing looking very pale and his opened eyes looked lost as if he wasn't even aware of the two presence.

"What is this?" The princess stare at the chains with a little bit of fear in her tone. These chains gave her a feeling of death.

"We don't know. When our ancestors discovered the Blood Lake these chains were already here." Qi Jian answered with the same expression as the princess. Even he, someone who lived for over a million years was scared of those chains.

"However, what I do know is that it is some sort of seal placed on that man." Qi Jian continued as he approach the chains with caution.

"It is sucking his blood."

Taking a closer look the princess saw what he was talking about. These chains that were pierced into the man was not only absorbing the little blood that was left in his body, but also slowly consuming his soul.

"So that's why his eyes look so lifeless." She nodded in understanding. One must know that the soul is the beginning of all life. Without it, your body is merely a corpse with no consciousness or a puppet to say the least.

After admiring the sight for a little longer the princess soon took out a ring with a skull on it.

"Return." She uttered and soon the entire Blood Lake shook. A moment later the chains that were attach to the man like leeches were forcefully pulled into the ring.

Seeing this she nodded before turning to look at Qi Jian.

"Give him your blood." She commanded.

"Huh? Why does he need my blood?" Qi Jian titled his head in confusion.

"Only the blood of a human can awake him. Now do as I say." She commanded again, this time with cold eyes that refuses disobiedence.

"Fine, no need to look at me like that." Unable to bear her look, Qi Jian raised his hands in surrender before approaching the man who was still unaware of his surroundings.

He cut his wrist, placed it on the man mouth and forced him to swallow his blood.

"Now what." He asked with an irritated voice. A man like him who was known to be the only two emperors of the human race gave his blood to some unknown man? It left a bad taste in his mouth.

'Since when did I become a vampire?' He thought in annoyance.

Before the princess could answer his question the entire Blood Lake shook once more. This time more vigorous as pillars of blood rise from the lake.

The crimson moon in the night sky began to lit up brightly as the weak who already fell into lust became even crazier.

As if possessed the blood in the lake began acting as if they had a mind of their own. Rising from the lake up into the sky as they began forming words.


When those words were form the entire Blue Domain trembled for a split second, not even a second more before calming down causing only a few individuals in the world to feel it.

Back inside Section D of the prison a cocoon of blood form around the man. Minutes later it shattered revealing a striking figure.

The man lifeless eyes glittered with dangerous red lights, his long, smooth red hair flow down to his waist in an imposing manner, the sharp features of his face as well as his astute body made him look like the perfect example of what a god should look like.

The Eternal Blood has awaken.

However he was weak. Very, very weak.....

"Where am I?" The Eternal Blood opened his mouth to speak. You would think his voice would carry the authority of a god. However, it only sounded normal to the two who heard him.

"Welcome back to the world of the living Eternal Blood, Xue Wang." The princess bow her head slightly at him.

"Eternal Blood, Xue Wang?" The man opened his eyes wide as memories of what happened long, long ago began emerging from the deepest parts of his soul.

Soon endless hatred began emitting out of his body causing the blood inside the lake to tremble in excitement.

"Now I remember." Taking deep breaths to calm the hatred hidden inside his soul the man stare at the princess before saying something that made her shocked.

"I am not Eternal Blood, Xue Wang." The man answered.

"W- What?" Not believing what she just heard, the princess stare long and hard at the man before coming to realize the weak presence emitting out of his body.

"How is this possible..."

"Eternal Blood, Xue Wang died during his fight against the Eternal ######...?" He stated before his face became covered in surprise.

'I cannot say his name? Don't tell me he became... no, that's impossible.' Before he could get deeper in these thoughts he saw the princess pointing her finger at him.

"Then what are you? From what I was told, the Eternal Blood, Xue Wang body is kept here." She asked with a curious yet nervous face. She didn't want to think that all her efforts in coming here was for naught.

"I am the Eternal Blood Ego."


"Yes, I am just like you. We are very similar." He said, staring at her with sparkling eyes before continuing, "There are six others like me and I can feel them, though they are most likely in deep sleep."

"If I can absorb them into my body then I would regain my former strength."

"However, I won't be the Eternal Blood, Xue Wang. After all, I am merely his ego so I cannot control his blood in this place." He stated as he look outside to see the blood flowing all around the underground prison.

"For an ego to exist its master must still be alive." The princess who was listening attentively to his explanation spoke up.

"Which means, somewhere in this world the Eternal Blood, Xue Wang is still alive." She concluded, staring deep into the mans eyes for answers, but what she only saw was him smiling at her.

"I have decided." That smile seems to be the only answer she needed.

"Join my alliance in causing destruction to this world."

"I refuse."

"I know where the Eternal who killed your master is. However, the current you won't be able to even gaze at him so don't harbour any thoughts of fighting him right now."

Looking into her sincere eyes the ego of the Eternal Blood, Xue Wang grew visibly excited at the thought of fighting the Eternal who caused him so much pain and suffering.

"If you say it like that...."

"Maybe we can work something out."







"The Blood Race has chosen to ally themselves with the Central Domain."


Xu Hei Tian stare at his butler with a neutral expression.

"Even the one trapped in Section D?" He questioned with uncertainty.

"We did not find him in Section D. In fact, the chains that sealed him are also gone." Uncle Chen answered.

"Is that so." Xu Hei Tian nodded his head. A couple seconds later an uproar happened.

"Emperor Qi betrayed us? The Human Race? The SWORD SOVEREIGN?!!"

"How dare he betray us for those central domain pest!"

"Has he lost his mind?!"

"Not only did Emperor Qi betray us, but the entire Qi Clan as well!"

"This is bad... do the other clans know of this?"

"What will we tell the public?!"

"Tell the public? Are you insane! They would go nuts!!!"

"You know the human race... We are fickle creatures and you know the influence Emperor Qi had on our race. If others were to know of this..."

"I don't want to think how many humans will ally with him."

The Xu Clan main branch members immediately caused a fuss. They just couldn't believe someone they put their trust in, someone who was considered as one of the main pillars of the Human Race would betray them like that.

This is far worse than when Yu Xiaolian betrayed the human race. Although she was strong before joining the yinyue race, the influence she had on the people of the human race was barely anything. At most, people only knew her as one of the most beautiful women of the human race.

A simple title that doesn't carry a lot of weight.

However, the title 'emperor' is a different story. A title that bring about utmost respect and admiration amongst the humans.

And as the left hand man of the Sword Sovereign you could say there are people who worshipped Emperor Qi as a god.

If those people were to find out about his betrayed they would not only grow suspicious, but also fearful for their lives.

After all, if an emperor of the human race could easily betray them for the central domain, a human who is on the top of the food chain....

What's stopping them who are weaker than him to betray the human race?

And then when you put the blood race into the equation, a race that heavily despise humans and wish for their extinction.

And also the fact that their leader, The Sword Sovereign is also missing, reported to 'still be in seclusion'.

It would be hell on the entire human race people.

"Enough buzzing in my ears already." Xu Hei Tian who was watching everything unfold spoke in a voice that carried authority causing everyone to become quiet.

Seeing his people only staring at him in silence he nodded with a serious tone.

"In truth, I always expected Qi Jian to betray us. After all, he was always an ambitious person ever since we were kids."

"He would not bow down to a man, the Sword Sovereign who he thinks is dead." Xu Hei Tian stated with cold, mocking eyes.

"Though, for him to believe that the Sword Sovereign is dead is utter foolishness. I cannot believe to this day a man like him was appointed as 'emperor'."

"Still, what I did not expect was for him to join the central domain..." He sighed at this thought while rubbing his head, his eyes revealing tiredness.

However, deep down the people of the main branch couldn't help but gulp at his current expression. To them it looked like his facial features disappear, only revealing darkness.

A darkness that sent shivers down their spines.

"Master... what will we do now?" Uncle Chen asked as he stare at the darkness that soon envelop his entire being. Only he could tell that deep inside Xu Hei Tian was actually frustrated.

"Forget about it. We will continue playing on the defensive. We cannot allow to be careless right now with the WBR Competition only a few days away."

"That is the point master. We always take two spots. One for the Xu Clan and the other for the Qi Clan. The last spot we usually left for the other clans to decide who to participate."

"But now with what happened what should we do? Should we give the remaining spot to the other great clans?" Uncle Chen disclosed.

"No. We cannot allow anyone to know about Qi Jian betrayal right now. Not even the great clans. Just let someone who has reached the pinnacle of the xian stage from the clan below a thousand years old participate."

"Master... there is only your second youngest son who has reached the xian realm before a thousand years in the clan."

"Is that so? How disappointing." He said with a hint of disapproval as he stare at the main branch who began sweating bullets. He couldn't help, but think how useless his clan is.

"Very well then. Has anyone reached at least the early stage of the xian realm?"


"Half Xian realm?"


"Pinnacle of the Gao realm?"

"There is one. Xu Jiayi, male, age 689."

'ONE?!' Not expecting that answer he looked at his subordinates as if he was looking at garbage.

'How bad are my men genes for them to give birth to useless talents?'

"Let him participate. We will just tell the great clans that the Qi Clan refuses to participate this year." Xu Hei Tian concluded, not daring to say what is one his mind to his subordinates.

"Very well master." Uncle Chen bowed his head before leaving the meeting.

Seeing him leave the room Xu Hei Tian turn to everyone who was still here.

"Everyone except these four leave." He commanded as he point at Xu Lengyu, Xu Weizhe, Xu Xiaolian and Yu Sheng while waving at the rest to leave.

The people the main branch quickly bowed their heads before leaving as well.

Xu Hei Tian then turn to his wives, his body still covered in darkness as he hissed in an assertive tone.

"When I said everyone I mean everyone."

"Yes Emperor Xu..." The seven wives flinched a little at his tone before lowering their heads and also leaving.

Now there was only Yu Sheng and his gang and the Xu Emperor.

Xu Hei Tian turn his gaze filled with darkness to look at Xu Weizhe and Xu Wantian, his entire presence targeted only on them.

Xu Weizhe only stare at him with admiration and excitement?

Yu Sheng looked into his eyes with an indifferent expression. What he saw inside that dark room was a 100x worse than Xu Hei Tian presence.

"Good! As expected of those who inherited my blood!" Their attitude made him smile with a glint of admiration in his eyes. Unlike his wives and subordinates, these two reminded him greatly of his younger days.

"That's why I will be training you two to participate in the next WBR Competition."