
Eternal Resonance

Yu Sheng, a genius who can master anything just by looking at it. Back on Earth he was known as The Little Music God for his masterpieces in the music industry as well as being known as The Little Business God for his methods in gaining immense profit in the business industry. However, although one would think he had it all, to him, his life was only filled with indifference after losing the love of his life. This indifference caused him to conduct many illegal and unthinkable activities. After living on Earth for 60 years he was brought to a mystical world filled with beings you would only hear from in a fantasy story. A world filled with strange and mysterious powers along side multiply different races that tries to keep up with the world hierarchy. Will Yu Sheng, a genius who is good at anything be able to make a name for himself in this world? Will he be able to overcome his indifference? Chapters will release at 1:30 PM EST possibly everyday.

Zue_Wang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Meeting With Xu Weizhe

"Ah so you do remember me." Xu Weizhe approach Yu Sheng with crossed arms. His eyes showing a hint of surprise. 

"I thought you'd forget all about me." He exclaimed with a small smile on his face.

"How could I forget about you." Yu Sheng stare deeply at Xu Weizhe, his eyes hazy showing how exhausted he is from that long fight.

"You were the one who placed that bounty on me after all." With a cold tone Yu Sheng responded. 

"So you figured it out." Nodding his head, Xu Weizhe brush pass him. When Yu Sheng saw his sudden movement he was about to use his endless energy to forcefully tear through his stomach, but paused as he remember he had little to none left.

Realizing this he became hopeless.

Xu Weizhe noticing his movements chuckled to himself before sitting on the ground nonchalant with a bright expression as if he was about to talk to a friend he haven't seen in a long time. 

 "To tell you the truth you weren't the only one I put a bounty on. All of our cousins who participated in this competition had a huge bounty on their heads. In fact, their all dead leaving only you standing." He sighed with a grieved look as if sad that he had to kill all his cousins.

"Oh and don't wonder how I earned enough money to place bounty on all of you."

"It's a secret." He revealed while placing his finger at his mouth as if hoping Yu Sheng would keep it a secret.

Yu Sheng hearing all this and seeing the expression on his face didn't even change his own expression. After all, he would do the same in his past life, even now. 

'Now that I think about it, this Xu Weizhe reminds me of my past self.' He thought to himself before changing the subject.

"So what are you going to do me now?" Yu Sheng asked with uncertainty in his eyes. He wasn't sure if he wanted him dead or not anymore. 

After all, with how weak he currently is, killing him would be as easy as crushing a ant.

Xu Weizhe smiled at his question. "Do you think I am going to kill you?" He replied with his own question causing Yu Sheng to quickly respond with a nod of agreement.

"Oh, I would love to kill you if you were your past self. Arrogant and stupid, but now...." He paused for a second as he observe Yu Sheng.

"I can see a lot of potential in you." 

Yu Sheng couldn't believe what he just heard, but then again... who would be willing to kill a genius?

'A genius like me.' He smiled as plans began forming in his head.

"Don't get things wrong." Seeing the faint smirk on Yu Sheng face he scoffed before getting up from his sitting posture.

"What I am interested in isn't your strange talent in cultivation nor your weird blood related powers, but your intellect." He commented. 

"I have been observing you ever since you got back to the company today. In fact, I was observing all of our cousins who participate in this competition." 

"However, none of them managed to stand out as much as you did. You were able to figure out the spies I planted in your ranks, gain your executives respect, create 3 extraordinary beauty pills and even figure out a foolproof plan to secure your position in the competition." He announced causing Yu Sheng hazy eyes to bulge in shock, scaring the absolute hell out of him.

"Nine out of ten points!" He began clapping with an excited tone as if congratulating him.

"Unfortunately, you were unable to get max points because you thought you could con a con artist such as Xu Lengyu. Ah, how foolish of you." He sighed as he reach this point. 

At this point all of Yu Sheng exhaustion disappear with the wind. This Xu Weizhe was a stalker! Was what was going through his mind right at that moment. 

He wasn't scared by the fact that he killed all of Xu Wantian cousins or the fact that he could kill him right this instance.

No— He was afraid that his privacy could easily be leaked. It was as if Xu Weizhe had the ability to see through other people eyes.

Even when he thought he was alone with Xu Lengyu when he con him he was in fact not!

And if it was the case that he could see through others eyes without them knowing Yu Sheng was even more frightened for the future....

"So what do you want?" However, as a shrewd individual himself, he didn't reveal his true thoughts. Instead, he questioned with calm looking eyes. 

"It's simple really." Seeing how Yu Sheng was getting to the point he nodded with a pleased look. 

"I propose that we cooperate with one another in a fair yet not so fair partnership." He disclosed while reaching out his hand at Yu Sheng.

"A partnership for what?" With suspicious eyes, Yu Sheng questioned again. 

Xu Weizhe continue reaching out his hand as he said, "As you may know, my real goal is to get in The Genius Society..."

"And what will my help have anything to do with that?" Yu Sheng raised his hand to stop him while questioning once more.

"You didn't make me finish." With a frown he continued, "The quickest way to enter the genius society is by expanding my business to other races and domains and with your talent in alchemy I believe with the both of us we can easily achieve that."

"What do I gain from this?"

"As you may know the genius society has many connections spread throughout the whole Ancient, Beast and Human Domain." He deliberately said this as if talking to himself.

"With my help you could easily gain connections with these prominent individuals. Who knows, you might also be able to enter the Genius Society as a talented scientist and gain the attention of the famous Yu Bing from the Yinyue Race..." 

'Yeah... Yu Bing is my grandma.' Yu Sheng hearing this couldn't help but chuckle inside. With Yu Bings help, he could easily enter the Genius Society if he prove his worth. Heck, with his talent he wouldn't even need to use a backdoor. He could enter it anytime he want. 

"So are you willing to partner up with me or not?" Seeing Yu Sheng only staring at him in silence he began to grew impatient.

Yu Sheng who heard the annoyance in his tone pondered for a few seconds. Joining up wit Xu Weizhe in truth wouldn't be a disadvantage for him at all. In fact, he may just benefit for having an ally as talent in business, but not as talent as himself by working with him. 

The problem however was....

"You said a fair yet not so fair partnership. So what's the catch?" This sentence immediately told Yu Sheng that something wasn't right. 

"Oh that." Completely forgetting that he said that, Xu Weizhe pulled back his hand and magically, a black collar appear out of nowhere.

"Because I cannot trust you, I will place a slave collar on you." Yu Sheng hearing this immediately frowned.

"A slave collar..." He mumbled to himself as he stare at the object. 

"Don't worry, its the ones that can turn invisible. As long as the person is below the Gao Realm and don't use endless energy they will be unable to see it." Seeing the look on Yu Sheng face he exclaimed. 

"You better wear it. I spent a lot of money to get something as expensive as this." Noticing Yu Sheng simply staring at it he commanded with a sullen look. 

"You expect me to where that thing?" Hearing the commanding tone in Xu Weizhe voice Yu Sheng face immediately became red. 

'Now I can understand why the yinyue's pride can be the death of them." In his mind however, he felt furious, humiliated and he felt like his pride was being trampled on. 

"So what's you answer?" Xu Weizhe answer immediately turn him angry. 

"Fuck no!" Yu Sheng yelled out loud as he gather the endless energy he recovered to punch at Xu Weizhe face. 

"How disappointing." Yu Sheng answer immediately put him in a bad mood. 

"Oh well, you can die then." Soon after he release his cultivation causing the endless energy in Yu Sheng fist to dissipate, turning against him. 

The endless energy then crashed down on him, burying him in the ground.

"What the.... what is this power!" Shocked, Yu Sheng shouted in surprise. Xu Weizhe aura didn't feel like the aura of an cultivator at the Kai Realm nor the Zhong Realm. 

"This is the Gao Realm." He commented with cold eyes as he approach Yu Sheng.

"What... but weren't you a cripple." Utterly confused and exhausted, Yu Sheng asked with gritted teeth. The pressure applied on him was a hundred times worse than Fan Guo's. 

"Just like you I can hide my secrets." With murderous eyes, he lift his right foot with the intention of crushing Yu Sheng head. 

"Get away!" Just at that moment a loud scream echoed in the surroundings, startling Xu Weizhe. 

Soon after a purple hair figure came out of no where with a ruan in hand. She played a rhythm causing notes to fly out of her instrument.

Soon after Xu Weizhe was sent away by the notes before stabilizing himself a couple meters away. 

"Aren't you Zou Xiaolian who betrayed the Zou Clan? How did you get here so quickly?" He wondered with eyes filled with surprise. 

"I thought Xu Lengyu was stopping you." He said in doubt. 

"I can say the same for you Xu Weizhe." A moment after Xu Lengyu approach him from the shadows catching Xu Weizhe off-guard. 

"The one who yields the omnipotent eyes." Xu Lengyu commented with sly eyes. 

"How do you know that..." When he heard what Xu Lengyu just said his figure began trembling as he began stepping back with shifty eyes as if he was trying to find out an escape route.

Xu Lengyu noticing his odd behavior put on a cunning smile.

"You don't need to know how, what you do need to know however is that the Xu Emperor will like to have a little chat with all of you."