
Eternal Resonance

Yu Sheng, a genius who can master anything just by looking at it. Back on Earth he was known as The Little Music God for his masterpieces in the music industry as well as being known as The Little Business God for his methods in gaining immense profit in the business industry. However, although one would think he had it all, to him, his life was only filled with indifference after losing the love of his life. This indifference caused him to conduct many illegal and unthinkable activities. After living on Earth for 60 years he was brought to a mystical world filled with beings you would only hear from in a fantasy story. A world filled with strange and mysterious powers along side multiply different races that tries to keep up with the world hierarchy. Will Yu Sheng, a genius who is good at anything be able to make a name for himself in this world? Will he be able to overcome his indifference? Chapters will release at 1:30 PM EST possibly everyday.

Zue_Wang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Ling Meixiu

A fragrance entered the sky, going into Yu Sheng delicate noise. An aura filled with grace and nobility followed after as a woman came from behind and hug Yu Yaojing.

A soft, soothing voice then whispered in Yu Yaojing ears. "Who would have thought the devil herself could shed tears." The woman giggled as she continue embracing Yu Yaojing.

As if taken over by a spell, Yu Yaojing soon calm down and smiled. "It's been a long time Meixiu."

Ling Meixiu, the Queen of the Elves is said to be the most kindness individual in the world with the exception of the human race.

Her grace and power causes her to be the most loved and respected person in the world.

"It has indeed been a long time. The last time I saw you was 200,000 years ago after you received that— sigh, lets not talk about that." Shaking her head, her eyes moved to Yu Sheng. "Is this the child! Who would have thought you would be able to give birth to a baby boy?!"

Ling Meixiu said with sparkling eyes as her gaze wonder up and down on Yu Sheng. She then said something that surprised them both. "Its decided! My daughter can only be married to your child!"

"WHAT—!" Yu Sheng screamed. "Another mad woman wanting to marry me off to their daughter! Have they forgotten that I am merely a child who haven't catches one years old yet?!"

While Yu Sheng was screaming to himself Yu Yaojing became excited. Her previous damped mood became more bright at the mention of another potential 'daughter-in-law.'

"I never knew you had a daughter Meixiu!" Yu Yaojing laughed, her eyes looking at Ling Meixui with worship as it wasn't an easy task for an elf to give birth to a child since their circumstances were similar to the Yinyue race.

Ling Meixiu seeing her expression puffed out her chest and snorted with pride, "But of course! How could the Queen of the Elves not have a child of her own!"

"Hmph! Don't act like it was as difficult as us Yinyue's giving birth. Do you know what I had to go through to give birth to this little one? I had to lose my sight!" Yu Yaojing exclaimed with a sneer as if proud of what she just said.

"Ah, no wonder your eyes are closed all this time!" Ling Meixiu gasped in shock. She didn't know that her friend had to go through so much. "This child must be 'one of them' then." She smiled quite bitterly confusing Yu Sheng.

Not wanting to dampen the mood Yu Yaojing quickly said, "Enough about me! Tell me more about your daughter!"

Ling Meixiu hearing this grew excited, "That's exactly what I wanted to do. Come, let me give you a tour around the Elven territory! Its been so long since you last visited!"

"Two hundred thousand years in fact." Yu Yaojing chuckled, curious about what the Elven World looks like after two hundred thousand years she was about to agree when she remembered what occur not too long ago.

"Sorry Meixiu, but I have some things to take care off. When I am finish I will definitely go visit you!" Reminded of the triplets who she left behind she couldn't help but become angry at what the masked girl did.

"Alright, how about this? Lets meet after the competition." Seeing her friend change in expression, Ling Meixiu came to the conclusion that now was not the time for fun and games.

"Hn! Thank you for understanding sister." Coming closer, Yu Yaojing grabbed Ling Meixiu into a bear hug that last for two minutes, only stopping because of Yu Sheng who made a fuss of being stuck in between two women.

Reading his thoughts Yu Yaojing sneered, "Hmph, you got stuck in between two beautiful women and your complaining. Are you a man?" She argued as she break away from Ling Meixiu

"The fuck...." Yu Sheng looked at his own mother speechlessly.

After a few more minutes of chatting Yu Yaojing reluctantly went back to the Yinyue race.

Yu Sheng seeing that his mother was no longer in a bad mood to the point of doing something suicidal couldn't help but sigh in relief. Though he was still mad about the prospect of having another potential future bride, he was still glad he some how managed to stop the inevitable.

Quest completed.

Just as Yu Sheng was thinking of this a message rang in his mind, startling him. He looked around, but only saw his mother rushing back home.

"What was that...!"

Save the Yinyue Mistress. Reward : Eternal System : Resonance —Dormant—


Would you like to become one of the five kings of this world?

Yes / No

A screen appeared right in his face shocking him once more. He looked again at his mother, but it seems like she was unable to see the screen flickering in front of him.

Yes / No

He stared at the screen with mix emotions. He wanted to click yes, but what if all of this was a scam? After all, he was a business man during his past life and although he never saw anything such as a screen randomly appearing in his face, he have met with people who tried to use him because of his young age.

Yes / No

"Then again if it was a scam wouldn't his mother beside him be able to sense it? Then that must mean that this weird scream could bypass even her senses!"

Yes / No

The screen flickered again. Yu Sheng didn't hesitate anymore and with resolve look, clicked yes.

Soon after the screen changed to show what looks like his body. At the right of the screen were numbers written beside a few words.

Name : Yu Sheng

Age : 0

Race : Yinyue


Strength : 0

Harmony : 50

Aptitude : Note of Indifference (Ancient)

Mark : Twist of Fate, Dreamy World, Eternal Melody (Undeveloped, rank undetermined)

"What the hell is this? My birth certificate or something? And what is these words, Harmony, Aptitude? Does that mean how talented I am or something?" Yu Sheng rubbed his forehead in confusion. From the words alone he could tell that Harmony probably meant his powers in the Art of Music, as for Aptitude, he heard from Yu Bing about the Note of Indifference so that must mean that his talent is equivalent to or even greater than his mother as stated by the word 'ancient.'

"But what does this mark mean? It doesn't tell if its a weapon, element or transformation mark."

In the end Yu Sheng choose to ignore this information by swiping the screen to the right. What he saw made him speechless.

Current Kings : 4/5





"What are these one worded names!" Dumbfounded, Yu Sheng quickly swipe again as if he saw the most unhinged names in his life. He didn't see his name so he guess it was because he didn't register a custom name yet for the reason it wasn't there.

[Would you like to construct a body?]

Seeing this Yu Sheng became stunned. "Construct a body? As in a real body?"

To confirm his suspicion he tapped the screen and what welcomed him was a bunch of words and numbers telling him how he would like to customize his body.

"What is this..."

After twenty minutes Yu Sheng finally constructed a body. It was a human who looked just like himself in his previous world.

He realized while constructing his body that he could choose any race he want from dragons to the lowest ant in the world. This made him question who made this 'Eternal Online' and what were their purpose of giving it to him.

As for his reason for becoming a human instead of choosing the mighty dragons or even the Central Domain people was because he was curious to see how the human race was doing in this strange world as well as the fact that it was the only race he was most familiar with.

"I wonder how I will be transferred to this body." Looking at the button that would make him enter his own creation, Yu Sheng wondered. It was a pity he couldn't enter this new body yet since he was currently in his mother's arm.


Soon they arrived back at the Yinyue race. The first thing Yu Yaojing did was pay a visit to the triplets.

With a heavy heart she stepped into the hospital and quickly found the triplets room. What met her were cold gazes threatening to tear her apart.

"What do you want?" The one to ask was Yu Yan.

Yu Yaojing hearing this closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them back the triplets could feel death looming above their heads. An suffocating aura leaked out of Yu Yaojing body, her eyes staring deep into their souls.

The triplets body began covering in sweat, their already pale complexion became even paler. They felt weak everywhere in the presence of the current Yu Yaojing to the point that they couldn't help but get rid of their cold gazes, their heads lowered to face the ground.

They didn't dare look at Yu Yaojing.

"You girls want to enter the competition don't you?" Yu Yaojing asked, placing Yu Sheng in the arms of a nurse before slowly walking towards the triplets.

"Answer me!" Each step she took caused the pressure to grow. When she saw the triplets not responding she shouted making them cough up blood.

"Do you think you can enter the top 5 with this attitude? Will you make one mistake control your lives!" Yelling, she came closer to Yu Yan and held her cheeks up with her hand, "What happened to your determination?"

"What happened to your sheer willpower?" She went up to Yu Ai and lift her head up by forcefully pulling her hair.

"What happened to your confidence!" Finally she slapped Yu An on her cheek with brutal force.

The triplets became startled at Yu Yaojing reaction. Her look right now was frightening to them. Her abyssal eyes held a strange light that seemly flicker between life and death. It was as if she was contemplating whether or not she should kill them right now.

Yu Yaojing noticing their expression didn't stop. "Are you going to just back down and accept this humiliation? Are you going to make the Central Domain insects disregard our strength?"

"If not then get up! Get up and prove to me, to everyone that you have the power to stand against all!"

"Even if it means costing your life." She declared indifferently.

When Yu Yaojing released her aura Yu Sheng became scared shitless. The aura leaked all over the room that it even began affecting him.

Before it could get worse though, the nurse holding him hugged him tightly resulting in most of the pressure going away.

However, for the nurse, she had to experience two folds of the pressure because of this. Yet some how there was not an ounce of pain visible on her face.

Yu Sheng sighed in relief when he saw that the pressure was no longer affecting him too badly and that the nurse seems to be alright.

[Strength increase...]

[Strength increase...]

[Strength increase...]

When a voice spoke in his mind Yu Sheng became excited. He quickly checked the window screen only to be met with disappointment.

Strength : 0.3

"Well whatever an increase in strength is better than gaining nothing."

Soon Yu Sheng listened in to what Yu Yaojing was saying. When he saw the triplets dropping to their knees he couldn't help but feel pity for them.

From what he read from the books the moment a Yinyue is defeated their only options is to give up, to never get back up from failure. Its as if a command was inserted into their brains from birth to never lose and that the moment they did their lives end.

So when the masked girl brutally beat up the triplets not only did he feel pity for them, but also angry. It reminded him of his old self. How he wasn't there for his children and the hardship he put them through.

He could only wish that the triplets would get back up. Even though the odds were impossible he still closed his eyes and hoped for a miracle just like what happened with Yu Yaojing choosing not to go to the Central Domain.

And to his surprise when he opened back his eyes he saw the triplets standing up with clenched fist and teeth.

Their eyes gaining back a little bit of luster along with their determination, courage and confidence.

"We won't accept defeat!"