
Eternal Resonance

Yu Sheng, a genius who can master anything just by looking at it. Back on Earth he was known as The Little Music God for his masterpieces in the music industry as well as being known as The Little Business God for his methods in gaining immense profit in the business industry. However, although one would think he had it all, to him, his life was only filled with indifference after losing the love of his life. This indifference caused him to conduct many illegal and unthinkable activities. After living on Earth for 60 years he was brought to a mystical world filled with beings you would only hear from in a fantasy story. A world filled with strange and mysterious powers along side multiply different races that tries to keep up with the world hierarchy. Will Yu Sheng, a genius who is good at anything be able to make a name for himself in this world? Will he be able to overcome his indifference? Chapters will release at 1:30 PM EST possibly everyday.

Zue_Wang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

It's All Over

Fan Guo gather endless energy into his hand again ready to form it into another half-step zhong fist.

Yu Sheng seeing this grew nervous yet in his eyes held the same excitement caused by the song playing in his head. His Red Spiral combined with Kai Fist did nothing to Fan Guo. Instead it only made his hand and leg get injured in the process.

'Luckily I chose the blood element.' He thought with heavy breaths. If he went for fire or destruction how would he be able to heal his wounds over and over again? If anything he wouldn't even survive until now.

'I need to think of something quick.' Yu Sheng said. With only a few seconds left on the eternal melody he was beginning to run out of options.

That was until a thought enter his mind.

"Hey Eternal System are you there?" He questioned in his mind.

[I am always here.]

When he heard the familiar voice of the system his nervousness went away as hope began filling his eyes.

"You said I could consume blood to gain a boost in strength right?"

[Yes, but this boost is only temporary.]

"By that you meant my own blood?"

[Negative. Your blood is already stored inside your body. You can only use it to restore minor wounds. Note that at your current level a cut off limp will not regrow unless you place it back together.]

Yu Sheng hearing this hopeful eyes diminish. The only idea he could think of to secure his life now became false hope.

'I guess this body is a goner now.' Noticing Fan Guo already beginning to approach him slowly yet surely Yu Sheng sighed.

'If anything I could just create another body with the system help and hope it doesn't give me someone as garbage as Xu Wantian again.' He thought as he gathered endless energy for another attack knowing full well it won't do anything.

[What are you doing?]

Seeing Yu Sheng getting ready for a suicidal attack the system asked.

'Can't you see I am going in for an all out attack?'


The system paused for a while before continuing:

[You do know you have the ability to consume other people blood right?]

Yu Sheng hearing this grew furious.

"Hey if your not going to help why don't you shut the—" Just as he was about to curse the system he began thinking what the system just asked.

He then recall that there was someone laying not too far away from him.

Someone who was already dead.

"Xing Jiang!" He said out loud as he rush towards her location at quick speed while activating Kai Speed.

"Where are you going!" Fan Guo seeing Yu Sheng running away immediately caught up with him. His fist pointing at his back with clear intentions to cripple him.

However, just at that moment Yu Sheng released his own attack. When Fan Guo saw his attack he couldn't believe it.


The two fist collided but this time Yu Sheng was sent flying away with blood covering himself from head to toe.

The direction he was sent flying to was exactly where Xing Jiang dead body lay.

"You aren't human! Who are you?!" Fan Guo stare at his fist that was actually covered in his own blood before shouting at Yu Sheng.

"I already told you." Yu Sheng reached Xing Jiang dead body and pointed his bloody hand at her, his eyes filled with exhaustion for how much he pushed his body in merely half a day.

"This is what a genius looks like."

[Would you like to consume all blood?]

"Do it!" He shouted as the eternal melody headphones begin to reach the end of its duration.

[I have confirm that this person is dead.]

[Consuming all blood!]

At that exact moment a circle filled with red looking flames surrounded Yu Sheng. The blood inside Xing Jiang body began leaking out before turning into mist causing her body to rot at a quick rate.

"What are you doing to my disciple!" Fan Guo noticing the change in the surroundings yell as he gather his full power to obliterate Yu Sheng.

[All blood has been consumed.]

[Due to current body being too weak I have chosen to store most of the blood while only giving you 2% to use.]

[Power has multiplied by 2]

[Duration of Crimson Night has increase by 3 minutes.]

"Xu Wantian I am going to kill you!" Seeing his disciple body turning into dust Fan Guo yelled with bloodshot eyes.

"Half-step Zhong Fist Release!" With a roar filled with all his strength he shot out his fist aiming directly at Yu Sheng head.

"Your slow again old man." Yu Sheng didn't even bother looking at the attack causing the entirety of it to hit his body.

The attack blew up the area as a huge crater 20 meters long fill the earth as smoke and debris spread all over.

"Not only that, but your once again weak." Unbothered, Yu Sheng jump out of the smoke and sent a Kai Fist Release into Fan Guo stomach.

"Why can't you die!" With a ugly expression filled with undeniable rage Fan Guo used his half-step zhong defense to block the attack.

It succeeded as the hit did absolutely no damage whatsoever to him.

"Nice block, but can you block this one?" Yu Sheng knowing his attack wouldn't do anything appear behind Fan Guo with his palm open, glowing orange-red.

"I learnt this technique from one of my masters back on earth I hope you like it!" Yu Sheng disclosed with a smirk as his palm came into close proximity to Fan Guo back.

"Its over..." Fan Guo sensing the power in his palm finally felt fear.

"I was truly foolish to mess with the Great Clans." In the end he accept his fate with closed eyes. Never would he thought his life would be claim by a Kai 1st stage cultivator even after consuming a berserk pill.


Before Yu Sheng palm could meet Fan Guo back his spine broke in two before shattering completely.

However, when his palm met Fan Guo back in an instance his body vanished without a trace, his blood turning into mist before being fully absorbed by the eternal melody.

His endless energy spread all around covering a large radius. Afterwards a wild storm rock the world as everything around Yu Sheng blew away creating a huge crater 50 meters wide in the ground.

A couple minutes later the storm finally ease before vanishing.

"It's all over." Not sensing Fan Guo with the little endless energy left in his body Yu Sheng fell to the ground completely exhausted.

When he fell the eternal melody headphones vanish as it reach the end its duration making him feel very weak now that all his strength was now gone.

"Who would have thought so much could be done in merely half a day." Unable to feel his body from how weak he felt Yu Sheng chuckled to himself before coughing hard.

He played hundreds of songs to satisfy the Eternal Melody needs.

Practice using Crimson Night.

Did his 26th concert.

Went into a long board meeting with all the executives of the company, made beauty pills, failed to scam Xu Lengyu, fought and killed the bounty hunters who were chasing him.

All in half a day...

"Damn that Xu Lengyu though." He cursed while trying to catch his breath. If Xu Lengyu didn't play him like a fool then he wouldn't have to suffer so much.

"And I didn't even gain anything from all this." Recalling everything he did he sighed.

"At least I got 10 Billion BDC. I can transfer it to the Yinyue Race when I have time." Reminded about the 10 Billion he got from Xu Lengyu he smiled as he imagine how excited Yu Yaojing would be if she saw the wealth he gathered for the race.

"I wonder how everyone's doing." Thinking of the Yinyue race he began to worry about them. During his time in reaching the company he heard on a huge billboard showing the news that Yu Bing has killed at least a dozen people from the Central Domain.

He also recall the triples. Although he still couldn't understand why their pride would end up in making them kill themselves he hope they at least were doing alright.

"I need to get stronger so that I can protect everyone." He thought with clenched fist as his eyes became filled with determination.

"But for now I need to take a long nap." Soon his eyes became drowsy as he prepare to sleep.

However, at that moment his endless energy sensed a unknown figure appearing in front of him.

"I knew those Bounty Hunters were trash, but to think they couldn't kill you." A voice filled with astonishment enter Yu Sheng ears.

"Xu Wantian its been so long."

"Can't a man catch a break." With a unwilling sigh Yu Sheng got up to meet the person who came in front of him.

With one look he immediately recognize who it was.

"It truly has been a long time Xu Weizhe."