
Eternal Resonance

Yu Sheng, a genius who can master anything just by looking at it. Back on Earth he was known as The Little Music God for his masterpieces in the music industry as well as being known as The Little Business God for his methods in gaining immense profit in the business industry. However, although one would think he had it all, to him, his life was only filled with indifference after losing the love of his life. This indifference caused him to conduct many illegal and unthinkable activities. After living on Earth for 60 years he was brought to a mystical world filled with beings you would only hear from in a fantasy story. A world filled with strange and mysterious powers along side multiply different races that tries to keep up with the world hierarchy. Will Yu Sheng, a genius who is good at anything be able to make a name for himself in this world? Will he be able to overcome his indifference? Chapters will release at 1:30 PM EST possibly everyday.

Zue_Wang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs


"May her soul rest in peace." The priest kneel down next to Yin Qing'er grave that was buried next to the lonely tree in the mansion.

Two weeks have gone by since her death and it was already her funeral. There you could see Yu Sheng, his father, mother, two guards and the servants that worked in the mansion.

Her parents were also there. They watch as her body enter the ground and weep. After seeing their daughter again they became filled with guilt and shame. They putted their work before their own daughter. "We've failed as parents." Her father sighed as he continue watching her body enter the earth.

"Thank you Little Sheng for taking care of her when when we didn't dare." The mother looked at Yu Sheng with a depressing smile.

"Knowing how we abandoned Yin Qing'er after we realize that our money would be at stake will haunt me forever." The father also thanked Yu Sheng with a sadden smile that looked both real and fake.

"Good." Yu Sheng suddenly muttered with a sadistic smile. "I hope it haunts your newborn son and his offspring in the future."

His statement shocked both parents until Yin Qing'er mother yelled in her own fury, "Brat what did you say! You dare curse our son after we gave our own grief to that damn girl!"

"You little sh*t who do you think you are?!" The father also yelled.

The parents shout caused everyone gazes to move from the grave to the them. Drawing disdainful gazes filled with disgust.

"You dare talk to my son like that....!" Yu Sheng mother was about to burst into her own anger when a laugh filled with indifference came out of Yu Sheng.

"Hahaha. You two are truly perfect for each other. Perfect for being two hypocrites." He said coldly.

"You...!" The mother wanted to say something, but Yu Sheng next words left her appalled.

"Dad I want all of the Yin Family businesses to become bankrupted in the next two days!" Yu Sheng yelled shocking everyone at the scene.

"Y- y- you can't do that!" The mother stuttered in her own fright as her face turn pale.

"And why can I not?" He asked as he place his hands in his pocket.

"Because your father-!"


Right as she was about to say that Yu Sheng slapped her right across the face creating a red hand print on her left cheek.

Yu Sheng father became shocked.

Yu Sheng mother was delighted.

Yin Qing'er father went into a daze.

The crowd felt amused.

The priest sighed. "Why must you fight and bicker at a funeral where the lord bless the souls of the dead..." The priest thought out loud, but no one heard him.

"You dare... slap me!" Forgetting everything she was about to said she yelled at him, raising her hand in a motion to slap back Yu Sheng.

However, before she could even swing her hand Yu Sheng placed his hand on her shoulder. His eyes filled with murder as he said, "If you were to lay a hand on me much less say anything about my father I will make sure you don't live to see tomorrows sun."

"You wouldn't." She sneered before she stare into his eyes. The moment she did so her body started shivers out of control as her mind keep screaming to her to get away from those eyes that resemble a hungry beast.

"I wouldn't? Woman I assure you that if I make a signal right now you and your husband would be dead and no one would make a complaint not even the priest." Yu Sheng whispered into her ears.

"Fine, but you must promise that you won't do anything to our business!" Getting back her composure she said with a glare.

"Do you think you have the right to negotiate when your life is at stake?" Yu Sheng mumbled making sure only she heard him.

"Hmph! Then let's see who will have the last laugh!" She exclaim before leaving with her husband.

Before leaving the father stared daggers at Yu Sheng as he made a cut throat at him.

Seeing the couple leave Yu Sheng looked on with complete indifference. Its as if he was not afraid in slightest about them in fact he wasn't.

"Dad i change my mind, don't ruin the Yin Family business." Seeing his father talking to who seems to be one of the Yu business people Yu Sheng suddenly said.

Just when he thought his son was starting to think like a business man he sighed in disappointment before canceling all the plans and arrangements he was about to employ on the Yin Family.

He didn't care about the Yin Family even though they had a friendly relationship up until now. Afterall, they were merely business partners not actually friends.

So he wouldn't mind bringing their business down, but since his son said so he could only listen to him.

His mother also thought the same as she said, "Nothing is wrong with being kind hearted, but sometimes one must develop a ruthless heart to deal with ruthless people." His mother said as she look into his eyes that went back to normal.

He nodded his head with a smile, "Mom is always right I will try my best."

Seeing that her son listened to her she became pleased.

Soon the funeral was over and everyone leave as they were giving a 4 months day off.

Yu Sheng mother went to take a nap in one of the mansion rooms since she was tired leaving Yu Sheng and his father outside.

Yu Sheng continue looking at Yin Qing'er grave with a calm face. In fact he did not cry this time since he already used every drop of his tears back two weeks ago.

As for his father he leaned against a tree while smoking a spliff. Since his wife wasn't there he thought it was a rare opportunity to smoke.

Just as he inhaled it Yu Sheng turned around and stared at it him. "Didn't mom say you should stop smoking?"

"I did, but I just got news that the Mei Family is starting to make a move against us. They have been fighting with us for years and now they finally became serious." His father informed with a stressed tone. 

"Is that so." Hearing this Yu Sheng couldn't help but laugh before saying, "Start a meeting with all the trustworthy executives in three hours."

"Eh.. Why?" Surprised, His father dropped the spliff and asked.

"I have some info on the Mei Family that's all." Yu Sheng smiled mysteriously

Three hours later the two of them arrived at the company. Entering the company they went to the elevator and soon arrived at the top floor.

There you could see all the executives sitting in a row around a huge table.

His father nodded at them and sat in the empty chair that was left for him and only him.

When he sat down he then turn to Yu Sheng, signaling for him to start.

Seeing his father look he greeted, "As you may all know my name his Yu Sheng, the son of Yu Fu. The CEO of Yu Corporations." He disclosed as his gaze swept through every single person in the room.

"This meeting is called today due to the mischief that the Mei Family has been causing us for years now." Yu Sheng continued before saying, "And I have a method to utterly crush them." He announced making everyone in the room look at him weirdly.

Their weird looks were understandable. The Mei Family is a family filled with cautious individuals. If they did something that can ruin their families reputation then they would clean it up in a matter of minutes.

The Yu Corporations has already spent millions paying hackers and mercenaries to find just a tiny bit of information that could destroy their reputations, but fail every time.

The hackers couldn't hack into their system.

The mercenaries couldn't torture the Mei Family properly.

And the Yu Corporations spent millions trying to find tracks of nothing.

Yu Sheng also understood why they were acting this way. Instead of backing down though he assured them by taking up a remote

He tapped a button and a huge screen at the end of the room lit up showing pictures of a young man naked as he pose beside two women who seems to be in their early twenties.

These women eyes looked soulless as if they lost something precious to them.

"October 4, 2019, two young ladies commit suicide at Donghai Bridge." Yu Sheng commented as he tap the remote again.

In this picture were once again two women with soulless eyes behind a naked young man who was posing beside them.

"November 23, 2019, these two ladies commit suicide by hanging themselves in their own house.

"January 1, 2020, a mother died from unknown means."

"March 16, 2020, a sixteen year old went missing after separating with her friends."

Yu Sheng commented as he kept showing pictures of naked females with a young man posing in all of them.

"This..." An executive became at a lost of words. He was speechless. Not because of the absurd pictures, or the soulless females, nor the words coming from Yu Sheng mouth, but the fact that the young man in those pictures is the son of the Mei Family business president!

His name is Mei Caihua the youngest child of the Mei Family president. He is known for his looks and his kind heart that made young ladies constantly yearn for him.

From the information they gather about the Mei Family he is also known for donating money to those in need, but what they never considered was the fact that he only donate to women!

Not only that but all the women he donated to are all the females who are naked in the photos!

Yu Fu looked as his son shocked. When he heard his son got info on the Mei Family at first he didn't believe him thinking his head got muddleheaded after Yin Qing'er death.

Never would he thought his son was actually being real!

Seeing the faces of the executives filled with disbelief Yu Sheng wasn't pleased instead he ordered, "I want these pictures to be all over the media in two days." He commanded before saying, "Also don't bother censoring anything, let the public see the true Mei Family."

"You are all dismissed." He stated while placing his hands in his pocket, leaving to the elevator.

Yu Fu seeing this quickly caught up with his son. "Where did you get those pictures?" He asked as he look at Yu Sheng as if he didn't know him.

Yu Sheng was about to enter the elevator when he paused, looking at his father as he smiled, "Did you really think I spent all those years wasting time on developing my skills in music?" He asked making his father astonished.

Yu Fu looked at Yu Sheng as if he was a mystery. Ever since Yu Sheng discover his musical talent his son rarely speak about private matters to him.

At first he didn't think much about it, but now....

Yu Sheng seeing his father act this way shake his head then went into the elevator leaving his dad alone.

He exit the company and was met with a breeze that caused his clothes to flutter softly and messing up his hair a little.

Yet that didn't faze him as he called his two guards to pick him up. Just when the phone call went through a young lady figure swept pass him. Her smell that was quite similar to Yin Qing'er enter his nose.

His indifferent eyes brighten up as he called, "Qing'er!" When he turn around his eyes quickly dim. The person in front of him wasn't Yin Qing'er.

Disappointed and heartbroken he told his two guards to quickly come for him.

He continue looking at the young girl feeling quite lonely for his age when two men blocked the girl with bats in their hands.

Yu Sheng seeing this grew apprehensive as he slowly started approaching the girl.

"Qing Yin you actually dare talk sh*t about the Young Master?!" One of the young man yelled with saliva dripping from his mouth in a thuggish manner.

The young girl by the name Qing Yin looked at them both with disgusted eyes. "You two dogs, can't you go annoy someone else? I am not in the mood."

"What did you say?!" The said young man shouted ready to start an argument with her when the other guy touch his shoulder saying, "Why waste words with a brat? Just beat her up until she knows what respect is!" The guy said as he approach the girl with murderous eyes.

The girl seeing those eyes became scared as she talked sense into them, "Are you two stupid? You two do realize we are standing right beside Yu Corporations main building?"

"Who cares, those f*ckers never bat an eye when we do our dealings here. Get her!" The guy said as he gather strength into his hands to slam the bat into the girl face until she was unrecognizable.

"Are you sure you two want to do that?" Yu Sheng exclaim. Going in front of the girl with his hand open to catch the bat.