
Eternal Resonance

Yu Sheng, a genius who can master anything just by looking at it. Back on Earth he was known as The Little Music God for his masterpieces in the music industry as well as being known as The Little Business God for his methods in gaining immense profit in the business industry. However, although one would think he had it all, to him, his life was only filled with indifference after losing the love of his life. This indifference caused him to conduct many illegal and unthinkable activities. After living on Earth for 60 years he was brought to a mystical world filled with beings you would only hear from in a fantasy story. A world filled with strange and mysterious powers along side multiply different races that tries to keep up with the world hierarchy. Will Yu Sheng, a genius who is good at anything be able to make a name for himself in this world? Will he be able to overcome his indifference? Chapters will release at 1:30 PM EST possibly everyday.

Zue_Wang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

A Shrewd Scheme

"Xu Weizhe?" Yu Sheng stare at the door knob to the meeting with a puzzled look. From what he recall from the previous host memories, this Xu Weizhe is said to be a genius in business from the young age of 11.

Just like Xu Wantian, Xu Weizhe was born with trash talent in cultivation. Instead of wasting his life like Xu Wantian though after realizing he will never become a cultivator he choose to bury himself in reading.

After reading hundreds of books he began realizing he had a talent in business and ever since then he has been trying his best to surpass the top 100 entrepreneurs in the world.

His reason for this being to join the Genius Society.

The Genius Society is a group of people who are in the top 100 of their careers. Scientist, Entrepreneurs, Doctors, etc.

The founders of this Society are unknown to the public, but people speculate that the founders are experts from the Ancient Domain, Beast Domain and Human Domain since the Genuis Society only consist of races mainly from those races.

In theory, their a group that may not look strong on the outside, but still strong nonetheless. For instance, Yu Huan and Yu Bing, two very strong individuals from the yinyue race is in this group for being the number one and three scientist in the world.

This was the reasons Xu Weizhe wanted to join the Genuis Society. If he could join and build his connections with some of the most powerful people in the world then his father may finally recognize him as his son.

However, although Yu Sheng was intrigued by the Genuis Society, that wasn't what he cared about. He recalled that this Xu Weizhe was an warm and gentle person from when he was kid. The type that would smile back at you while receiving a beating.

"What a shrewd person." Yu Sheng snickered, "Xu Wantian used to defend this person because he sympathizes on how similar their situation is. Who would have thought he was a hidden snake hiding behind a facade." Yu Sheng shook his head at how foolish the previous host was.

"Still... a hidden snake is just my type of person I like to crush the most." Yu Sheng licked his lips in anticipation. This Xu Weizhe reminded Yu Sheng of the Mei Family and their youngest son, Mei Caihua."

Recalling that family Yu Sheng sneered. "The previous Xu Wantian was foolish, but no schemes work on I, Yu Sheng. Just like that Mei Family, you Xu Weizhe will fall." Turning the door knob, he entered the meeting.

When the executives saw him they stood at attention. Some heaving a sigh of relief, but most revealing a shocked expression.

Of course there were those who looked at him with disdain and mockery in their eyes.

'I'll deal with the latter some day.' Yu Sheng thought while placing his hands in his pockets, his eyes flashing from left to right, taking everything in sight.

"Sir welcome back, I thought you would never come...!" One of the men that stood up recovered from his shock and put on a smile. But Yu Sheng words caused his smile to turn ugly.

"You, you, you, you and you." Yu Sheng began pointing his finger at different individuals while talking in a lazy voice. "Actually all of you on the right side of the table. Get up, your fired."


'What!' The people on the right looked at Yu Sheng not believing what they just heard.

'Did he figure it out?' They thought, staring at one another.

"Sir, could you repeat what you said again...?" Recovering from his shock a man on the right requested.

"Are you deaf? I said get out! You are fired!"

The people on the right side hearing this again nearly had a heart attack. One man that looks like he could be Yu Sheng grandpa slam his hand on the table and bellowed, "You can't fire me! Do you know how hard I work for the prosperity of this company?!"

The mans shout seem to penetrate the soundproof in the room, spreading outside and causing a disturbance.

The people in the room covered their ears in pain. The man shout was so loud, it sounded like it was going to explode their eardrums.

Rubbing his ears in annoyance Yu Sheng turn to the man. Unlike the people in the meeting, all that happened to him was a slight ringing in his ears

"What's your name old hag?"

The people in the meeting nearly pissed themselves listening to Yu Sheng. 'This man is a cultivator and you dare mess with him? Do you want to die!' They thought.

As for the man in question, his face became completely red like he was about to explode, but as if remembering that the person in front of him was from the Xu Clan he calmed down and said, "My name is Kong Tian."

"Okay Kong Tian. I am not sure if you heard me right, but I said you fired. Now get out." Yawning, Yu Sheng pointed at the door with his free hand.

Face still red Kong Tian questioned. "If I may ask sir, why are you firing me?"

"Well let me see." Yu Sheng came a little closer to Kong Tian and observe him.

"I don't like your skin."

"I don't like your hair."

"I don't like your eyes."

"I don't like your face... oh wait! You actually don't have hair! Oh well." Slapping his head he sighed while saying, "I guess I don't like how your bald...."

"I am going to kill you!" Not able to handle Yu Sheng remarks the man leap at him with lightning speed.

'He's dead.' The people on the left side thought.

'Kill him!' The people on the right side thought in excitement.

The man reached out his hand at Yu Sheng neck. His hand gathering force to snap his neck in one swift motion.

However, instead of his hand grasping Yu Sheng neck. His hand was firmly taken hold of. His hand held tightly in Yu Sheng grip.

"Why did you have to do that old man." Yu Sheng stare at the man with cold yet deadly eyes.

Not expecting his plan to fail Kong Tian felt humiliated. "You are just a mortal how dare you boss me around! People like you should be gravelling at my feet and licking my shoes!" Kong Tian pulled his hand thinking Yu Sheng was only able to grab his hand with some luck, but when he tried he realized his hand won't budge.

Looking up to Yu Sheng face he saw his hair and eyes become dark red. "What the—"


With swift and quick motions Yu Sheng lifted Kong Tian into the air and slam him onto the table with one hand. The table then broke in two along with some parts of the flooring.

"How did you... aughhh!!!" Kong Tian looked on in confusion, his eyes wide open. He tried to speak, but all he could do was scream.

Yu Sheng stepped down on his face. His shoe completely buried into it. "You call us mortals, but here you are licking the shoe of one. Your pathetic you know that?" He mocked with a pleased smile.

"I'll kill you!" Kong Tian repeated, his hands grabbing hold of Yu Sheng feet with the intentions of crushing it.

Seeing his futile attempt Yu Sheng became furious. "I guess since you don't want to leave I will have to throw you out!" Not feeling any pain, Yu Sheng grabbed Kong Tian by the collar and flung him at a closed window.


The window shattered completely and Kong Tian fell outside as screams of terror fill the meeting.

"How did this happen." As Kong Tian fell 20 floors down he question to himself. Never in his life would he thought his death would be at the hands of a mortal.

Yu Sheng watch Kong Tian falling with his hand behind his back. His eyes calm, collective, but most importantly...

They were indifferent.

In just a few seconds Kong Tian body crashed down on the ground with a thud. His limbs broken and his bones shattered. His head caved into the ground and blood spill all over.

"I guess not even cultivators can survive falling from twenty floors." Yu Sheng whispered to himself, turning his gaze away from Kong Tian who has already perished.

The people in the meeting gulped when they saw Yu Sheng eyes turn to them.

'He's crazy.'

'I heard the Xu Clan has a bunch of mad individuals, but I never would have expect they were this insane...'

'Is he really the guy who looked at my body every day with lust in his eyes? Scary...'

'Is he going to kill us next!'

Obnoxious of their thoughts Yu Sheng turn to the people on the right with cold eyes. "Do you guys want to end up as that Kong Tian?"

"N- No Sir!" They shouted in fright.

"Then get out."

With that one sentence they rushed out of the meeting and out of the company with their tails between their legs.

"Good. Now with that out of the way—" Dismissing Eternal Melody, Yu Sheng hair and eyes turn back to their normal color as he turn back to the remaining executives.

He would have liked to keep the Eternal Melody activated for longer, but when testing its limit Yu Sheng realized that there was an one hour cooldown before the headphones could be used again.

'A five minutes timer and an hour cooldown. What a scam.' Yu Sheng couldn't help but thought of this. The Eternal Melody was his only source of power other than his amazing abilities from the yinyue race that some how transfer from his main body to this one.

'And creating a new song is such a pain.' Rubbing his head, Yu Sheng gathered his thoughts together in order to tell the executives his plan. As for the reason creating a new song is such a pain. On his way to the company he spoke to the system about if there was a way to increase the limit and it told him he could create new songs to extend the time limit. However, each time a song is played, his powers and emotions changed with it.

Meaning, his strength and weakness will change with each song that plays.

That wasn't the main problem though. The problem is the fact that none of his old songs seems to satisfy the Eternal Melody. No matter how many songs he plays it refuses to accept them. It was as if it was calling them garbage.

"Why did you do this." Just as Yu Sheng was about to address the executives a voice enter his ears. Questioning his decision.