
Eternal Rain

In the heart of the bustling city, nestled amidst towering skyscrapers, lay a corporate office where two familiar souls were destined to cross paths once more. Lily and Ethan, childhood friends who shared giggles on the playground and secrets in the library, had drifted apart after middle school. But fate had different plans for them. In the bustling corporate world, Lily, a senior employee known for her strict demeanor and impeccable work ethic, reigns with an iron fist. Her dedication and no-nonsense attitude have earned her respect and fear among her juniors, who steer clear of her path to avoid her sharp scrutiny. However, there's one exception to this rule – Ethan, a new junior who happens to be an old friend from her school days. Ethan's presence breaks through Lily's self-imposed barriers. He's transformed from the quiet boy she once knew into a vibrant, outgoing man who wears a perpetual smile. He's quick to help, warm to everyone, and his positivity seems boundless. While others might be intimidated by Lily, Ethan navigates her formidable exterior with ease, thanks to their shared history. As Ethan's unwavering cheerfulness fills the office, Lily can't help but feel a pang of jealousy. She watches as he effortlessly garners the admiration of their colleagues and chips away at her carefully cultivated reputation. His ability to maintain such happiness in the face of stress and pressure perplexes her, and a sense of rivalry takes root. The more Lily observes Ethan's interactions, the more her annoyance deepens. She becomes fixated on his seemingly perpetual joy, believing it to be a facade that undermines her own meticulous approach. As her animosity towards his positivity grows, she finds herself caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Memories of their past friendship only intensify her internal struggle.

Virgo_owl · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

A Reminder of Strength

Lily's lunch break was a welcomed respite, offering a chance to step away from her desk and gather her thoughts. She had been engrossed in a challenging project, and the brief pause allowed her to clear her mind and recharge.

As she made her way to the cafeteria, her thoughts turned to the journey of transformation she had embarked upon with Ethan. She had come a long way, breaking down barriers and forging connections, yet the weight of her past reputation still lingered in the back of her mind.

Lily found a secluded spot by the window and began to eat her lunch, the bustling atmosphere of the cafeteria a backdrop to her thoughts. Just as she was lost in contemplation, a familiar voice broke through her reverie.

"Mind if I join you, Lily?"

Lily looked up to see her boyfriend, Alex, standing there with a smile on his face. She smiled back, genuinely glad to see him. "Of course, Alex. Please, sit."

Alex settled into the seat opposite her, his warm gaze steady on her. "I've been noticing how you've been working on connecting with your colleagues and breaking out of your shell."

Lily nodded, her expression a mixture of pride and determination. "Yes, I've been trying to change my image and show a different side of myself."

Alex's smile was encouraging, his voice gentle. "You've come a long way, Lily. But I want to remind you that you don't have to completely change who you are. Your independence and determination are what make you special."

Lily furrowed her brows slightly, curious about where he was going with his words. "What do you mean, Alex?"

Alex leaned forward, his eyes meeting hers with sincerity. "You're not an ordinary person, Lily. You've always been strong, focused, and driven. And that's something to be proud of."

Lily's gaze softened, her heart touched by his words. "Thank you, Alex."

He continued, his voice reassuring. "It's okay to be a little intimidating, especially in a professional setting. It's a sign of your strength and confidence. If your juniors are a bit scared of you, it might actually make things easier in terms of maintaining discipline and respect."

Lily considered his perspective, realizing that her natural qualities didn't have to be completely suppressed in her pursuit of forming connections. "So, you're saying that I shouldn't worry too much about what others think?"

Alex nodded, his smile supportive. "Exactly. Embrace your independence and let it work in your favor. People who truly appreciate you will understand the balance between your dedication and your softer side."

Lily's heart felt lighter, a sense of clarity settling within her. She appreciated Alex's insight and the reminder that she didn't have to compromise her identity to fit a certain mold. As they continued to talk, her perspective shifted, and she realized that her journey of transformation was about embracing her authenticity while also fostering connections.

The days that followed brought a newfound sense of clarity for Lily. Inspired by her conversation with Alex, she embraced her independent and strong-willed nature while also continuing her efforts to connect with her colleagues. She struck a balance between her determination and approachability, finding that her authenticity resonated with others in unexpected ways.

However, as she continued her journey, Lily noticed a gradual change within herself—a reversion to some of her old behaviors. She began to feel a sense of hesitation, a flicker of insecurity that she thought she had overcome. The newfound confidence she had gained seemed to waver, replaced by a trace of her former self.

One day, during a meeting, Lily found herself hesitating to share her insights, despite having valuable input to contribute. Her mind raced with thoughts of how her words might be perceived, and the old familiar self-doubt began to creep in.

As the meeting concluded, she watched as Ethan exchanged a puzzled glance with her. Concern evident in his eyes, he approached her afterward. "Lily, is everything okay?"

Lily offered a faint smile, her unease masked by her attempt at reassurance. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just had a lot on my mind."

Ethan's gaze was searching, his voice gentle. "I've noticed you've been a bit reserved lately. Is there something bothering you?"

Lily's heart sank at his perceptiveness. She appreciated his concern, but admitting her reversion to old behaviors felt like a step backward. "It's nothing, really. Just a temporary phase."

Ethan's brows furrowed, his concern unwavering. "Lily, you've come so far in breaking down the barriers you once had. I don't want to see you holding back again."

However, a sense of unease still lingered within her, stemming from her encounter with Ethan. His perceptive nature and unwavering support, while appreciated, had also sparked a tinge of frustration. She felt as though he believed he knew everything about her, even her inner struggles.

Lily's gaze narrowed slightly, her tone tinged with irritation. "Ethan, I know you mean well, but it feels like you're trying to manage my every move."

Ethan's eyes widened, surprise evident in his expression. "I don't mean to come across that way, Lily. I'm just trying to offer support."

Lily's frustration spilled over, her voice firm. "I appreciate your support, but I'm not a child who needs constant guidance. I can make my own decisions."

Ethan's brows furrowed, his concern genuine. "I'm sorry if I overstepped, Lily. I didn't mean to offend you."

Lily took a deep breath, her anger softening into a mixture of frustration and regret. She realized that her reaction might have been a bit harsh, and Ethan's intentions were rooted in caring for her well-being.

"I know you care, Ethan, but sometimes it feels like you're trying to handle everything for me."

Ethan's gaze was earnest, his voice sincere. "I don't want to take over, Lily. I just want to be there for you."

Lily's frustration gave way to a sense of understanding. She had been so focused on asserting her independence that she hadn't considered how Ethan's intentions might be rooted in his own caring nature.

"I know, Ethan. And I appreciate your support. It's just that I want to prove to myself and others that I can handle things on my own."

Ethan nodded, his smile supportive. "I get it, Lily. I'm here for you, but I'll respect your boundaries."