

Cursed to return back to life everytime he dies, Sam was almost on the brink of despair, but he lost his mind when he is caught in a crossfire between the supernatural, What is the most terrifying thing in the world? For Sam, it was the realization that no matter how many times he died, he would always come back to a world filled with monsters, ghosts, and dark forces beyond human comprehension. Every death was a temporary escape, but his curse ensured he could never truly rest. Each resurrection brought him face-to-face with new horrors, more twisted and nightmarish than the last, and the knowledge that he was eternally trapped in this cycle drove him to the edge of insanity. And for his enemies, it was him, A HUMAN that would never truly die, a human who would get his revenge no matter how, A human who would be so terrifying that it would scare even gods.

Ender_Child · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs


Good news, I am going to finish ma exams tomorrow. So i have more time to writr ma fanfics.

The wait was long and i hate exams, they should have never been made☹️