
Eternal Devil Divinity

Fang Shen, at the age of 513, discovers and fights over the Three Divine Devils' inheritance. After a gruesome battle, he finally manages to obtain the inheritance. With the inheritance sending him back in time when he was 13, watch as he takes the greatest opportunities of the Red Sky Divine Realm for himself, all while cultivating using the most insane inheritance the endless realms have ever seen.

feelfree · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Fang Shen

Dark red skies that seemed to symbolize cruelty and insanity were breeding terrifying dark clouds, clashing against each other and brimming with an aura of destruction. Crimson lightning was raining down like a chaotic rain of death. The viscous, poisonous rain was washing the gruesome battlefield of its blood and various disgusting bodily fluids.

A devilish figure was clad in horrifying dark armor, filled with spikes from head to toe. Long black hair was falling down to his waist level from underneath the helmet, giving him an unfettered air as he was busy looting corpses of their possessions. A barrier of Qi was silently encasing him and keeping the rain away from his body.

The blood-covered sword on his back was a gigantic pitch-black two meter tall Ultra Greatsword, looking like a wall of metal with red ghost-like engravings on it. Its edges torn between deciding whether they should be blunt or sharp.

This man's name was Fang Shen, also known as Eccentric Fang or Dark Devil Immortal Lord, one of the strongest four warriors of this realm. Most of the clans and sects in the Red Sky Divine Realm also tended to call him Old Devil Fang. Known for his unscrupulous attitude and ruthlessness, his fearsome reputation bred fear in both new and old geniuses.

The battlefield which he was currently cleaning up was the island where hundreds of forces sent their geniuses to fight for the greatest opportunity ever heard of in the Red Sky Divine Realm. The opportunity to obtain the greatest power present in this Divine Realm. It represented the opportunity for any force or individual to rise to the top of the realm, or even beyond it.

This island is said to have suddenly appeared in the Red Sky Divine Realm with no prior notice, as if it descended from the heavens. It was free of any inhabitants, besides an ethereal voice that somehow managed to project itself across the entire Divine Realm.

"The inheritance of the Three Divine Devils has appeared. This is the creation of the Three Divine Devils as they sacrificed their lives to open the doors to Eternal Life. Whoever obtains the inheritance and gains control over the Divine Devil Island artifact shall be known as the Divine Devil Inheritor." Announced the voice merely a day ago.

Although nobody has ever heard of the Three Divine Devils in the Red Sky Divine Realm, just the sudden appearance of the island, projected voice, impressive-sounding names, and the promise of Eternal Life were enough to shake the entire realm, causing untold amounts of blood to be shed.

Why was Fang Shen looting the corpses of people far weaker than himself? It was because even the flesh of a fly was still meat. It was because every person had their secrets. Even if someone was weak, they could still be in the possession of terrifying treasures that they dare not reveal to the outside world. This is a habit born from experience.

His powerful mind was rapidly searching through the storage rings as he picked them up. Dumping whatever he found useless and keeping the good things.

Fang Shen suddenly felt something happening, he quickly turned his gaze towards the center of the island, where a dark red palace was slowly materializing. Moving from ethereal to physical. The great inheritance is finally making an appearance.

He quickly takes towards the sky, moving at a terrifying speed towards the palace.

Two people were silently waiting for the palace to appear in full. The first was an imposing-looking man in black robes, the Heavenly Slaughter Immortal Lord, while the second was a woman with a strangely charming temperament, calling her a seductress is putting it lightly. She is Mortal Insanity Immortal Lord.

As Fang Shen appeared, Mortal Insanity Immortal Lord called out "Old Devil Fang, looks like you're a bit late. We've been waiting at this gigantic clearing since the island appeared. It makes one wonder, what have you been doing instead of waiting here with us?"

Fang Shen has been massacring the weaklings that dared enter the premises of this island. But naturally, he wouldn't admit to it. There was no reason for him to even waste his words with these people. They wouldn't be goaded nor intimidated by any random words he could cook up.

Contrary to popular belief, although he was ranked third amongst the four Immortal Lords, he considered himself the strongest of these few. It wasn't that he didn't have the strength to take first place, it's just that he didn't feel the need to. While they were preparing for a grand battle, he was preparing to kill in the first move.

Without even bothering to reply, Fang Shen brandished his ultra greatsword, Purgatory Hell, and, filled with killing intent, appeared right behind Mortal Insanity Immortal Lord, smashing it right on the crown of her head. Her skull cracked, blood and brain matter splattering all over his armor. She died without even realizing why.

Heavenly Slaughter Immortal Lord was shocked and furious. Although the relationship between him and Mortal Insanity Immortal Lord wasn't deep, they decided to be allies on this trip. Everything was gone in the blink of an eye.

"Dark Devil Immortal Lord, you've sure hidden yourself deeply. Even I was completely fooled by you acting like some weakling in our previous encounters. Such strength can't be justified simply by a recent breakthrough." He barked while instantly standing on guard.

Fang Shen laughed cruelly "You are still too green, even at 700 years of age. Prepare to die, scum."

Fang Shen reinforced his sword with Qi, allowing it to permeate. The horrific engravings shined blood-red, as if the evil ghosts were about to pop out and jump on the enemy at any moment. The Purgatory Hell sword screeched crazily, like a demon from hell, as the blood of Mortal Insanity Immortal Lord was sucked right into the baleful ghosts.

Heavenly Slaughter Immortal Lord felt fearful just watching Fang Shen feed his sword, wondering whether he'd be the next to die under this gruesome blade.

Contrary to his fears, even though Fang Shen just told him to prepare for death, he just stood there, watching him with no intention of attacking. 

"Yin-Yang Immortal Lord, scram now if you don't want to die. A weak chicken like you isn't even worthy of carrying Mortal Insanity's shoes, much less mine." Said Fang Shen towards the void, despite already having an idea that this "weak chicken's" strength might even be comparable to his.

A beautiful feminine-looking young man with blond hair slowly stepped out of a void crack before saying "You overestimate yourself and underestimate me, Old Devil Fang. You aren't the only one hiding their trumpcards."

As if to display the truth of his words, Yin-Yang Immortal Lord suddenly began to accumulate a bright ball of Light and Darkness Qi, seemingly taking the form of a three-dimensional Tai Chi Diagram. Space seemed to freeze, trapping Heavenly Slaughter Immortal Lord and stealing his ability to break through the void.

"Indeed, a mindless brute taking the first spot makes sense. Being overly concerned with reputation is bound to spell one's doom. Much less if you believe yourself to be the strongest while being so weak." Said Fang Shen while watching with schadenfreude. It was unknown to which one of them it was directed at though.

Heavenly Slaughter Immortal Lord, feeling he won't be able to escape the pretty boy's attack, could only grit his teeth and begin unleashing his most powerful attack. Despite Fang Shen calling him weak over and over, he also had his trumpcards. Dark red Slaughter Qi began gathering itself into a gigantic red palm.

Suddenly, both of the Immortal Lords attacked at the same time, not towards each other, but towards Fang Shen. It was as if they planned this from the start. After seeing how he slaughtered Mortal Insanity Immortal Lord like a chicken they were both wary of him. Not to mention trying to manipulate them into wasting their energy on each other.

Fang Shen, as if he had already expected this, calmly took the Yin-Yang beam head on, dispersing it with a palm. His other hand, holding Purgatory Hell, swung at Heavenly Slaughter's waist, breaking through the Slaughter Qi palm and intending to cut him in half.

Heavenly Slaughter Immortal Lord hastily dodged while his Slaughter Qi palm resisted Fang Shen's sword for a few moments, leaving behind an afterimage. As for Yin-Yang's attack, it was so weak even after charging it for such a long time. He was without a doubt tricking Heavenly Slaughter into attacking Fang Shen alone, killing Heavenly Slaughter with a borrowed hand.

Both of them realized they had underestimated Heavenly Slaughter Immortal Lord after his timely dodge. They quickly joined hands to attack him from opposite sides, leaving him no room to dodge. Yin-Yang Immortal Lord threw a palm towards his chest, while Fang Shen wielded Purgatory Hell with both hands, smashing it towards Heavenly Slaughter's head.