
The Pill's Effect

The two monarchs finally walked out of their corners moving toward each other in the center.

"Congratulations on finishing early," Alex said as he arrived next to the Emperor who had a weird look on his face.

"You managed to finish as well," the Emperor said. "I thought you were going to fail."

"Why would I have failed?" Alex asked. "Because of the ingredients, you gave me? No, it only helped me come up with an amazing pill."

Alex's bright smile served as a source of frustration for the emperor. He truly wanted to see him fail so that he could gain what he had without having to trade anything important for it. 

However, seeing as that he had managed to make a pill, one with a pill cloud showing up, the Emperor started to get worried.

"What sort of pill did you make?" the Emperor asked.

"Isn't it better for everyone to find out at once?" Alex asked. "The headmaster should begin any moment now."