
Eternal Blood Sovereign

Alex hart, a regular unlucky earthling dies in a road accident, he was hit by a truck after a late night shift, he transmigrated into the world of Arcanum, He now has a better opportunity to grow stronger with a set of heaven defying abilities, Blood Sovereign Sutra, The only Arcana technique for the powerful ELEMENT OF BLOOD. Eternal blood sovereign.

Zepardraconis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Aiden stared into the distance, he wasn't moved at all these folks were just canon fodder after all and they were scums, Aiden clenched his fist as he prepared for the massive fighting of his life, but the youth and his dragon had already fled into the distance, this was because the incoming beasts was an earth dragon at the quasi-gold rank if they were to stay a minute longer then death would be their only option, Aiden was surprised to notice that even though the old man's carriage was tattered the wind wolves show no sign of fear, it seems they were used to things like this, they simply stared at the massive draconic beast with an interesting light in their eyes, meanwhile the old man simply stared with squinted eyes, but Aiden could swear he saw the man smile, with a shrug of his shoulders the old man stared at Aiden, kid why aren't you running, Aiden looked at the man with a perplexed gaze, this beast can not kill me he spoke with confidence, bringing out an indifferent chuckle from the old man, listen kid i don't care if you are afraid or not don't just stand in my way, having said this the old man waved his hands as a tremendous pressure gripped everyone present Aiden inclusive, even the run-away noble and his dragon were forced to stop their useless running, everyone paid attention to the actions of the old man, they were all bewildered to see a massive brown color dragon rise from the earth, with pain evidently written on its face, no one knew what the old man was doing to the beast but it was clear from its countenance that the dragon was suffering, looking close Aiden was able to see several crystal needles stuck to the dragon hides, this ice needles kept drilling into the dragon's body at a speed visible to naked eye.

Suddenly the ground shook again as the assaulted dragon gave out a massive roar, the ground split open and a large number of beasts rushed out of the ground ranging from the mid silver tier to the peak silver tier, this was a devastating beasts horde no one could have ever expected this place to be a breeding ground for a beast horde.

The old man instantly disappeared on the spot as he charge towards the dragon, he gave it two taps on the head, this two taps killed it instantly with a flick of his wrist he threw the carcass into his spatial ring as he grab his wind wolves into the beasts storage bag then he vanished, this brought Aiden to realization, this old man was a gold rank power house and he was also running from something, but it didn't matter in any way since Aiden was leaving as well, he was already a few distance away from the capital, he would never outdo himself, the capital would send experts to wipe out this beasts horde, if he should stay he would miss the competition for the alpha academy.

Aiden didn't delay any further as he took on his foot and started making his way towards the capital at a steady speed, he couldn't run as fast as he could because he would be tagged as an anomaly, thus he could only trace the noble, and jog at a relative pace, after several hours he finally arrived before a massive wall, this wall was like a mountain as it effused a debilitating aura, this aura could cause a grown-up man to cower in fear, this made Aiden realize that there were still powerful hegemons on Arcanum, with a decisive gait he charged into the capital gate.

Halt, state your purpose, Aiden simply stared down at the guard as he brought out his identification talisman, on this talisman was Aiden face and behind it was a barbarian holding a giant hammer pointed at the skies, seeing this the guard nodded, and made way for him to pass, and passing this guard he felt elated to have finally reached the capital, it was now time to rise to prominence, with a jerk of his waist he made his way to alpha academy grounds, on getting there he was able to see the novelty of this academy cause it was only second to the imperial palace, looking up he saw a list of names and their pictures and on this list was also his name which he saw with his eyes 'Aiden blue blood', he had a fight the very next day to he didn't feel too bothered though because this youths never had it rough in their lives, they were pampered all the way and could only run at the sight of danger, he quickly made his way to a nearby inn and that's because he had some important things to do, after long time of roaming he found one inn of his gold coin standard, he had to put his all not to loose on the newly found inn as there were enough Arcanist looking for a place to spend the night.

The instant he entered the allotted room he sat cross-legged, summoning out a pool of blood from his body as he started inscribing runes in the totality of the room, silence rune, illusion rune, and the most paramount of them an explosive rune with this rune in his hand he felt confident of amending his former mistake and have a means of ruling the golden world, the instant the explosive rune was created his aura drilled rapidly as a large amount of his life force dropped drastically, his body shriveled and showed sign of dropping and losing control of itself, before instantly recovering back to the peak and even felt a bottleneck of the gold rank losing a bit, he then sent his mind into the golden pearl in his heart with it he teleported into the golden world where he had to train and make changes to himself and grow in wait for the contest he came for and this is also the only place he can strengthen himself with limitations.

On a golden landscape, a white-furred beast could be seen running on its hind legs free and unfettered, this beast had a striking body-shaking similarity to Aiden, funny enough, it was using the techniques of Aiden albeit the simple ones, the instant he landed he sat cross-legged as he looked around warily before calming his tingling senses collecting his thoughts, he brought out the explosive rune which is the biggest hidden card he's got and this was only the size of a thumb, opening his eyes he was rude shocked to discover the white beast was also sited cross-legged before him and consolidating his hand movements and seeing this chance he instantly threw the explosive rune at it, booooooooooooom the rune exploded has Aiden was catapulted far to the distance, the instant he got his footing he charged back to the explosion where he saw the little beast breathing heavily after unexpectedly receiving a very strong first attack from Aiden and its body was heavily battered and it's both hand were the price for being too confident and meditating in the enemy's front because they were both missing, after moving closer to examine the beast he placed his hand on its chest although he was doing this with caution because even with the lost hands its still capable of one thing or the other, the heart charged out of its chest cavity and this made Aiden to jump backward in case of any funny prank from the animal, he was shocked to see that the beast body shriveled and turn into a puff of smoke, leaving only the beating heart in his hands and looking at this heart he felt like a living metal, without thinking much he swallowed it and shut down instantly by fainting.

After who knows how long Aiden jerked awake and was shocked to become a full-grown horned man, bringing him to the reality that he had worsened his mistake for even swallowing Only who knows whether the wrong heart or not, he held unto his head as tonnes of memories and information appeared right on his mindscape, he nearly opened his head and empty it due to endless pain that is enjoying its vacation right in his whole being, and after tearing off several spaces and affecting the golden world due to screams and struggles from Aiden, he finally gets infused with peace as every information had been digested and after this, he had a sullen expression and was able to grab the past, present and future information of the beast that had just been dealt with, he was so enraged because one had to know that this beast was the one move killer of Aiden when he was in the old ice man carriage and after having this knowledge he had to look at himself and wonder what had happened to him for been able to kill the former one move killer who he was a former victim to but now a victor and owner.