
Eternal Affection

Introduction: "Eternal Affection" follows the story of Amy Anderson, a 26-year-old university professor, and Billy Scott, her 19-year-old student. It all begins when Billy's attempt to stop a robbery ends with him getting stabbed. He's saved by a mysterious woman who disappears afterward. Fast forward eighteen months, Billy finds himself at Arora University, where he encounters his savior again, now revealed to be his professor, Amy Anderson. He confessed to her on the first day in front of everyone, stupidly, and she rejected him by slapping him. Since then, he has been trying to impress her and seeks help from his anonymous online gaming friend Seraphicsaviour. On the other hand, Marcus, a guy with past trauma who is in the same class of Billy, is hailed as the guardian monster in university because of saving girls from harassment using violence. He loves Evelyn, his classmate, but suppresses his feelings because of the insecurity of being seen as a criminal. Notice: This story doesn't have any love triangle or harem. Enjoy the pure, wholesome love between two innocent characters. Be ready for a three-volume emotional rollercoaster.

Ash_thirumuru · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

8. Regret


Austin poured the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee into the waiting mugs in the kitchen, a routine act that seemed somewhat surreal given the tension hanging thickly in the air. Carrying the steaming mugs over to the dining table, he approached Billy, who sat nursing his arm, still feeling the sting of Austin's punishment.

"Here, your low-sugar coffee," Austin said, his voice tinged with lingering irritation as he placed the mug in front of Billy before taking his seat opposite him.

"You know, you don't have to be this harsh with the punishment," Billy muttered, his tone heavy with regret as he accepted the offering.

"So, you're admitting you messed up?" Austin's gaze was piercing, his expression serious as he locked eyes with Billy, who remained silent, seemingly lost in the swirling depths of his coffee.

"Silence isn't an answer," Austin pressed, his stare unwavering.

"I'm sorry," Billy finally spoke up, the weight of his mistake evident in his voice as he acknowledged his wrongdoing.

"Dude, blurting out 'I love you' to a professor on her first day isn't just a normal mistake," Austin retorted, the frustration of the previous day still lingering as he rose from his seat, pacing slightly.

"I don't know why I said it," Billy admitted, his tone filled with remorse. "I made a terrible first impression on her. Should I consider today a good day for seeing her again or a bad day for freaking her out?" he pondered, sinking back into his seat, his gaze fixed on the swirling patterns in his coffee.

Austin sighed, the frustration ebbing slightly as he took his seat once again. "Is she the Ms. Anderson who saved you?"

"Yeah, I remember that day now! Her beautiful brown hair, her emerald green eyes, and her cute face," Billy reminisced, a faint smile tugging at his lips as he recalled the memory.

"That still doesn't give you the right to propose to her," Austin reminded him sternly, his frustration evident in his tone.

"I know, I'm sorry about that," Billy replied before taking a sip of his coffee, his senses on high alert, sensing something amiss.

"You said low-sugar coffee," Billy pointed out, giving Austin a sidelong glance, a hint of suspicion in his voice.

"Does it matter now?" Austin brushed off the question, his irritation resurfacing. "We have more important things to deal with tomorrow morning."

"What things?" Billy's curiosity was piqued, his interest evident as he leaned forward, awaiting Austin's response.

"We have to clean up your mess, idiot," Austin replied, his frustration returning in full force as he contemplated the impending ordeal that awaited them the next day.

The next day, Billy and Austin found themselves standing outside the principal's office, a sense of dread gnawing at them as they contemplated the impending conversation.

"I never expected to end up like this," Billy sighed, his disappointment palpable. "Can't we just ask Dad for help?"

"What would you ask him? 'I need help because I proposed to a newly appointed lady professor'?" Austin retorted, his tone laced with frustration. "Even if Dad helps, Mom and Sis won't let us live it down," he added, his voice tinged with resignation.

"Ugh," Billy sighed, his disappointment deepening at the thought of facing the consequences of his actions alone.

"Come on, you better apologize before they summon you," Austin suggested, nudging Billy forward as they both steeled themselves to enter the office.

Entering the office, they saw Principal Johnson, a stern expression on his face, engrossed in paperwork. "Excuse me, sir," Billy spoke up, announcing their presence.

The principal looked up from his work, his gaze shifting from the paperwork to the two young men standing before him. "Good morning, Billy, Austin. Are you here to discuss yesterday's incident?" he inquired, his tone grave.

"Billy, I thought you were an excellent student, respected by all the staff," Principal Johnson continued, disappointment evident in his voice as he addressed Billy directly.

"I am sorry about his behavior, sir. He didn't get enough sleep yesterday and said those things in a half-asleep state," Austin explained, forcing a smile as he attempted to mitigate the situation. Both the principal and Austin turned their gazes to Billy, who seemed to be lost in thought.

Austin nudged Billy, prompting him to speak up. "Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I just said it in a half-asleep state yesterday," Billy apologized, forcing a smile as he met the principal's gaze.

"Do you expect me to believe that?" Principal Johnson looked at them incredulously, clearly unimpressed by their feeble excuse. He seemed torn between amusement and frustration at their pitiful attempt to explain away Billy's actions.

Billy and Austin exchanged worried glances, both bracing themselves for the inevitable consequences of Billy's foolish behavior.

"Well, Billy, it seems you're lucky," Principal Johnson finally spoke up, his tone surprising both Billy and Austin. "Miss Amy refused to file a complaint against you," he revealed.

Billy and Austin couldn't believe their luck as relief washed over them, mingled with a healthy dose of disbelief. It seemed that, for now at least, Billy had narrowly escaped the repercussions of his actions.

Billy and Austin exchanged looks of astonishment, unable to comprehend their good fortune. Relief flooded through Billy, mingling with a sense of gratitude towards Amy for her unexpected leniency.

"Really?" Billy asked, his voice tinged with disbelief, seeking confirmation from the principal.

Principal Johnson nodded, his expression softening slightly as he observed Billy's genuine surprise. "Yes, really. It appears Miss Amy decided to handle the matter internally," he confirmed, his tone conveying a mixture of sternness and relief.

Sensing Billy's overwhelming emotions, Principal Johnson offered a word of advice. "You might want to consider apologizing to Miss Amy, Billy. A sincere apology can go a long way in rectifying such situations," he suggested, his tone gentle yet firm.

Billy's heart swelled with gratitude towards Amy for her unexpected act of kindness. "Thank you, sir. I promise this won't happen again," he vowed earnestly, determined to make amends for his lapse in judgment.

Principal Johnson regarded Billy with a stern yet understanding gaze. "See to it that it doesn't," he admonished firmly, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

Billy nodded, his determination renewed as he mentally vowed to uphold his promise. "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir," he responded respectfully, grateful for the opportunity to rectify his mistake.

With a nod from the principal, Billy and Austin exited the office, a weight lifted from their shoulders. As they walked down the hallway, relief washed over them, mingled with a sense of gratitude towards Amy.

well the same, I am lazy and couldn't complete the chapter. sorry for my laziness guys

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