
Essences of Trouble (SI - Self Insert OC) Marvel. OP.

Never Trust sketchy Emails. Mc decides to fill out an interactive CYOA with the Essences of Trouble. Little does he know that some ROB or Alien Space Bat with a few constellations watching decided to throw him with his choices and see how he would fare. ~~~ Disclaimer I do not own anything Except my Ocs. Everything else belongs to Marvel, Disney. ETC. The cover Art is Cirilla by @BigTrav. If you want me to remove it just contact me. This is a wish fulfillment, a bit of a crack fic. There will be a harem? maybe. I'll see how the relationship is between him, his companion, Rogue, and Spider-Gwen. otherwise, he will still have his companion from the Cyoa... English is not my first language. I got no beta readers and no editor so don't expect high-quality content. this is Plot with Smut. don't expect Mc to be sleeping with women in 8 out of 10 chapters. although there will be seggs here and there. (+18 chapter will be marked as such)

OnanMaster · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 6: enhance! enhance! and meeting Two Locals

After a long night of lovemaking at first, which transitioned to some rough and kinky sex we cuddled and went to sleep.

After waking up I got the notification that I was rested and that all status alignments have been removed, not that I had any in the first place.

I caress Ciri's back as we lay in bed and she uses me as a body pillow. I consider giving her Spider Powers but I pass on that for now, not until I craft radiation-based weapons against inheritors.

As of now, I'm positive that I and SpiderGwen are two spider tokens in this version of Earth (let's call it earth-42069) but if there is another one like Miles or the Original Peter Parker then its more chances of the Inheritors coming to feed on us Tokens, if I just give Ciri the powers of a spider then I would be tempting fate.

For now, I could just make her an Awakened with a power level of a National Rank Hunter.

but I don't know how that would work, and I would like to ask her if she wants that kind of power, while in paper I would be helping her, better ask for permission rather than forgiveness, especially with superpowers involved.

I carefully slide from under Ciri and leave her peacefully sleeping visage undisturbed.

I pick up the Hotel Phone and dial the service.

"bring breakfast to the penthouse, for Two people, including a whole pot of coffee," I tell the room service before adding "I don't know what my partner wants so kinda bring us a bit of everything, Alright see ya"

While Breakfast is being readied I prepare the money to pay for it and leave it on the table next to the door before I walk into the bathroom and turn on the standing shower.

I dial it to the hottest setting and turn on the side sprinklers covering me in hot steaming water, with my current Str and vitality I could just tank this, but thanks to the Symbiote (with no weaknesses) I can just stay here in the scalding water and enjoy it as if nothing happened.

"fire can't hurt the dragon" Remembering that Im now in the body of Alucard. or better known as Dracula. (who's clan's symbol is literally a dragon) I just grin as I let the hot water massage my body.

while in the shower I check on the notifications.

"Let's see" I Checked the Level notifications.

Name: Alucard Hellsinger

Main Class: Player.

Secondary Class: Shadow Monarch. Spider Totem. Tinkerer

Level: 4

EXP: 2200/11400


Free: 26 (5x4levels=20, +3 from daily quest +3 from double extra daily quest)

▪ Strength: 69

▪ Agility: 89

▪ Endurance: 74

▪ Sense: 104

▪ Intelligence: 144

While saving Stat points would have been nice when training if I just had 10. but since I also have the Spider Body essence. working out with regular equipment would be a bust and a waste of time, until I can make myself some specialized equipment ill be saving the Free points for emergencies in case I need a boost, for now, let's see the HP and MP

Hp: 14300

Mp: 144400

Good enough. Steady progress is much appreciated.

I also have 2 Random Things and 1 Random box.

Opening the Two random things.

*Ding* You have received 1 pound of Goat Jerky.

*Ding* You have received 1 Holy symbol.

I sigh. While I wasn't expecting much from the Random thing at least it's not a Cursed Item or Space Aids.

Finally the Random Box.

*Ding* You have received Nanotech Swarm Generator Schematic

I raise an Eyebrow. After that, I open the Inventory and read

Nanotech Swarm Generator Schematic - This blueprint contains plans for a device that releases a swarm of nanobots to accomplish a variety of tasks, from repairing damage to disabling electronics.

OK, that is really nice, If I make them out of carbenium aka "poor man's adamantium" and make them cover the Inheritors from head to toe, crawl into every single orifice it has, and perhaps deliver small payloads of highly Radioactive materials inside its body as I just dodge it's ass around until its weak enough to be put into a giant slow cooker so he can suffer before departing… either that or a vat of Acid from My new shadow Stinger.

well, also I could use it for surveillance, hacking and disrupting tech, and many more uses.

besides its nanobots, I bet I could make it a program and be able to synthesize it to become power armor like the MK L only making it better and stronger since I do have a Symbiote.

Now that I think about it. with enough creativity, I could automate the process of fabrication to have a swarm of nanobots as if it was a giant hive mind that can kill things as if it was an ant colony. but also rebuild entire buildings. shieet. this is going to be glorious.

I turn off the shower and dry myself, put on a bathrobe, and walk outside, I watch Ciri peacefully sleeping. Damm, she is hot.

Relationship Meter:





Well, 15 points raised from last night, guess that fucking like wild rabbits in heat helps.

The door gets a few knocks and I hear "room service" from the outside

The food is finally here.

I look at the assortments of breakfast foods, some of them salty like bacon and eggs, others sweet like pancakes, crepes filled with chocolate, whipped cream, and strawberries, a pot of coffee in a silver stylish teapot, and some white porcelain for the milk.

"Thanks, By the way, here, keep the change," I say as I place a few 100s in the guy's white-gloved hands, not before ordering one of my shadow soldiers to sneak into the guy's shadow.

call it my 6th sense for trouble and problems.

"thank you sir!" he says in a loud whisper with a happy face before saying goodbye and leaving.

I push the trolley towards the room, and leave it next to the bed letting the freshly made food start to impregnate the room with its smell,

I chose a plate with blueberry Waffles and pour some hot chocolate on top before dabbing it all with a tinny bit of whipped cream, I marry my breakfast with a strong cup of black coffee.

Cirilla wakes up as Im about to sit to start eating, I reach for the remote and turn on the TV only to catch JJJ in the middle of an angry rant.

"And where were those Damm Spiders when that Scorpion monster was Killing and EATING children, well let me tell you, chasing The infamous Black Cat, only for the thieve to escape once again! A few jewels are worth more than the lives of the innocent? those Spider menaces do seem to think so! Not like Our companion here, not only did they stop that abomination in time, but they also dealt with it with minimal property damage! look, people!"

Then a CCTV footage of my shadow soldiers distracting Scorpion around while other soldiers were evacuating the civilians, Then I appeared and throw the Mutate in the air then fly away with Kamish following it.

"We do not know who these Individuals are, but there have been reports of them all over the city, dealing with criminals almost Everywhere. the Daily Buiulge has managed to do an interview with a local resident of the Upper East Side, Here is her testimony"

The footage then shows a blonde woman in her 40s talking about one of my shadows saving her from a home invader with a knife, the shadow dislocated the attacker's arms and legs and then gave the woman a phone with 911 already dialed before melting into the shadows without saying anything.

This made me laugh while I was drinking coffee, making me choke and cough while still laughing

that was some major trolling.

She sits in front of me and starts to eat hers…

"And here I thought you had enough of sausage," I say with a cheeky smile, I see her blushing mid bite and start to chuckle as she kicks me under the table while her face takes a light red tone.

"Alright, Enough teasing you my darling. so what do you want to do today?" she gives me a pout as she keeps eating and watching TV.

"I want to shop for some clothes" Fricking women. all are the same. does not matter their world origin.

"Fine, I'll give you some cash and send you with Greed and Iron, they can carry your bags." she looks at me puzzled.

'what? it's not like anyone can Catch you. Lady of time and Space… just teleport away, easy as that." she just scoffs at my remark.

"Besides, it's not like we are going to be hiding, besides you can alter your appearance with Your symbiote." She tilts her head as if considering it. then nods.

"yea, Kelpie can do that," she says as Her Green and White symbiote head emerges from her shoulder and nods sagely.

"Also I would like to talk to you about me enhancing your powers, I can make you an Awakened and also give you spider powers, the awakening part should be danger free, but the spider powers come with the small danger that involves multiversal hopping energy vampires." she rolls her eyes, minimizing the danger.

"I have a djinn, I can just wish for it to disappear and Puff. and the energy vampire is gone" After hearing her I consider it.

"you might be right, but they are still dangerous foes. I think you should be safe with Your symbiote and me making you a national rank hunter, either way, I can always come and help you if things get bad enough" I say and extend my arm towards her.

she gives me her hand.

I start to infuse her with power. First Making her a National Rank Hunter, she tenses and moans as power courses through her. until she stops panting, trying to catch her breath.

Then I make her a spider token and make her a mirror of my own abilities. with loyalty and obedience at 100 and her affection rising quickly, I doubt that she would be any liability.

I also bestow her with a system, just so she can have Gamer's body and Mind, don't want her to end up mind controlled, not that it would matter, shadow soldiers are probably immune to any kind of psychic abilities.

"Now there!, you are strong as heck, Buy me some clothes too, my size is…" i check my clothes "they a Large, extra long if you can find them"

I finish my coffee and another plate of food before making sure that Iron and Greed have their orders, Tank will stay hidden in her shadow and not appear unless she is in danger.

While I doubt that she or my shadows can be captured due to the nature of my and her powers better be cautious than sorry.


I put on my Tracksuit once again and went on for a jog, this time at a regular pace.

I wanted to see what was going on around the city as a regular bozo instead of a guy in a superhero suit, while doing so I still had my Ultra senses in high alert as I just ran around Manhattan.

Everything was well and good until I caught the very distinctive sound of webshooters. coming from the east. Let's meet another spider token.

I run towards a dark alley and once I'm positive thanks to my senses that I'm out of any recording cameras or CCTV I wish for Umbra to cover me, I leap 30 feet in the air and parkour my way up to the top of the building.

'Should I fuck around and find out? meh… why not?' I will for my pheromones to secrete a strong smell of danger, as if I was a spider token and about to die, and wait for them to be carried around the wind.

A few minutes pass and my senses finally notice the distinctive sound once again, approaching me at a high speed.

"Stinger, pretend that you are fighting me, and make it seem like you are trying to kill me" Stinger emerges in the new shadow form, bows, and proceeds to start attacking me viciously, to the untrained eye it would seem as If I was desperately trying to dodge and evade, but it was more of a playful game of tag than anything else.

Suddenly A white and black figure with some pink tones landed followed by another one in blue and red, Slowing down the time thanks to my free use of SpiderSense and the abilities that come with being an Awakened I see Spider Gwen and a kid in what looks like an improvised Spider suit, they both rush and try fighting Stinger, the Scrowny male kid throws some webbing and tries to pull on it only to lose his footing as Stinger cuts the Webb with a slash of his tail.

SpiderGwen engages in a CQC using her agility and acrobatic moves to dodge and hit the shadow when she can.

I just walk back and sit on the ledge, take out some of the Goar jerky, and start to eat it slowly while observing them dancing around the shadow trying to hit it multiple times, only for the shadow to assemble itself thanks to a bit of my own mana.

They really tunnel vision this one as I can see them fighting for close to 5 minutes, I send a mental command to Stinger using my telepathy for him to increase his pace and the variety of his attacks, leaving both of the spiders fighting in an ever increasing desperate manner.

That is until Stinger just swats the kid in the ghetto outfit, which lands near me after a few rolls, his Googles broken and laying on the side while he groans in pain.

"Stinger, enough" The shadow stops and immediately bows and dissolves into the ground (or so it seems) as I just store him.

"Well well well. how about that, two little spiderlings caught in my web" I make Umbra give them a wide toothy grin.

"Crap!" Spider-Gwen says as she tries to web the Teen away from me, only for me to intercept the webbing and give it a quick jank making Gwen fly towards me.

While she has her face covered Idk how butt those spider masks do reveal lots of emotion.

I can feel her panic as I catch her in the air and start to spin, throwing us into a quick-paced ballroom dance

"Release me, You Klyntar monster!" she almost yells as she tries to escape my confusing dance while I hum a nice tune to our steps before I pin her around a few times and let her go before just chuckling a few times.

"Calm down Spiderlings, I will not hurt you," I say as I wish for my Symbiote to go back inside my body only covering my eyes in a classic Domino mask.

"Hi!" I say as I wave at the duo. Umbra rises from my left shoulder and her chibbi cute form also waves a hand made out of black goo.

"Good girl," I say as I pet Umbra a few times as you would do with a cat.

In the corner of my eye, I can see that The male teen is not understanding what is happening, but SpiderGwen's eyes are wide as saucers, 'how the hell can their masks do that? is that some kind of hidden superpower?'

"what the hell is going on?" I hear SpiderGwen muttering to herself under her breath.