
Essence of time : the spin-off

This is a snapshot of my work on mijnbestseller.nl which sells English books as well. And is another universe depending on the go-to-sleep saga, that I've been working on. To better understand this saga read that one first, please. The book is a story about an elderly man telling how back in his universe his friends got killed by an unknown serial killer. Who worked in the marine and went crazy over her territory and now it's only seeing for how long he will survive. read to find out

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Oneshot one : 10 chapters maximally,

I haven't been that extremely active over the course of time. But what does it really matter when I can produce good content? and get ready to write a one-shot for one of my most famous books. most of my stories on web-novel are completely free by other standards compared to ''mijnbestseller.nl'' /AndyDonovanNLA where I publish my paid works by now. Now that I'm back I plan on writing out every Friday once again. and get back on the track. Because I really need to stop abandoning all my well-made projects on here. And that's all I'm going to let you know, Webnovel will be completely only English by me, and I apologize for leaving. I'm terribly sorry to have come with that news.

I dearly apologize for the fact that I have left, sorry! 

Essence of time :

Starting date :27-9-2022

Ending date :25 October 2024

An go to sleep spin-off in an cinematic paralell of steampunk, Enjoy the first and last book of this please.

Author : Andy Donovan,

Spin-of not canon,

Made for Lisanne Grasmeijer,

We came along a long way. There was an girl in the forest. Who was an ghost who did unspeakable things over the years to dozens of people. And we escaped the whole ordeal, but curiosity killed the cat. And we couldn't let that be landed in the end of our complete story. That would be an problem now, wouldn't it?

My friend Chris and my other friend Jacob, were looking for the legend of the girl who counted everyone's time. And horribly mutilated people including her own left eye in the presence. It was only into the fifties that we went to that horrible place. Hoping to get an story out of this, we buckled up our hoods and camera's. And found something that shouldn't be looked over again by the human eye. And the next sound of music was screaming in pain to her ears. She was hurting constantly, and she was hunting too. For another prey, maybe another territory wouldn't make an change of mind by now. Maybe, we were just stupid kids back in the days. But that didn't change the matter of fact that I was the only surviving last standing, in that cold war. That we could only curse as ''the curse of the time and wind''

We walked through the forest, with all it's leafs and playing pararells. It was freezing our mothers told us not to leave the house without an thick woolen jacket. And we told her we'd be back soon. But we were all dead wrong about it all. And made an deadly-mistake. Which left me scarred like an puppy without an bone, an owner. I felt like an small kid who just lost their candy in the meantime. Maybe, her ever forsaking pain kept her hunting. And to haunt the woods till the last day of her decay. And time is fragmentical, in pieces at times. But yet so different. I wish I never started to be there as an young boy. 

'Chris, Harold where are you?' 'I've been looking for you, cut it out! We're going to be late for supper if we don't make it by tommorow we're wasting time. And I don't feel like getting stenched to death!'

But they were nowhere to be found. And I searched again searching for clues. Hoping this would give me any answer again. I hope this doesn't continue on and on forever. Because I can not take it if it does. But when I saw blood trials on the leaves. Dripping down. And saw horribly mutilated bodies of my friends. With their eye hanging out. And an cut in their face. I screamed. I screamed but nobody showed up. And I realized that all I ever stood for. Was gone? Was it an ghost? An murderer? An psychopathic person that belonged into an institution. I really don't know what to say? What to do? Run? Scream. Never scream the killer wil find you. So that's why I decided to do. I yelled as loud as I can.

'Help!' as I heard the sound of an pocket watch, and an throbbing sound. As if it was poking in some-type of flesh. And the throbbing of footsteps in the dark eary woods. Something wasn't right. And when I decided to look. I saw the blue eye within the red of the bleeding eye socket strike straight towards me. And I ran as fast as I could. But with no way out. As she smiled.

'How dare you come into my territory and threaten my peace? And say I wasted your time..'

She smiled as if she couldn't care less, as if she didn't feel anything for what she did to my friends. She couldn't care. Or give an damm what my friends just were on about. They said it. I didn't decide to remember the rest. And climbed into an tree. But she came crawling after me. Holding her knife up to my foot. As I got my foot right into where her clock used to tick. And the horrid pain struck her to be unfocused on the clock. I quickly decided to climb to the other blossomed branch. And she was extremely angry about it all.

''Your time will come.. your time will surely come.. you will pay for this!…'' ''you stupid little kid. You got an problem thinking you can get away from me that easy!?"

I decided to run as fast as I could without an trace. And jumped out and decided to run and run. Hoping my parents would believe me . But they would probably believe it was some rumour. But I have seen it all. And I'm not going to stand by the fact that she just killed my friends. And tried to kill me.

I thrumped, and still heard the footsteps. Clearly, and understandably I needed to get out of here. Lock the doors, Then find shelter, and I had to return to the home of my parents. Where I was fostered and raised. I was only an young boy with an heart of gold. And this was all I could do to keep myself safe. And prevent myself from getting even bitten by some girl who acted like an selfish, psyhopathic, loco lunatic. We didn't have free lines in the fifties but that didn't matter. I was only 17 at the time. And I couldn't think straight. I was pumped up with my own bodical-chemicals. And had to get away as soon as I could. I need to get away! Now! Escape the morbid sense of death! That's all my things I had to be aware of and not feared. I need to be clear I had to escape! 

I ran as fast as I can at the moment. I run as fast and finally made it home. But tripped over an tree branch, with an noose. As I finally saw the girl standing over towards me.

'How dare you run away from me?…' and I just held my head still as if I'd pretended to be dead.

'You already died, that's such an waste of time.. let me put my knife in your arm to play an little to see if I can get an reaction out of you..'

But despite everything, I stil played dead. When she ran away I decided to untie the noose. And walk slowly. With the blood I could pretend to be dead. And get done what I have to make done. Pretend to have fallen out of the tree. To think this psychopath into thinking I fell of the branch.

She came back again, after she heard my footsteps. Again and again and again, she knew what she was doing. The jacket looked like an brown, military jacket. So if she had an gun with her. I had to be even more careful then I already was around her. I have to be extremely careful ": tricking her into thinking that I am already dead according to her.

I pretended to lay dead on the ground. Even if she kicked me an dozen of times on my head, I still held my body together as if it was frozen ice. I laid down as much as I could. Without trying to provoke any sense to an reaction. As she finally mumbled and sighed.

'You're dead already? I wish I had more time to play with you.. goodbye.. your time has made amends to end my friend.'

I waited for her to walk to the end of the forest. And dissapear. Her blood of her brown jacket, and her eye leaving an horrible stench. But there was nothing I could do at all for it to be prevented. There was absolutely nothing I could do. Quietly I made an footstep with some noise. Then as an young-man I stepped on an branch. As the lady replied :

'It must be an animal Clock nevermind..''

I decided to make sure I got away as soon as I could and tell the story. I ran and ran, as she dissapeared into the wildnerness. And I had no way to go back and fourth, this is all that ever had mattered to me. And all that matters is that I got out alive. By sure, I needed to get out. Because if I didn't she would have noticed. And would have unalived me and I wouldn't have anything left if I didn't leave.

Thankyou for reading this oneshot book. An one-shot book is where you make extremely short stories. Based on another novel. I've been saying that this book was only written in one day. And that several other one-shots of ''this go to sleep' other cinematic universes are to come out soon. It's based if go to Sleep took place in an alternate – 50's. And I've decided that instead of Clockwork being the heroin in the other book. That she's the villain into this book is engrained. Jeff had always been plausible. But that doesn't matter by now, does it? Jeff is not as horrible in this saga, and there's no slender man involved in this book. I'm just saying it's fun to write different timelines in the books. With different characters, you bring up day by day. I've been writing three books this day as I've been typing it but I've probably forgotten. Im only planning on making 5 one-shots of 'go to sleep' before that I go back toward the official- release. I don't care what other people think. Short books deserve their recognition too. And to be honest, this book is written for a comic book. Which means why it's so extremely short.

Thank-you for reading the new oneshot, It's apprieciated and these are completely for free. And know some of my oneshots do not deserve to be paid for. Since they aren't canon to the other stories I have in mind. Thankyou for reading,

-Andy Donovan,