
Essence of Nihilism

A Dead Apostle Ancestor. A True Ancestor. An avatar of the void. The nothingness personified, an absolute nihilistic existence. Or, in simple words. A really edgy vampire finds himself isekai'd into a completely odd world or worlds. Hey, at least he wasn't that nerfed. He was just reduced to only being able to swallow the world into the void in a minute or two.

DevilNeumann · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

EoN: Prologue

Thchul'lkha Azathoth was his name. It wasn't always his name.

Back then, when he was human, when he had desires other than occasionally wanting to suck blood, he was called Cassius M. Cassanova.

He was born with a diamond spoon, he was the heir to the Mishima Zaibatsu– n extremely wealthy family with eastern origins– he was also born with the talent to understand and master anything he deigned worth his interest, whether it be something as mundane as botanical work or as complex as rocket science.

He raked success and was great enough to make his own last name and turn the glorious Mishima into his middle name only.

Wherever he went, CmC was a known title that refers to Cassius M. Cassanova.

He was a blessed existence, his desire was outrageous, his sins were buried.

Whenever he felt wrath, a mere mention to his right "connections" and said source of wrath disappeared.

Whenever he felt lust, a girl wouldn't even deem to deny him, they spread his legs for him, whether they want to or not. A fat check would shut the holes up.

Whenever he felt greed, a word would have the source on his palms, whether it be something as outrageous as a country or a even an entire ocean.

Whenever he felt gluttony, he would eat whatever he want at the finest quality, no matter what.

Whenever he felt envy, it didn't last for more than a minute.

Whenever he felt sloth, he could sleep for a week and he'd still earn more than someone working for 5 years with no vacations.

Whenever he felt pride? He. Felt. Proud.

He was genius, born with a golden spoon and wasn't such a slob to not work hard.

All his desires were answered and all his sins were buried.

He was Cassius M. Cassanova. The Greatest in All Human Existence.

Yet. He was ONLY human.

All it took was to offend the wrong being and all his glory came crashing down, like castle made of sand.

He offended the one known the Wizard Marshal, Zelretch. He didn't know who the effeminate looking old man was, but he simply felt like sleeping with the girl next to him. He called her his student or something, but he didn't care.

He grabbed the girl of Asian descent and tried to massage her thighs that were plain for the world to see.

Yet, the woman dared to slap him.

He was prepared to beat the woman up for such sin against him. Yet, the old man came and stopped him.

Wrath. Lust and Wrath.

He was Cassius M. Cassanova. Nobody grabbed his wrist and shook their heads in disappointment at him.

"Murder this fucking fossil."

The guards he always had around him at all times took their guns and aimed at the old man, he didn't care whatever came after, witness, judges, and whoever can be paid will be paid to turn a blind eye.

"A fucker like you? A nobody old shit like you dares to keep touching me?"

And, millions of other more insults hurled at the old man, yet after all that? He simply kept the same disappointment.

The man's lips parted, and he spoke.

"I was thinking of just letting you go but, I really don't like that potty mouth of yours. You've never been punished have you?"

Him? Punished? The great CmC punished? What God was punished in his own garden?

"Who would punish an existence as great as me? This whole world is my garden!"

The man simply frowned.

"It isn't even now, but let's punish you by bringing you into another garden then"

And, that's all he could think of as everything was blur soon after. He remembered something rainbow and then it was dark.

It was night.

And, in that moment Cassius M. Cassanova became a nobody.

That's right, Zelretch brought him to an alternate world where he never existed. He binded his consciousness to the direct opposite of what he was.

He was still Cassius, but he was an orphan.

He was no longer talented, instead he was even worse than average.

He was reverted to being a kid. And, his life took a turn for a doom.

He was born with a diamond spoon and for the first week as a nobody, he nearly died of hunger.

Yet, even that wasn't safe. He was beaten by other homeless wrecks– those who he previously looked down on– he was below even the average duds.

He was classified as a mentally ill for asking why no one knows what and who CmC was.

In under a month, his ego deflated. He smelled like rats and piss. He slept less than a hour everyday. He was more hungry than the number of teeth he has. Those who did not care played with his dignity.

His desires went unanswered. His sins were not buried.

And, when he snapped and killed a child who looked down him, he was sentenced for death.

His life reversed. From Human God to Trash Nobody.

Cassius. At his death row, only asked for one thing as his final meal.


The Mishima Zaibatsu started by selling apples. But, he himself never liked apples.

The apple he was given was the first apple he ate in the 30 years he lived as a nobody.

It was...


30 years as a nobody changed Cassius. He no longer cared. If nobody cares for a nobody, why should he care for anything?

In the end, it was all useless. It was all nothing.

So, at his supposed death, he accepted it because in the end, even death was nothing.

(Such acceptance is satisfactory.)

And so, his next life as the concept of nihilism began the moment he died.


It was odd, seeing himself simply resurrected to whatever he was. He knew his purpose without having any prior reason to need so.

All he knows was that he was born the nihilism of the one known? Or, not really. He was born from a nobody's nihilist personality.

He was adopted by a fragment of a foreign alien God. Turned a part of the nobody into an actual existence.

He was yet he wasn't. If before he was a nobody, now he was legitimately nothing.

Thchul'lkha Azathoth. That was the name given to him.

And, he was supposedly to acknowledge the concept of nothingness and void until he grew into something with it.

He knew what he was, he was a blood sucker. A Dead Apostle. He craved blood, but at the same time he didn't care enough.

So, in only a week. Thchul'lkha Azathoth died.

He died and the curse of restoration returned him.

And, it repeatedly happened. There was no point, it wasn't like he died permanently.

So, sucking blood was pointless. Sustaining his craving was useless.

So, for over a hundred years, his oddness was noted and eventually given a title as the Everdying Nihilist of the Deep. Since he ended up underwater sometime in his hundred years of living.

He was especially noted to have an impossibly resilient curse of restoration. Like his source wasn't even in Earth.

Which was true. The dead apostle who tried to dig deeper into what he was, grew mad and technically died by his hands so he took his place thus the title and recognition.

But, it didn't matter. Nothing did. Literally.

Eventually, a thousand years went by and the age of heroes and myth came to be. He was excavated and brought somewhere and worshipped.

So, he gained divinity. Eventually. Though it didn't matter.

With his divinity came the increase in powers to those who worshipped him, so a cult was made in his name.

The Cult of Everdying.

The cult he didn't even want to make became a menace and as the center of it all, he was targeted by heroes and even villains of myth alike.

Still, they couldn't kill him too so most of them just tried to seal him.

Didn't work either.

So, another thousand years came and demigods were a thing along with more Humans of mundane existence.

His cult was still alive, and worse than ever. Apparently the most devout of them gained something akin to Eldritch horror powers. It stretched even more and the likes of Bluebeard aka that guy who sacrificed kids for Jeanne or something was using his divinity granted powers.

His most devout(?) follower was a weird girl who was the closest to whatever he was. Basically, she didn't care as well, but not in the same way as he did.

She didn't care so she did whatever. He didn't care so he did nothing. Both were kind of Nihilism so she was granted the most blessings despite ironically not really caring about the cult.

Neither did he for that matter.

"Hey~ Hey~ Cult God Sir Master King Everdying! Can you actually talk?"

He opened his eyes and stared at the white haired girl.

"I don't care enough to say anything, so shut up Prelati"

This wasn't the first time she asked the question and not the first time he has answered.

This was, for the record, the 349,460,269,357 times she asked this. He didn't care, she was the one keeping records.

"Yey! 349,460,269,358 times you spoke to me and that's another boost to my blessings, thank you very much my great suicidal good for nothing cult god king sir!"

And she scurried away, ignoring the abashed looks of his more legitimately devout– in the dictionary meaning of the word– followers

Which he didn't care nor ask for.

And, yes. That small conversation counted as him giving her blessings so she is technically as strong as many times as he answered her.

Though, the only reason she wasn't as big of a deal as she would likely be is because she didn't care and did whatever.

So, another thousand years would go by and the Age of Gods declined and the Age of Man came.

The death of the 1st Magic User also was a cause for his uneeded evolution. The ether as it is coalesced to the next thing similar and the avatar of nothingness was it.

So, from a Dead Apostle Ancestor, he became a True Ancestor. Which was apparently a big deal.

He wasn't a Brunestud, but Everdying was in the same status as it.

Yes. He was eventually named Thchul'lkha Everdying sometime before to acknowledge the things he has done over the course of many years.

Which he didn't actually do, nor want to, but was associated with because of his cult and Prelati being annoying.

His existence itself caused a rift between the factions of Dead Apostles, those who worship the Crimson Moon, those who follow the Princess of White, those who follow Altrouge and finally those who in one way or the other originated from the cult he didn't even care about. The Everdyings.

The problem was that The Everdyings all mutated as soon as he became a True Ancestor as such that their curse of restoration was literally their strongest and most feared ability.

They literally did not die, unless if he was killed and killing him was something even the True Ancestors couldn't do because his curse of restoration, again, wasn't sourced from Earth but from Azathoth.

And, bothering Azathoth was kind of a death sentence no matter what you were.

In essence, The Everdyings were like mutated flying cockroaches and nobody liked them and by connection him.

But, he didn't care.

And so, another thousand years would go by and eventually he would get the Elder Title, something given to 4000 year olds who still lived even from the Age of Gods.

Along with that was his evolution to a Type. Which again, strengthened his cult and by extension Prelati who became a legitimate Outer God.

He was Type: Void. A type that has no particular weakness because doing something against the void was basically doing something to nothing and that results into nothing in general.

The world eventually made a deal with him, and he agreed because he didn't care to hear and just wanted the thing to disappear and leave him alone.

The deal was that he reigns in the annoying cult that worships him and in exchange he could demand something from the Earth.

But, again, it might get old, but this was his essence.

He. Didn't. Care.

But, since he kinda did say he was goinna reign them in, he just called Prelati and gave her permission or whatever close to it to bother her own cultmates.

The result? They got sent to mars.

He didn't... okay. Maybe, it was a tad bit interesting, how that led to that, but he didn't largely care.

But, then that led to Type: Mars or something to bother him, and that leads us to the actual start of this story.

In the next chapter.