
Escaping the Reality

This is my collection of short stories. There is no set schedule for when I will publish the next one, but I can tell you there will be more. Thank you for reading! --- Check out my other novels!

RedSonia · Urbano
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Anna and Zack

Anna and Zack grew up on the same street of a small town. Their homes were only three houses apart and they played together often while their mothers chatted on the street.

Anna and Zack were the same age, so they went to school together, in the same class.

On the first day of school, the teacher told Anna that she should sit with girls, and that Zack is not one of them. The six years old Anna didn't like it, but her mother told her to listen to her teacher, so she sat where the teacher directed her, and she met her desk mate for the year, Melinda.

In school, girls played with girls and boys with boys, but that didn't stop Anna and Zack to walk to school and back together.

As the years went by, their schoolbags became heavier, and Zack would carry Anna's often.

"Why is your backpack so much heavier than mine?" Zack would ask every time.

"Because I go to the library…" Anna responded with a smile.

Zack rolled his eyes dramatically. He was never the study guy, and he relied on Anna to explain all those formulas and graphs so that he can maintain good grades and attend soccer practice. He was confident that he will be a world-famous soccer player, like Messi, and earn millions.

Anna didn't mind teaching him. Zack was charming and funny, and by his side she felt at peace.

Every year, during the first week of August, in their little town, a fair arrives. There are various rides and music and games and food, and Anna and Zack count the days to the fair with excitement because it means that they will get to eat sticky caramelized sugar treats and rent a tandem tricycle, the fancy one with a cover on top where they can sit side-by-side.

Since they were ten years old, Anna and Zack would spend every afternoon (while the fair is in town), riding up and down the main street on a covered tandem tricycle, while struggling to talk with their teeth stuck together due to too much candy.

On one such hot August afternoon, before they started high school, Anna mentioned how they will need to travel daily to Bend (the nearby bigger city) for school when Zack told Anna that there is a change in plans…

"My parents can afford the private school and they say that it will give me various opportunities, so… we won't be able to see each other often because my school is on the other side of Bend and I will be staying with my Uncle in that area."

Anna's heart tightened and it hurt a lot, but she didn't cry. She promised herself that she will not cry in front of the boy who always made her smile.

"Let me know when you need help with math.", Anna demanded.

Zack smiled. "And physics and chemistry and biology… I will be looking for you often. Don't throw my pillow seat away. I will come home for weekends."

The years passed, and Zack didn't come every weekend. He would come during holidays at most, and during summer breaks he would travel with his Uncle.

They were seniors in high school when Zack introduced Anna to Melinda, his girlfriend. Anna was disappointed. This was their Friday's weekly after-school dessert with tea, and it was supposed to be only Anna and Zack, yet he brought someone else.

"You look familiar, have we met before?" Anna asked Melinda.

"It seems you forgot…" Zack said. "Linda was in our class until fifth grade when her family moved to Bend…"

Anna remembered that Melinda used to be her desk mate. That seemed ages ago.

Melinda was talking about city life and how she is glad that she left that small town, and Anna excused herself. "I need to go home early…"

That was the last time Anna went to that coffee shop on a Friday after school and Anna didn't cry. Why would she cry? Zack was never hers and Melinda is curvier and more mature than Anna is. It is normal for a boy to be interested in girls who are more… alluring. And that is why Anna should not cry but somehow, she was unable to be happy for him either.

Anna focused on her studies. She got a teaching degree and started working at the elementary school in their little town.

Anna went to work, took care of her parents, and the years passed without much trouble. The only time her heart tightened was on the first week of August, when the fair was in town. She would remember a boy by her side and endless rides up and down the main street on a tricycle and the flavor of sticky caramelized sugar treats. Other than that, Anna was fine.

One cloudy day in June, Anna was returning from the grocery store around the corner. She walked carefully while avoiding puddles left by the afternoon shower, when she saw a boy in front of her house. He was maybe seven years old, definitely school age, and she wondered if someone moved in the area or if he is just visiting, because as a teacher, Anna knows all the kids who go to school.

"Hello there…" Anna said while fishing out a lollipop from her pocket. She always carries some because she gives them to her kids in school when they behave. The classes for the school year ended three days ago, but she still has lollipops almost everywhere.

"I don't think I saw you before…" Anna's breath hitched when the boy looked up to her and she saw familiar eyes. "What is your name?"

"Tyler…" A raspy male voice responded.

Anna looked up, behind the boy, and saw a skinny man, a shadow of who he used to be. "Zack…"

"Hi, Anna. This is Tyler, my son. He doesn't talk much."

Anna smiled and focused on the boy whose eyes were glued to the lollipop in her hand. "Nice to meet you, Tyler. My name is Anna. Will you take this lollipop as a present?"

The boy looked around nervously and swiftly dashed to the side of the sidewalk. A second later, he extended his hand toward Anna.

Anna glanced at the round pebble covered in mud on the boy's palm. "A present for me?"

Tyler nodded.

"Thank you, Tyler. That is very thoughtful. I will treasure it."

Tyler took the lollipop and grinned when Anna put the pebble in her pocket.

She patted Tyler's head and she knew that Zack's eyes didn't leave her even though she didn't have the courage to return his gaze.

"I should go. It's nice to see you, Zack…"

Anna dashed inside the house and clutched her chest while telling herself not to cry. Why does she feel like crying? She should not cry, not because of Zack. He did nothing wrong… and neither did she.

A few days later, Anna heard that Zack's marriage with Melinda fell apart. It seems that Melinda was not happy with their life in Bend and she always wanted more, and last summer, she found a man who can give her more. The divorce was brutal, and Zack lost most of his assets, but he got to keep Tyler and they returned to his parents' house. Zack is fixing up the house after years of no one living there and Zack will reopen the shop that his father owned on the main street.

It was early afternoon, August 3rd… Anna sat on the porch and listened to the music, which was drifting toward her from the fair, together with happy memories of childhood.


Anna jolted when she heard someone clearing his throat only a few steps away from her.

She looked at Zack who was dressed up in a light gray suit and a necktie, and shiny black leather shoes. He was definitely overdressed, unless he was going to one of those fancy places in Bend.

"Hi, Anna… I was wondering if you want to come with me. To the fair." Zack said while nervously clutching the bottom hem of his suit jacket.

"To the fair?" Anna repeated robotically.

Zack confirmed. "We can check out the rides and treats. Maybe ride a tricycle, if it's still available."

"What about Tyler?"

Zack's eyes lit up. It seems that Anna is considering it! "Your parents agreed to look after him, while we are out."

"Oh…" Anna glanced at the back and saw three faces glued to the window from her living room and looking their way. She thought that it was silly to see Tyler between her parents, all three with expectant expressions, like this is something important.

Anna looked at her summer dress. It's OK, but it's nothing fancy. "I guess I should change."

"No need. You are perfect." Zack said with a small smile at the corner of his lips and he offered his hand to Anna. "Let's go, or all the good tricycles will be taken…"

For Anna, the next few days were like she traveled to the past. Zack would come to pick her up, they would buy a full bag of sticky caramelized sugar treats, and spend the afternoon on a tricycle. Zack would do most of the pedaling, just how he did many years ago.

Anna told Zack stories about the kids at school, and he would talk about Tyler and his soccer career which was very promising until he got a job. Zack never mentioned Melinda, but Anna knew that Zack left sports and many other dreams he had only so that he can fulfill Melinda's need for more.

In a way, Anna felt sorry for Zack, but part of her also thought that he deserved it. No one forced him to choose Melinda, he did that on his own. But she was sad for Tyler, who is an amazing boy, yet he needs to grow up in a broken family.

"Thank you for the last few days. I had fun." Anna told Zack when they reached in front of her house. It's the last day of the fair, and she knew that tomorrow will be no tricycle rides, and no sticky caramelized sugar treats, and probably no Zack.

"Anna…" Zack called and held her hand into his. "Will you ever forgive me?"

"There is nothing to forgive, Zack."

"There is, Anna. I was a fool. I got carried away by superficial shiny things and I neglected the real treasure which was right by my side. Only when I lost you, I realized that I'm too deep and that I made a huge mistake. You always supported me. You always believed in me. You were by my side and you never asked me to change. I know that I am more than ten years late but… will you give me a chance?"

Anna exhaled a shaky breath. All this felt like a dream, like it was happening to someone else. She was not sure if she responded, but she remembers that she inhaled sharply a second before their lips connected.

It was a light kiss, like several pecks in quick succession and Anna felt how nervous Zack is when he pulled her into his embrace, and she heard his heart which thundered against his chest.

Anna melted into Zack's embrace and it was almost like she imagined it many times before, with the difference that now they were older.

"Why are you crying?" Zack asked softly.

"I don't know…" Anna lied. She cried for every sob, every heartbreak, and every tear that she blinked away over the years… it all came out of her, right at this moment, while she fisted Zack's shirt and inhaled his scent that mixed with sweet caramel and lingering thoughts of Zack that intensified during every summer he was gone. Anna was a complete mess, yet she was never happier.

"Tyler, can you get your sister inside for dinner? She is in the backyard." Anna asked her teenage step-son.

Tyler pouted. Olivia is mischievous and she loves to spend her time outside playing in the dirt with various insects, worms and whatever moves and it's not fast enough to escape. Getting her inside the house is always a problem and it carries a high risk of invoking a tantrum.

"Why can't dad do it?"

"I'm helping your mom with setting up the table.", Zack responded as he walked down the stairs. "Make sure Olivia washes her hands."

Tyler rolled his eyes and went outside. "Olivia! Stop digging and get ready for dinner!"

Zack wrapped his arms around Anna from behind and rubbed her protruding belly. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine. Did you finish setting up the crib?"

"Yes, my love. We are baby-ready." Zack said softly and kissed Anna's temple. "How can I help here?"

"You can mix the salad. But first, I need you to hold me a bit longer." Anna responded and leaned into Zack.

"I will hold you forever…" Zack whispered into her ear.

Anna turned to look at him and smiled when she met his eyes full of love.

Anna never regretted giving Zack a chance, because that was a chance for her as well… a chance for happiness, and it worked. They got married and they are raising two kids (soon to be three) and Zack didn't give her a reason to cry. Zack was back to being the boy who made her smile, with the difference that now he is a man and he is hers and Anna is happy. With Zack.

-- THE END --

This is my first short story.

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