
What will kill Wendigo?

[USER B]: It says: What will kill Wendigo?

[USER A]: I've heard that name before!

[USER A]: Wait, did you hear something?

[USER B]: Something is scratching at my door!

[USER A]: Did you hear that too? It's outside! Scratching at the door!

[USER B]: I heard it!

[USER B]: Is that the Wendigo? Wait! There's more on the back of the note!

[USER A]: Quick, tell me what it says. This must be the Wendigo, I remember now!


Wendigo only reacts to human activity;

Wendigo falls asleep in the sun;

Inputting the correct keyword can trigger the corresponding mechanism to kill Wendigo.

[USER A]: That's right! I remember now, I read about it in a biology book, it's a banned research project, Wendigo is a mutant creature that specifically preys on humans!

[AI]: Iron door will open automatically in 20 minutes.

[USER A]: We're done for when that door opens, damn it!

[USER B]: Wendigo isn't a person's name? I'm an expert in killing people, but I can't kill damn mutant giants or aliens! Damn it!

[USER A]: The information I read said that these monsters are roughly the same size as humans and very agile. They are specifically born to eat humans, and it is hopeless for humans to fight them with their bare hands!

[USER B]: Does the book say what their weaknesses are?

[USER A]: I don't remember, I didn't read that article carefully, I thought it was just a scam to get military funding, I never thought it was real!

[USER B]: Do we need to struggle?

[USER A]: Since the question setter told us the clue, there must be a way to find the monster's weakness.

[USER A]:Let's think about it together

[USER B]: Okay, you are a teacher, you analyze the question, damn it!

[USER A]: Let's organize the clues first, what information do we know so far?

[USER B]: The monster eats people, but they fall asleep in the sun, there's one outside each of our rooms, and they're currently scratching at our door.

[USER A]: Wendigo falls asleep in the sun. Do you remember what AI said at the beginning?

[USER B]: "It's 12:00 PM now, weather is sunny."

[USER A]: But they're not sleeping now, so they must be in a closed environment.

[USER B]: So our room's iron door is actually connected to another room?

[USER A]: It should be, Wendigo started to be active when we answered the first keyword.so I speculate that the other room has windows

[USER A]: when the system determined that we answered the first keyword, the other room's windows were closed.

[USER A]: then the room no longer had sunlight and the Wendigo woke up.

[USER B]: We need to find a way to kill this monster, and then escape from the window in its room.

[USER A]: This might be feasible.

[USER B]: Alright, that's simple then, kill the monster and go home, right?

[AI]: The iron door will open automatically in 15 minutes.

[USER A]: Now is not the time to joke!