
Erotic Odyssey: The Hentai System In An Eroverse

In a bizarre twist of fate, Mason finds himself transported to an unimaginable world of countless ecchi dimensions after a fateful encounter with the notorious Truck-kun. What was once a mundane life quickly transforms into a mind-bending journey through an eroge multiverse where hentai reigns supreme. Equipped with an otherworldly power known as the Hentai System, Mason embarks on a quest to master the art of pleasure and conquer each lascivious realm he stumbles upon. With his trusty system, he navigates a realm filled with seductive succubi, mischievous monster girls, naughty college girls and captivating princesses. As Mason progresses, he finds himself entangled in steamy encounters, from intense one-on-one escapades to tantalizing activities. Yet, amidst the passionate entanglements, Mason remains steadfast in his quest to climb the ranks of this hentai universe. His golden finger ability, granting him an unparalleled advantage, proves to be a formidable asset in this erotic odyssey. But not everything is as it seems. Behind the titillating façade lies a hidden mystery, one that unravels gradually as Mason delves deeper into the secrets of the Eroverse. As he explores the depths of desire, he unravels political complexities, rivalries among factions, and a sinister force threatening to take control of his soul. Support me on ヘ paypal.me/dicksonwaeyde https://ko-fi.com/drazs

Dickson_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Successful pairing with hentai system!

"Mason..." A feminine voice called out to him in a soft whisper. "Mason? Please gesture if you can hear me."

He opened his eyes slowly to see a middle-aged lady standing over him wearing a white scrub suit looking at him curiously while holding a clipboard in her hands along with a pen attached at the top end. Her black hair was tied into two braids on either side of her head, revealing wrinkles on each cheek that made her appear much older than she really was, giving off an impression that she was someone's grandmother instead of being only thirty-five years old herself.

She smiled warmly upon seeing his face and said something to him that he didn't understand due to not hearing anything clearly enough to make any sense out of what he heard other than feeling like he should know who he is and why he feels like he knows her already even if he doesn't remember meeting anyone like her before.

Sitting up straight, he took a glance around noticing how dark it became outside as night fell around him making the air cooler as well as more comfortable. He looked around trying to figure out where the hell he ended up after having passed out earlier but couldn't find a single clue as to where this place might be or when exactly he got here. He stood up to get his bearings before realizing he wasn't alone anymore as a man walked toward him with concern written all across his face. He stopped right beside his bed and stared down at him with worry in his eyes.

"Son," the man began.

'What in the actual fuck is going on here? Did you have the wrong kid, perhaps?' Mason contemplated but chose to stomach his questions and listen as the man continued blabbing. "I'm so glad I hadn't lost you during that reckless dodgeball game those silly kids coerced you to play."

Mason blinked several times in confusion wondering just who these people were talking about. The last thing he remembered was getting hit by some lust-driven truck driver while walking back home from an unforgettable strolling experience.

"You're safe now though. You've been unconscious for nearly three days now..."

'Three days?!' Mason's eyes briefly widened in shock.

"...which means your body has been healing itself for the past few hours now since we brought you back here!" His father explained excitedly, almost jumping up and down upon seeing his son awake and alive again. "We thought that maybe you had died because of that accident! Thank the heavens that's not true and that you survived."

'No way!' Mason's focus shifted to numerous possibilities before he came to one conclusion.

Pulling away from his father, he studied his features carefully, the way his black hair was brushed neatly against each side of his head along with how it curled slightly on top which gave him a very distinguished look despite being roughly in his late forties.

"Father!" Mason called out in a whisper which brought tears into his father's eyes as they both embraced tightly in a hug filled with joyous relief.

"Your mother and I would never let what happened repeat itself, you have a bright future and we would make sure you get that no matter what."

'As I thought... Not my world in any sense. I have no parent who cares for me as a parent should.' He realized as he felt himself coming to terms that this might just be what he understood as 'truck kun' or something similar to that.

"Mason can be discharged in a few hours if everything goes well," the doctor cut in abruptly as he walked over to them after finishing up her rounds through the room. "He should feel better after eating some food, but he'll need someone around the clock until then."


Ding! Dong!

Slowly the massive doors automatically opened revealing two men dressed up like butlers standing inside waiting patiently for their next orders from his father. They looked at Mason curiously while staring intently at his face and body for several moments before turning toward his father and employer. The man nodded his head once and turned back towards Mason while speaking softly, "Welcome home, Master!"

"Don't just stand there! Get the groomer and have the young master cleaned up!" The older gentleman ordered impatiently causing the servants to quickly scurry off to do so without another word spoken between them all.

Mason furrowed his brows at the words. Immediately walking over to a reflective surface, he stared down at his reflection trying to figure out why he didn't recognize anything about his appearance other than his hair color.

'What is going on here?' He asked in his thoughts as he continued studying his features closely, noticing that he had dark brown hair that was draped over his eyes but for some reason, it had no changes to his visuals whatsoever. His eyes were still blue, subconsciously he made a twisted grinning face upon seeing this fact which caused him to chuckle under his breath knowing full well how ridiculous it looked.

"Mason?" His father's voice snapped him away from the mirror and brought him back into reality where he found himself looking up into the concerned face of his father, "Are you sure you're alright, son? You've been quiet since we brought you back."

"I'm fine," Mason replied with an awkward smile feeling embarrassed by having lost himself for even just a moment as his mind wandered elsewhere.

'If this world is anything like what I might have watched, then I might as well use it to my benefit.' He thought with a smirk.

"You know, your mother and I are worried sick over what happened to you that day..." The man began explaining before pausing to take a deep breath before continuing once more. "We want to make things right between us if possible... We love you very much and would never wish to see something bad happen to our only child ever again!"

Mason felt his heart sting a bit hearing those words coming from his father who looked at him lovingly while holding his hand tightly.

"I hope you do well in your exams." He added after taking another long pause as he looked at his watch while glancing at the door waiting for the groomer to arrive so they could get started on the cleaning process.

'Exams? Not this again!'


Laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling, Mason couldn't help but feel mentally exhausted due to all of this happening all too fast without any time to prepare or think about it properly beforehand. It was all rather overwhelming but also exciting because it was new territory, a whole different world that was completely foreign yet somehow familiar in its way.

He got to his feet and walked over to the table beside him where he grabbed some water and drank half of it down quickly followed by typing in his key searches and patiently waiting for an option to continue with on the PC.

Spreading his legs apart slightly and leaning against the wall with one arm resting across his stomach as he stared blankly ahead not really seeing anything around him other than blurry images flashing through his mind's eye making no sense whatsoever as everything seemed hazy as though someone had taken a picture out of focus which made trying to recall anything difficult, especially when there were several options available that didn't seem like they belonged together, confused within himself until finally, the screen went black, a single sentence on a blue glowing translucent screen caught his attention: [Pairing with host... Establishing telepathic connection...]



[You have successfully paired with your Hentai System, Host. Please select your partner from below and begin your adventure.]

'Hentai System? Ha! Is this some sort of joke?' Mason thought sarcastically as he read over what appeared before him. 'I don't remember doing such a thing...' He thought as he glanced back at the computer wondering if he might be hallucinating or something similar to that.

[I am your system guide for the day named Kitanai-kun who will assist you in every step along the way to ensure you are having fun while having a sexual experience you'll never forget. I'm here for you whenever you need me. If you wish to leave, simply type "leave" and press enter twice. Otherwise, please follow my instructions carefully so we can get started on our journey today]

Mason furrowed his brows upon reading this message and looked over the list of names once more.

Some sort of advanced lewd technology, huh?' Mason thought curiously before looking over at the monitor again and reading the list. 'Hmmm... I guess I'll go for the first choice since I don't know what else to do here...'

[For every successful completion of a task, you are rewarded a chance to spin the wheel and win a prize or amass points to purchase from your inventory, however, if you fail, you will be punished accordingly, host. Do you wish to proceed? Yes/No]

'What sort of punishment?!' Mason wondered as he stared at the screen.