
Erotic God

What happens when the wealthiest person in the world gets transmigrated into an Eroge game he made himself. Well a lot of things happen that you can only know unless you read this novel. Watch as Travis, traverses this world filled with countless threats. THERE IS NO YURI OR NTR!!!!! [ This is a rewrite. I hope you enjoy it, hope it doesn't flop low-key]

NOTAKING · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


When Lucy returned to her dorm, she started thinking about Travis. He was undoubtedly one of the most interesting guys she'd ever met. From the mysterious aura surrounding him to his genuinely handsome face, she found Travis intriguing. Throughout the time in her dorm, she couldn't help but think about their next meeting, hoping to unravel more about him.

Lucy's room wasn't as grand as those of other students. Despite gaining fame and power, Lucy remained the simple girl she'd always been. Her role in the student council was crucial, requiring her to protect the students in the absence of teachers. Taking this responsibility seriously, Lucy became the strongest student in her school in a remarkably short time, awakening Psychic and Telekinetic powers.

She also possessed a robust body, with speed and precision, making Lucy a potential top-tier hunter. In this school, becoming a hunter was only possible after graduation. However, third years practically became hunters, spending the entire year fighting monsters to grow stronger. The school valued its students, ensuring everyone had a positive experience, even those who didn't awaken their powers right away.

After finishing her tasks, Lucy checked the time and saw that it was currently 19:45. With only 15 minutes before she needed to leave, Lucy went down to the cafeteria to grab a drink.

Travis changed and left his room, having spent the entire time playing games. The game he played was captivating, making the time well-spent. He entered the elevator and pressed the lobby button.

Outside, Travis saw students walking around, and his appearance drew a lot of attention, especially from second-year students. The girls were excited to see a new, attractive freshman, while the guys were puzzled by the sudden influx of attention.

He walked out and stood where they had met before. Lucy, now changed into more comfortable clothes—blue jeans and a black shirt—approached. Her presence caused a stir among the students; some greeted her, while others just stood and stared in awe.

She tapped Travis's shoulder as she came up to him. He turned his head to see her smiling face.

"Let's go, Travis. I'm feeling like taking a nice walk around campus," she said. Travis nodded, and they walked together.

The night sky was adorned with blue and red crescent moons, creating a trippy atmosphere. The bright lights from the school illuminated the surroundings, adding to the beauty of the night.

As Travis and Lucy strolled through the school grounds, they engaged in conversation about their lives. Lucy was an open person, not fully trusting Travis yet, but considering him a good person based on how he carried himself. Travis, a good listener, encouraged Lucy to share more in their conversation.

"So, Travis, what tier talent did you awaken?" Lucy asked as they sat on a bench in the park area of the school.

Travis leaned back, hands in his hoodie pockets, and replied, "I got an SSS-tier talent."

Lucy turned to him in shock, "What! But you're not part of the hero parties' bloodline, so how did you awaken that?"

Travis shrugged, "Well, I don't know. I guess I have the same talent as their future hero parties' bloodline. I'm also in their class, so I guess they're going to add me to the party as well, which I don't mind."

Lucy was shocked at how casual he was about such an important thing. Travis being one of the chosen to slay the Dark King and restore peace to the world made her wonder if he was right in the head.

"Well, I hope you don't die, Travis, because those monsters are way stronger than the ones you're going to fight in the forest. You could meet a single one, and you'll have a tough time defeating it," she said.

Travis glanced at Lucy, whose beautiful blue eyes showed slight concern for him. "Nah, don't worry about me, Lucy. I'm not that strong now, but give me a whole year or two, and I'll probably be as strong as the Dark King," Travis said confidently.

He knew he could steal from the protagonist to get stronger, but that would only level up his strength, not his power. He still had to work on that himself.

Lucy smiled at Travis's response. "Well, I hope you're not lying to me, Travis, or I might never learn to forgive you. I really get too attached to my friends and don't want to lose anyone. So keep this promise for me, Travis, no matter how drastic the situation is. You'll always come back," she said sternly.

Travis sat up, wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and pulled her close. "I promise. Now let's stop talking about this and move on," he said.

Lucy laughed, feeling that Travis was a great friend. "Sure, now tell me, what attribute did you awaken?"

"I didn't awaken any attribute. I'm a Physical," he answered.

Lucy looked at Travis in surprise. "Really, I thought only orcs and demons could be Physicals. You must have someone in your family who was an Orc or a Demon," she said.

"Maybe, don't really know much about my family. In this world, I'm all alone. Well, I do have a best friend who I talk to from time to time, but he's a really quiet person. Plus, now I have you, so I won't be bored anymore," he said.

Lucy smiled and held his hand in hers. "Well, I guess I did a good job approaching you, or you'd be lonely," she said in a teasing tone.

Travis scoffed, "Oh please, with my good looks, I could make anyone my friend."

Lucy laughed and replied, "Whoever said you were good looking? They were really on some drugs."

"My grandmother always said I was a handsome guy, so nobody can say anything else, for my granny would never lie to me," he said, reminiscing about his past.

Lucy laughed out loud, clutching her stomach. Her true laughter had come out, and it was beautiful.

"You're really funny, Travis. I'm starting to like you. Hope you don't misinterpret that," she said.

He shrugged and sat back. "Well, hey, what happens happens, I guess," he said. Lucy nodded and laid her head on his shoulder.

"That's right. Damn, school opens tomorrow. I also have to wake up extra early since it's assembly tomorrow. Uhhh, fuck, I hate my job," she complained.

"Well, if you've got to be up early tomorrow, why don't we go back so you can get enough rest?" Travis got up and held his hand out to her.

Lucy grasped his hand, and they walked back to the dorms.

"In school, we should never be seen holding hands like this, or my fan base will murder you," Lucy warned.

"No worries," he answered blankly.