
Chapter 94 Meeting(2)

"It's...Shadow Knight." Lisa said and held her head down and her cheeks got a bit red while I looked at her confused. Why did she look embarrassed?

"I see. You haven't unlocked any of your Grace abilities have you." I said and her cheeks became even redder.

"...No." She said

"I..." But I didn't get to complete my sentence as Chad stepped infront of Lisa blocking her from view.

"Alex stop can't you see that she's uncomfortable. Would you like it if someone asked you about your abilities like that?" He said

"My grace is Shadow Monarch and I have two grace abilities [Shadow Manipulation] and [Shadow Swim]. [Shadow Manipulation] gives me the ability to manipulate shadows at will and [Shadow Swim] allows me to merge with my Shadow and move across surfaces." I said and all of them were staring at me with an expression of disbelief.

"Only an idiot would divulge that much information about their Grace." Marcus said shaking my head.