
Chapter 70 Trouble with the noble Thorne(2)

"Marcus." Sarah shouted and ran towards the blond haired young man but without even getting up from his seat, or looking at her for that matter, he held up his hand causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Oh my darling Sarah it is good...." He started but then paused when he saw her appearance, her clothes were covered in dirt and her hair was in disarray.

"Heavens what happened to you?" He asked

"Marcus it was terrible, we ran into a hooligan named Alex Shaw. And he robbed us of our arnaments, he even took the staff you bought for me." Sarah cried and her actions caused Chad's eyebrow to twitch at how fake it looked.

"How dare someone make my sweet Sarah cry. We must find this hooligan immediately and punish him for his crimes." Marcus said, with a tone befitting of a hero but once again Chad's eyebrow twitched.

"Oh, thank you Marcus. The hooligan said he was an explorer although he was more of a bandit than a honorable explorer such as you." Sarah said dramatically