
Chapter 32 First Quest(2)

Appearing on the other side of the dungeon gate Alex found himself once again inside a forest. Unlike the terrifying abomination of a forest found in the [Demon Lair] dungeon this one was normal. It had green grass, tall trees with brown barks and green leaves.

"Alright, it seems that everyone has entered the dungeon safely." Shouted Bayal. He was wearing a blue armour made of metal that covered his chest, legs and his hands. In his hand was a yellow spear with a silver spear head.


Name: Bayal

Species: Human

Rank/Level: 9

Skills: Mana Manipulation, Mana Sense, Intermidiate Spearmanship(25 SP), Simple Regeneration(10 SP)]

'Intermidiate Spearmanship.' It was the first time Alex saw the advanced form of any skill except for [Simple Analysis]. He wondered how much more powerful was the intermidiate version than the normal version.

"Alright, our mission is to conquer this dungeon with as few casualties as possible. I assume that most of you already know the rules for conquering dungeons..." His gaze has suddenly found it's way onto me.

"But for those of you who don't know let me explain. First of all never question your leader, secondly , no kill stealing and thirdly, it's finders keepers for all loot found in the dungeon. Any questions?" Bayal said finishing his speech, his gaze has never left me during his short speech making me wonder if he was talking to me specifically or the entire party.

"Alright then let's move out." He said and then started jogging through the forest with everyone else following soon after.

"Is it just me are was Bayal staring at you the entire speech?" Chris said as he jogged beside Alex. He was wearing a light red armour that covered most of his body while still allowing him to move freely. He carried an equally red scimitar blade in his hand.

"Yeah I guess he was." Alex replied halfheartedly. He still didn't trust Chris because he couldn't figure out his motive for speaking to him and just didn't believe anyone was that nice.

"I'm curious did you do anything to offend Bayal." Chris asked

"Not that I can remember." Alex replied and just like that their conversation continued until they reached a clearing and Bayal raised his hand signifying that they should stop. In the clearing were ten small green skinned creatures. These little creatures were obviously goblins and just like in the picture they looked primitive. They wore nothing but a dirty loincloth and carried a wooden club as a weapon, observing them Alex could tell they were weaker than the imps...much weaker.

"We don't know the strength of the goblins so let's avoid them for now." Bayal said to the party. As everyone nodded and seemed to agree with this course of action while Alex was left flabbergastered. Turning towards Chris he couldn't help but ask.

"Is this usually what happens when you guys enter a dungeon?"

"Yeah we usually try to avoid as many of the inhabitants as possible while completing our quest. We are not as crazy as you to fight everything that come our way." Chris said as he followed the others walking around the clearing trying their best to avoid the goblins. After hearing Chris' answer it suddenly dawned on Alex why no one in the party hasn't reached level 10 yet. Looking at the backs of his 'comrades' Alex couldn't help but felt they wouldn't be very reliable when facing the E rank hobgoblins and even less so when they fight the dungeon boss.

Following the group, they soon reached another clearing another clearing where Bayal relayed another set of orders.

"This area seems to be clear of any monsters we'll set up camp here. After that we'll need scouts to search for the dungeon bosses lair. Are there any volunteers?" Bayal asked and as expected no one put up there hand. Seeing this Alex couldn't help but shake his head at how weak willed the members of the party were and then without any hesitation he raised his hand.

"Oh we have a volunteer. Anyone else?" Bayal asked with a smile on his face.

"I'll go." Chris said raising his hand. This action caused Bayal to raise an eyebrow since he didn't expect Chris of all people to volunteer. He knew that Chris had gone on plenty of quests and knew that few who ever took the scout position ever makes it back. That's why he was going to pick people at random to send out while staying at the camp asking for volunteers was only a formality since he knew people usually don't volunteer for such dangerous positions.

"Well it seems that we have two volunteers." Bayal said with a smile then suddenly he summoned an arnament into his hand. The arnament looked similar to the [Large Chest(E)] arnament Alex possessed except this one looked like it was made of wood. Out from the chest he took out two helmets, a medium sized monitor and a laptop.

"These helmets have a camera and walkie talkie built into them so that you can transmit information back to us." He said as he handed both Chris and Alex the two helmets and then he went to the laptop and started typing away. Soon the forest view was being displayed on the monitor.

"Okay you can leave when you are ready." Without any hesitation Alex left followed by Chris. As soon as they were out of view someone asked.

"Do you think they'll survive?"

"Probably not but if that guy was telling the truth who knows."

"Yeah but that's not likely."


Around an hour after walking they discovered a small village eerily similar to the one Alex saw in the [Demon Lair] dungeon except the huts were brown instead of black and there was no lava pool.

"Okay we see the village we need you to confirm that the dungeon boss is inside the village." They heard Bayals voice from the helmet. Without hesitation Alex started walking towards the front gate of the village.

"Wait a minute aren't we going to try and sneak in why are you walking towards the front gate?" Chris asked his voice a little shaky.

"Why it's not like they are that strong." Alex said which caused Chris to gasp. Even the spectators watching on the monitor gasped when they heard what Alex said.

"Isn't he being a bit too arrogant?" Said a man as he ate the some dried rations.

"Hmmph, that arrogant bastards gonna die." Said a woman as she also ate the food she brought although much more elegantly than the man.

Back to Alex and Chris....

"Look you don't have to come if you don't want to you can stay here." Alex said as he patted him on the shoulder and continued walking towards the village entrance. Hesitantly, Chris followed him. Walking into the village all the goblins gazed at the lone human figure entering there village. Ignoring the hungry, bloodlust filled gazes on him he walked to the center of the village and brandished his blade.

'This should be fun.'