
Era of Mystical Arts

"Era" is a world where steam, magic, machinery, alchemy, and supernatural powers coexist. When Luke, who has crossed into this world, finds himself hooded and at the mercy of an imperial secret agent with a gun to his head, he decides to bluff his way out. And so, he becomes a part of the Golden Shield Empire's Coastal... (Opening cover art is of the character Shelley and not the MC)

Read_and_Chill · Fantasia
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50 Chs

Chapter 29: Dragon Slayer

Luke used a formation brush and special ink to draw a pentagram magic circle on paper, placing ten bloodstones on the five outer points and five inner points.

Finally, he placed the "Heart of the Red Dragon Nierkoln" in the center of the pentagram.

In an instant, the sulfur inside the hexagram magic circle ignited.

The wind grew stronger, forming a whirlwind around the perimeter of the magic circle, while the inside remained unaffected.

Luke manipulated the grid on the "Heart of the Red Dragon Nierkoln," and a faint dragon-like roar echoed in the air.

The wind intensified, swirling sand into the air and enclosing the magic circle within a sandstorm wall.

As Luke adjusted the final grid, the wind abruptly ceased, and the sand that had been swept up fell back to the ground.

Silence descended, as if all sound in the world had vanished.

In the air, a growing pressure emanated from a higher being.

Quickly, Luke jumped out of the magic circle and retrieved several potions from his inventory backpack, hastily drinking them down.

The fire within the magic circle burned more fiercely, forming a two-meter-high wall of flames.

The pressure became increasingly heavy, and the air seemed to freeze.

The fire raged fiercely, its flames reaching higher and higher.

Three meters, four meters...

Luke unsheathed the ancient Basalt Rock Cleaver and activated the effects of the consumed potions. The fusion reactor of elemental convergence in his body operated at full capacity.

A surge of overwhelming energy erupted.

At that moment, a true dragon roar emanated from the fire wall, which now stood over ten meters tall.

A pair of red dragon wings extended beyond the fire wall.

"I, the Red Dragon Nierkoln..."

Luke lowered Sunny's level to 80.

Divine protection.

Through the baptism, the tangible form of holy energy manifested as an angelic battle armor, covering the right side of her body. The cleaver erupted with holy flames before condensing into a golden film.

A thick dragon tail emerged from the fire wall.

"Accepting the summoning of the contract, for the next ten minutes..."

Luke lowered Sunny's level to 100 and cast status-enhancing magic on herself.

Extraordinary divine power! Swift action! Indomitable strength! Fervor!

As a dragon head revealed itself from above the fire wall, Luke leaped high into the air.

Patterns appeared on her face, her eyes turned to ice, and her expression displayed extreme excitement. The cleaver in her hand was raised high, gathering power, and the blade extended over three meters.

"I will fight for you and crush your enemies. Tell me, your name, my contractor."


Luke shouted her own name as she reached the highest point, glimpsing the red dragon standing within the fire wall.

She then lowered Sunny's level to 120.

The blade expanded, reaching a length of ten meters.

The pressure formed by the pinnacle martial force in this world startled the newly summoned Red Dragon.

It raised its head and looked at the elf, feeling its entire body shudder under the weight of the killing intent locking onto it.

Large areas of frost bloomed on the beach, freezing the sea in its wave-like state. The fire wall within the magic circle contracted and swayed, affected by the pressure of the chilling air.

The Red Dragon Nierkoln turned its head towards the elf in the Clear Sky.

But its head was forcibly twisted back.

Time reversal!

Damn, I shouldn't have been greedy for those gemstones!

Luke swung the ten-meter-long radiant blade towards the Red Dragon Nierkoln's neck, using time reversal at maximum power to suppress the dragon's movements.

In the struggle between time and the dragon, the dragon's head formed a flickering illusion.

The freezing cold extinguished the last flame.

The firmly attached radiant blade struck the dragon's neck.

The newly summoned Red Dragon, which had not applied any buffs, temporarily lost all resistance due to the brief time reversal.

Everything happened too quickly!

The radiant blade sliced through the dragon scales on Nierkoln's neck, continuing its downward trajectory like cutting through butter.

A clean cut severed the entire dragon head.

Ice rapidly spread from the frozen claws upwards, completely encasing the headless dragon before it fell.

Hardly any blood splattered.

Five seconds.

Luke quickly lowered Sunny's level to 80, and the dragon head, as tall as a person, fell beside her.

The frozen dragon head still had its eyes open.

The Red Dragon Nierkoln probably never imagined that this summoning wasn't for a battle, but for its demise.

Having successfully slain a dragon, Luke immediately set to work on the body.

First, she used her freezing skill to create several large ice chests, draining the dragon's blood from its body and pouring it into the chests.

Preservation by low temperature would allow more time for extracting the dragon's blood.

Once the dragon's blood was drained, Luke sealed the chests and stored them in her inventory backpack.

Next, she began dismembering the dragon's corpse.

However, the Red Dragon Nierkoln's body was simply too large to process before daybreak. Luke had no choice but to divide the massive dragon corpse into dozens of large chunks, freeze them, and store them all in her inventory backpack.

Since a dead dragon couldn't escape, she could take her time finding a safe and secluded location to handle it properly.

After storing the dragon's corpse, Luke cleaned up all traces of the summoning in the secret room and left the beach.

In the detective's quarters of the Cape District Intelligence Bureau, Luke woke up after a nap.

Checking the time, it was 3:35 a.m.

He wondered how the situation at the headquarters of the Ax-Crazy Axe Gang was progressing. But since no one had come knocking with news, it should be fine.

Luke activated the security system in the quarters to open the floor passage.

Then he descended the stairs.

Before going to sleep, he had already walked through this escape tunnel once, so he was familiar with it and made his way through it quickly the second time.

After walking about a kilometer, Luke arrived in a secret room.

Outside the room, there was a waterway with a rope-bound small boat suspended above it. By boarding the boat, one could enter the Lime River through the waterway.

Luke stood by the waterway.

After a while, the water's surface quickly froze over, and Sunny stepped onto the ice layer, walking toward Luke.



Luke controlled both bodies to greet each other and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Damn, this is messed up!

Daylight would break in a few hours, so it was crucial to make the most of the time to get things done.

Sunny took out the items she had purchased from her inventory backpack.

She lit candles and placed them along the wall, spacing them thirty centimeters apart.

Luke stood in the center of the secret room while Sunny used a formation brush to draw a set of magic arrays centered around him.

Then she placed the mysterious items she had purchased in different positions on the magic array, following the sequence of an arcane language.

The flames of the burning candles suddenly surged.

A suppressed atmosphere spread throughout the secret room.

Arcane arts were techniques that harnessed the mysterious energy contained within mystical items.

Different from elemental magic, mysterious energy was an inexplicable force that could stem from the embodiment of the soul, the

bonds of faith, the catharsis of emotions, or the gathering of natural energy...

These energies left their mark on certain objects, turning them into mystical items.

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