
Chapter 10: Cherishing Transcendent Quality 5 Star Cards


As the voice fell, the light screen in front of you suddenly a change condensed out of the class teacher's shadow, he stretched out his hands palms spread, the left hand is a 20-sided crystal dice, the right hand is a card shrouded by divine light can not see what is, Wu Hai hands holding the dice and cards, said.

"Next, I will let you roll this dice yourself, the number shown at the top after the dice stop spinning, representing the intensity of the next test you need to undergo."

"If the number above is 2, you will next face twice as many enemies as you just faced in the mapping test, and if the number above is 20, you will next face twenty times as many enemies as you just faced in the mapping test, and you can use any power within the divine realm, including directly descending in your true form."

Then the class teacher held up the card in his right hand again, and with a flash of clear light the card revealed its true form.

Five-star divine domain card - fertile land (cherished transcendent): a one-time increase of 2 kilometers 2 kilometers of divine domain area, limited to fertile land.

"Holy shit!"

Lin Xiao's eyes glazed over, it was surprising that it was a five-star card that increased the area of the divine domain, and the quality was so high, Cherished Transcendent, this was the first time he had seen it.

He knew that the rarity of the cards were from low to high - common, rare, extremely rare, very rare, cherished extraordinary, and cherished extraordinary.

It is said that there are even rarer cards above the cherished extraordinary, but even the cherished extraordinary is already a super rare card, cherished extraordinary is already a legendary card, higher levels have not even heard of, let alone see.

A one-time increase of 2 kilometers 2 kilometers of the divine domain, which has more than half of Lin Xiao's current divine domain is also vast, and also limited to fertile earth, which is even rarer.

Even if his main race is now fish people are not suitable for farming, it does not prevent him from desiring this card.

Now the main race is fish people does not mean that it has always been fish people, the race within the divine realm can be changed, and other races can be added, fish people can not farming, get some other races that can farm ah.

Almost instantly Lin Xiao has decided that this extra test must be tried, this good opportunity can not be missed.

"How about it, is it very exciting?"

Class teacher Wu Hai saw the intent on his face and said.

"Think carefully, if you are unlucky enough to roll too high, the enemy that appears will deal a devastating blow to your divine realm, and you may be devastated and sink from this."

The class teacher's voice contained a hint of divine power, like a loud bell that shook Lin Xiao, who had fallen into a frenzy, awake.

Calming down from the frenzy, he began to analyze the pros and cons.

Indeed, as the class teacher had said, the difficulty of this extra test was indeed very luck-dependent.

If he was lucky enough to roll only a few points, he could still block a few times the extra difficulty, but if he was less lucky and got a difficulty of seven or eight times or more, it would be impossible to play, perhaps going all out with his true body could barely withstand it, but the risk of doing so was too great.

The strength of the player's true body is related to the overall strength of the domain, the more believers, the stronger the player as the Lord of the domain, the fewer believers, the weaker the player as the Lord of the domain.

But the new players like them who just opened the God's domain soon, the God's domain is no stronger, if faced with more than ten times the difficulty, more than two hundred snake people and twenty snake leaders, even his true body out may not be sure to win.

Even if you can win, it will be a miserable victory.

It doesn't matter if you lose, there is a class teacher here, when the divine domain is damaged to a certain point since the rescue, it is equivalent to a stop line.

The focus is on the real body, if the real body has damage, this is a big impact.

Divine creatures in the divine enrichment metamorphosis transcendent with great power at the same time, once injured, want to recover very difficult, this is not the general treatment of divine art can be treated, must consume a lot of divine power, or fall into a slow recovery in sleep.

This slumber, time are counted in a hundred years, placed in the main world also to hundreds of days, which will greatly affect the growth progress, or can be said in advance of the waste.

"Yyy a pooh, if only it was a little later."

Lin Xiao's heart is already beating the retreat drum, recovering calm and rational thinking, he knows that this additional test is too risky, even if the card to increase the area of the divine domain is extremely rare, but


He suddenly looked up and asked.

"Teacher, can I get the reward for this mapping test first before I try?"

Wu Hai froze for a moment and subconsciously said.

"You really want to try?"

Immediately, he replied.

"Yes, I have four five-star cards here, you can choose one from them."

Five-star Species Reproduction Card (Rare): Species Fertility 300, Survival Rate 300, Duration 10 years.

Five Star Troop Card - Boar Rider (Common): Summon 100 Level 2 Bear Goblin Boar Riders at once, Note: Equipped with standard weapons and five days of rations.

Five-star Resource Card - Sheep Flock (Normal): Summon 500 sheep at once.

Note: Half male and half female.

Five-star weapon card - short spear (ordinary): a one-time acquisition of 1000 short spears, Note: spear body wood, spear head refined iron.

The eyes swept through the four cards, and when he saw the second and last one Lin Xiao's eyes lit up. uu read the book www. uukanshu.com

"It's really not what I expected!"

The reward cards given by the class teacher must be of various types for the students to choose from, and he guessed that there would probably be weapons.

And in fact there were not only weapons, he also found a soldier card, a bear goblin boar knight card that could directly summon one hundred bear goblins whose strength had reached the second level, whether it was a weapon card or a knight card, it could significantly enhance his strength and give him enough certainty to attempt the extra test.

But when it came to choosing exactly which one Lin Xiao was in a difficult position.

Normally it would be better to choose the Boar Knight, which is an instant battle power and a bit more stable than the weapon card.

But in reality, he couldn't choose this because he couldn't afford to raise it.

The bear goblin is more than two meters tall, strong and fierce, is a full stomach man, and its mount fifty boars can eat, now God's domain to raise these fish people can not afford to raise, which can raise so many boar knights.

The most critical thing is that these bear gnomes are all male, can not reproduce, raised in the divine domain and so on a few decades basically died of old age.

In other words, this thing is purely expendable, disposable.

And although the weapon card is also consumable, but can increase the overall strength of the fisherman tribe, the most important thing is that the weapon even if damaged can be recycled iron gun head, not disposable.

"Just the weapon card."

He said as such.

This teacher did not say anything, just took out this weapon card and handed it to him, then pulled out a large stack of cards and said to him.

"You have one more two-star card, what type do you need?"

"A resource card, preferably a school of fish or something food."

"Here's a two-star cod card."

Wu Hai drew out a card and flew into Lin Xiao's hand, flipped his hand and all the cards disappeared, revealing only the one twenty-sided crystal dice in his left palm looking at him.