

Online game rebirth Sword God

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Chapter 3 Miracles

Chapter 3 Miracles

After this short period of turmoil passed, after a moment of silence, the teachers became lively again.

"Qiangzi, you are too capable, you can actually get the school girl to get started!" Back in his seat, Lin Yi secretly raised his thumb towards Ding Qiang.

"What's the matter..." Looking at Ding Qiang, he said, "We are just ordinary friends."

In the previous life, when he was in the most difficult time, Lin Yi always helped him until an accident happened to their family...

"Fuck, pull it down, ordinary friends can still hold together?" Just when Lin Yi pouted and was about to expose Ding Qiang's lie, someone in the classroom suddenly shouted: "The Miracle Game is going to be tested, let's go together. play?"

"Miracle game?" Lin Yi said stunned.

"Well, it's the game you were looking forward to just now." Ding Qiang replied casually as his eyes closely followed Li Yan.

"Really?" Lin Yi suddenly came to the spirit. Don't look at him as an idiot like Ding Qiang, but when it comes to games, no one's spirit is as good as his.

"You also know the miracle game?" At this moment, the squad leader Liu Tao walked over, glanced at Ding Qiang and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to know something, Ding Qiang!"

"How do you talk?" Lin Yi, who was on the side, said unhappily before Ding Qiang spoke.

"What? What did I say?" Liu Tao asked, pretending to be blank.

This Liu Tao is also a suitor of Li Yan, but better than sternly rejecting others, Li Yan did not tell the teacher or shred it after receiving his love letter. In her heart, she still has a good impression of Liu Tao. After all, he is handsome and has good academic performance. He is the prince charming in the eyes of many girls.

Liu Tao didn't want to come and target Ding Qiang at first, but he saw that Li Yan was hugged by this guy just now, so he was very upset. After all, in his opinion, Li Yan was already his wife.

"Hehe." Taking advantage of words, Liu Tao shook his head proudly, turned his head and shouted loudly: "I heard that the miracle game will be open beta the day after tomorrow, let's go play together? Then form a guild. , even if you go to college, you can still play together in the game."

Hearing Liu Tao's proposal, the students in the class were heartbroken.

Ding Qiang and Lin Yi pouted together.

Lin Yi pouted just to see this Liu Tao was unhappy, while Ding Qiang pouted to think of the miserable situation of the "three or four heroes" of the guild established by their class in the previous life.

They were just some students with no time and no money. In the early stage of the game, they could barely keep up with the public's footsteps.

However, Liu Tao was unhappy that he was annexed by others, but he was killed by guards and returned to Novice Village, and finally left the miracle in a fit of anger.

Leaving the classroom, Lin Yi asked as he walked, "Are you going to play miracles?"

"Of course..."

After saying goodbye to Lin Yi at the school gate, Ding Qiang did not immediately walk towards his home, but stopped beside an alley near the school gate and waited there quietly.

He was waiting for Li Yan, he had something to say to the other party.


After a while, Li Yan and a few of her friends walked out of the school gate, waved goodbye, and walked over.

"Li Yan." Ding Qiang walked over quickly after calling out to the other party.

"You...what do you want to do?" Li Yan was so frightened that she quickly took a few steps back: "This...this is the gate of the school, you...don't mess around..."

"..." Ding Qiang smiled bitterly, realizing that he should have scared the other party just now, he quickly stopped, and said sincerely: "Sorry, classmate Li Yan, I'm here to say sorry to you."

"Uh..." Li Yan was stunned for a while, then looked at Ding Qiang carefully, and after confirming that the other party was not joking, she thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, I forgive you, but there will be no next time. , if there is a next time, I... I will tell my uncle."

"There is absolutely no next time..." Ding Qiang hurriedly raised his hand and swore.

As he spoke, Ding Qiang walked to Li Yan's side, turned into walking alongside her, and then pretended to be nonchalant and asked, "Is your uncle and aunt healthy?"

When I was young, the two families communicated frequently, so Ding Qiang's question was not abrupt.

"Well, it's okay." Li Yan replied.

"I want to ask you for help with something," Ding Qiang said.

"What's the matter?" Li Yan.

"My parents are feeling a little unwell recently, but they refuse to go to the hospital for an examination, so I want you to help me and find a way for them to go to the hospital for an examination."

"Ah? You told me to lie? I won't do it." Li Yan shook her head quickly.

"Why is this a lie? It's for the health of the old man." Ding Qiang said anxiously, "Student Li Yan, you can't wait until you die, can you?"

"Bah, bah, what's the point of death?" Li Yan thought for a while and said, "Then tell me, what exactly do you need me to do?"

"In this way, I will say that I have a few free tickets for the hospital's physical examination, and then you can testify for me, that's all." Ding Qiang said.

"It's that simple?" Li Yan asked with wide eyes in surprise.

"Hey, no..." Ding Qiang shook his head regretfully.

"Why? Why not?" Li Yan asked.

"My parents can't believe it." Ding Qiang explained solemnly: "Look, how can there be only two places, and then they all happen to be in my hands? Besides, I am a student, where can I get this place, I The parents were stunned when they saw it."

"Then what should I do?" Li Yan was also anxious.

"Or..." Ding Qiang rolled his eyes: "Or if you call your parents, say it was sent by the school, so my parents should believe it?"

"My parents?" Li Yan was taken aback.

"Don't worry, I'll take all the money." Ding Qiang patted his chest and said, "I've saved all the New Year's money for so many years!"

"Okay." After thinking about it, Li Yan nodded and said, "I didn't expect you to be such a filial son, but I'll just pay for my parents' money, and I also have lucky money."

Watching Li Yan leave, Ding Qiang's heart was relieved. In the next life, although Li Yan's parents suddenly fell ill, there were omens before, but the two old people didn't take it to heart.

Although I don't know if I can check it out seven years ago today, but I'm prepared. What he can do now is only so far.


Thinking of Li Yan's saying that she kept all her New Year's money and could use her money, Ding Qiang couldn't help but smile.

The case of Li Yan's parents is extremely rare. Ordinary physical examinations can't detect them at all. Only the most advanced instruments can detect them, and the most advanced instruments mean expensive expenses. Just relying on her lucky money will not be able to detect them at all. possible.

Li Yan's parents, his own parents, these are four people, Ding Qiang secretly figured it out, at least 150,000 is enough.

150,000, Li Yan's family is the same as his family, both parents are dual workers, where can I use that little New Year's money? This girl has somewhat underestimated the horrors of the hospital that can eat people without spitting up bones.

"I should be able to get it in a month." Ding Qiang said to himself.


When he returned home, seeing his parents who were much younger, Ding Qiang was even more emotional. In the last life, because of his unsatisfactory relationship, even if the two old people retired, they would go out to set up a stall to make money.

"In this life, I will definitely honor you well."

Cooking, washing clothes, washing dishes, sweeping...

Ding Qiang's actions surprised his parents.

This is by no means impulsive, but his heartfelt desire to change himself!

Don't look at Ding Qiang's depression in his previous life, but he has always been filial to his parents.

At night, lying in his own **, Ding Qiang's mood could not be calm for a long time.

Reborn back ten years ago, all this is like a dream.

Lying in bed, Ding Qiang couldn't fall asleep for a long time.


Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Ding Qiang was awakened by the sound of conversation in the living room.

"Xiao Lin is here, sit down, Xiao Feng hasn't got up yet, you haven't had breakfast yet? Auntie will bring it to you." Lin Yi is Ding Qiang's best friend, so he came to Ding Qiang to play when he had nothing to do, so Ding Qiang His parents were also very familiar with him.

"Ah? No auntie, I'm here to find Ding Qiang to go shopping." Lin Yi's voice came from the living room.

As soon as I said this, I saw Ding Qiang who pushed the door and came out. Lin Yi pulled Ding Qiang and said, "Why did you get up, go quickly, you're going to start selling!"

"Hey? Let's go after breakfast..." Ding Qiang's mother said in the kitchen.

"No auntie, we're in a hurry..." Lin Yi's voice came from outside the door.

On the way, looking at Ding Qiang who was shaking three times, Lin Yi was in a panic.

"I said big brother, hurry up, the official website only announced the sales location last night. It is estimated that the old people bought it today. Once the game helmets are all sold out, we will not be able to enter the game as soon as possible. Lin Yi begged Ding Qiang with a sad face.

"Don't worry, I won't sell it." Ding Qiang said with certainty.

Although Lin Yi doesn't know, he knows it well. The company in the world is very well prepared and the supply of game helmets is huge. From the beginning to the end, there has never been a shortage of stock. Therefore, Lin Yi's worries are real. It's not at all possible.

Soon, two people rushed to the point of sale.

Looking at the long queue, Lin Yi muttered to himself: "It's broken, it's broken, so many people, when will it be our turn?"

Seeing so many people in front of him, Ding Qiang also felt a bit of a headache. Although he can definitely say that there will be no such situation as sold out, but if there are so many people, if they really queue up, I am afraid that they will not be able to buy until the afternoon. get it?

After thinking about it for a while, he patted the other party's shoulder, Ding Qiang then walked towards the back door of the point of sale: "Follow me."

"..." Slightly stunned, although he didn't know what Ding Qiang was going to do, Lin Yi still followed.

Point of sale backdoor!

"Sorry, non-workers cannot enter." said the security guard at the door.

"We are here to get the goods." Ding Qiang said.

"Get the goods?" The security guard frowned and glanced at Ding Qiang: "Code."

"Z347." Ding Qiang said.

"Password?" The security guard tapped on the screen next to him and asked again.

"3587." Ding Qiang replied in an orderly manner.

"How many?"

"Two." Although gaming helmets are expensive, Ding Qiang's parents are dual-employees and have a lot of money for the New Year since childhood, so they can afford it.

"..." Lin Yi looked at Ding Qiang stupidly, as if it was the first time he knew this guy.

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