

Online game rebirth Sword God

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Chapter 2 Rebirth

Chapter 2 Rebirth

"Ah..." Ding Qiang stood up all of a sudden, looking around with a look of surprise on his face.

This is a classroom, and many students in school uniforms like him are sitting in their seats, and everyone is looking at him in confusion.

What is this place? Why does it look like it's your own high school classroom?

And Lin Yi next to him, didn't he die from hepatitis due to overwork?

If you don't have dazzling eyes, the guy on the podium should be the class teacher of your third year of high school, right?

Why is he so young?

"Ding Qiang, what's the matter with you?" the teacher standing on the podium asked with a frown. When he came in just now, he saw Ding Qiang lying on the table sleeping, but he didn't want to care about such a poor student. , so I opened one eye and closed the other and pretended not to see it, but I didn't think that this guy was sleeping soundly, so he shouted and stood up...

"No...nothing..." Ding Qiang stood there for a while, until the teacher on the podium showed impatience, then he finally reacted and hurriedly sat down.

"Dude, what's wrong?" A teenager sitting next to Ding Qiang patted him on the shoulder and asked curiously.

"Lin Yi? You're not..." Ding Qiang looked strangely at the blurred face next to him, looked at the surrounding environment again, suddenly realized something, immediately lowered his head, and buried his head deeply in the On the table, do not let the other party see his slightly distorted face because of shock.

Ding Qiang pinched his arm hard, a pain that made him grin.

I can feel the pain, it's not a dream, this... what's going on? Didn't I blow myself up in the game, kill all the guys in the Temple of War, and then die with the gunman?

"Could it be that I was reborn?" Ding Qiang muttered to himself, shaking uncontrollably all over his body.

The scene in front of him, if he remembered correctly, should be the last day he stayed at the school ten years ago after the college entrance examination.

The reason why he was deeply impressed by this day is of course because of the special life test of the college entrance examination, but the bigger reason is that tomorrow, the world-famous miracle game of later generations will be officially born.

When Ding Qiang was puzzled, the middle-aged man on the podium clapped his hands and said, "Okay, everyone's answers are almost right, let's chat, we have been studying together for three years, what can you say? Let's chat, this time we parted and reunited again, I don't know how long it will be, cherish the time of this classmate."

"Ow..." As the middle-aged man, the head teacher of Ding Qiang High School, walked out, the classroom suddenly began to boil, and everyone gathered in twos and threes to talk to each other.

"Haha, I can finally have a good time!" Ding Qiang's tablemate and his best friend Lin Yi immediately screamed in hilarity: "I heard that the world game company is going to launch a cross-era game, really look forward to!"

"Haha!" Feeling Lin Yi's joy, Ding Qiang smiled. For students, the end of the college entrance examination is certainly worth cheering and cheering, but for Ding Qiang, who has been in the society for several years in his previous life, this kind of thing is really There is no need to be happy.

In fact, until now, his head is still a little groggy, and he has not recovered from the shock he received just now...

Ding Qiang's grades were average, he performed normally in the college entrance examination, and he fell out of the rankings without a doubt. Then he spent his days hanging around, just getting by, indulging in games all day long. In the end, he even broke up with his girlfriend who had been with his girlfriend for several years under the pressure of strong family pressure. .

"Hee hee..." At this moment, a crisp voice came, attracting the attention of most of the boys in the class.

Hearing this laughter, Ding Qiang was dumbfounded, turned his head slowly, and looked at a girl not far away with complicated eyes...

The girl's name is Li Yan. The two have known each other since they were young. When they were young, the relationship between the two was good, but as they grew older, because their academic performance determines their social circle, the two became estranged. Usually at school, the two of them didn't get too close. Great meeting.

But later, what surprised countless people was that Li Yan finally became Ding Qiang's girlfriend.

Li Yan has excellent grades and looks outstanding, not to mention in their class, there are definitely not a few boys in the whole grade who like him. A girl with excellent grades and outstanding looks will become the focus of boys' attention wherever she goes. Someone has long commented in private that she is the school flower of the entire school.

A flower was inserted into the cow dung. This was the word that came to the minds of the students the most after they knew that Li Yan followed Ding Qiang.

It's just a pity that Ding Qiang didn't cherish this relationship...

In the previous life, he was a jerk and could not accomplish anything. He only knew how to play games and sleep all day. When the other's family had a major change, he could only be anxious but couldn't help. Li Yan was a filial daughter. In the end, Ding Qiang could only watch. In order to save her parents' lives, Li Yan gritted her teeth and married Tian Daolin, a rich boy who had been chasing after her for a long time.

"Li Yan, come with me, doesn't your family need money? I can earn it, and my uncle and aunt's illnesses will be treated by me." On the eve of Li Yan's wedding, Ding Qiang shouted frantically while holding the phone.

"Impossible..." Holding the phone, Li Yan burst into tears, her parents contracted a strange disease, although it can be cured according to the current medical equipment, but the cost is also astronomical: "The doctor said, to cure my parents The disease requires 20 million..."

"Twenty million..." Ding Qiang's hand trembled while holding the phone. His monthly salary was only more than 2,000, and most of it had to be invested in the game. After working for so many years, not only did he not save a penny, but sometimes he even paid Relying on the help of parents and Li Yan, how could it be possible to take out 20 million all at once...

"It's too late, Ding Qiang, in the next life, I will be your bride." Li Yan cried.

"It's not too late, I'm still young, isn't it 20 million? If it doesn't work, I can borrow it. As long as we are together, we..." Ding Qiang shouted as if he had made up his mind, ignoring the surrounding roads. Pedestrians looked surprised.

"It's too late..." Li Yan on the phone cried and shouted, "It's too late..."

What Ding Qiang didn't know at the time was that this was the last time he heard Li Yan's voice.

On the third day after the marriage, her parents failed the treatment and both died. Under the pain, Li Yan committed suicide by jumping off the building.

When she was found, she was naked, covered with bruises and scars, and insulting words carved with sharp blades on her chest and thighs.

It's hard to imagine what kind of torture and humiliation she went through in these three days...

"She is my person." At the suicide scene, looking at Ding Qiang who was squatting on the ground with his head in his arms, Tian Daolin hysterically rushed in front of Ding Qiang and shouted: "Even if he dies, he is still my person, quack... "

That day, Tiandao Wuyan happened to come to the Tiandao branch here for something.

It was on that day that Ding Qiang saw Tiandao speechless for the first time.

"Dead?" Tian Dao Wuyan sat in the car, glanced at Li Yan's body on the ground, took out a stack of money, and threw it on the ground in front of Ding Qiang: "It's just a woman, if she dies, she dies, what's all the fuss about? , take the money, hurry up and get out."

After he finished speaking, without even looking at Ding Qiang, Tian Dao Wuyan carried Tian Daolin away...

Since then, Ding Qiang's whole person has changed.

He heard that the virtual game industry had become an important industry for the Tiandao family, and most of the family's property had been invested in it, so he joined the Holy Alliance.

Destroying the Tiandao Alliance and avenging Li Yan was his only wish.

A self-destruction before his death killed the entire War God Temple. In the battle for the city, the player could not be resurrected after death.

Without the masters of the Battle Soul Hall, Zhanmang will lead the Holy Alliance to successfully win the city of the sky, and then under the situation, the Tiandao alliance is weak, the virtual industry is frustrated, and the Tiandao Group is dissolved. It is also a sure thing.

Tiandao is speechless, have you ever thought that because of your original words, the entire Tiandao group fell into a doomed place.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Ding Qiang's face.


How is this?

Li Yan, after all, can't be resurrected.


Feeling that the eyes of the classmates on the opposite side were a little weird, Li Yan turned her head in surprise and happened to see Ding Qiang behind her.

"Ding Qiang, you..." Seeing Ding Qiang's excited expression, Li Yan was slightly taken aback.

It's just that before the words are finished, Ding Qiang has already put her in his arms amid the exclamations around him...

"In this life, I will hold you firmly in the palm of my hand, and all nightmares will never happen again." Ding Qiang said to himself in his heart: "I swear..."

High school feelings are the purest.

That kind of feeling called love, so pure that two people holding hands is the limit of what each other can achieve.

Watching Ding Qiang hug Li Yan in his arms, the room suddenly fell silent and a needle could be heard falling to the ground...

After a while, the few friends who played well with Ding Qiang on weekdays suddenly started coaxing.

"Hahaha, Ding Qiang, awesome." Everyone shouted.

"What are you doing?" Although Ding Qiang was holding him almost breathlessly, he wanted to push Ding Qiang away, but he found that the other side's floor was too tight, and he couldn't push him away at all.

"You... I'll tell the teacher if you do this again." Li Yan said angrily.

After venting his emotions, Ding Qiang released his arm.

"Rogue, you are really annoying, I will ignore you again." Li Yan glared at Ding Qiang angrily, turned around and ignored him.

"Haha..." Rubbing his nose, Ding Qiang laughed awkwardly. He also knew how much trouble this move just caused the other party, but he really couldn't control himself. Li Yan's death was forever in his heart. pain.

Looking back now, Zhao Qing's betrayal was probably related to her single-minded desire to avenge Li Yan, while ignoring her feelings.

Countless nights, he woke up from a nightmare calling Li Yan's name, and every time he woke up, he wanted to open the window and follow each other away.

In the previous life, Li Yan's parents died of serious illness, and Li Yan committed suicide by jumping off the building.

In this life, looking at Li Yan who was so close, Ding Qiang felt a trance.

"Is this God... giving me a chance to change?"

"Online Game Rebirth Sword God"

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