
End of the first day

Rabbit was very delicious. Although Stephen never cooked a rabbit by himself, he always watched how his father did it. So even if he was inexperienced, he managed to pull it off successfully.

Not to mention that he bought salt and spices, when he was preparing for the first game. At that time, except for the compound bow, Stephen also bought [Steel knife] for 50 game points, [Army bowler] – 60 game points, [Lighter] – 10 game points, [Spice set] – 10 game points, [Nylon Fiber 3mm Diameter Tactical Utility Cord – 20m] – 20 game points.

That's how Stephen spent all his money. Nevertheless, he thought that the money were spent well. These items should cover almost everything he needs to survive for the whole week.

After Stephen finished his dinner, he resumed exploration of the forest. He didn't forgot about an attempt to create his first skill, so he continued to use awkward movements among the shadows with noiseless steps. Even if it did not work out well.

During next 6 hours, Stephen managed to scout around 40% of the forest. During this period of time he found campsite and source of water.

He found a big tree with hollow insides, enough for one person to sleep there. Also there was a water stream around 10 minutes away from the tree. So he decided to use that tree as his campsite.

Moreover he managed to kill 6 more rabbits, which brought him 60 exp and his supper.

At the beginning, Stephen found it strange that he didn't met others animals except a rabbits. After he asked system, Stephen received a reminder about additional detail of the game that an animals will be generated based on his progress.

Looks like first he have to kill enough rabbits, so that other animals started to appear. System made assumption that there will be only rabbits till he reaches level 1. Stephen thought that this was way too easy, after which system explained that although all players are not ordinary people, it didn't mean that everyone knew how to hunt or even how to simply survive in the forest.

As example, system told him that some 'smart' players selected a sword as their weapon and till now they are still running around the forest trying to kill their first rabbit.

Stephen could only chuckle when he heard this. He was very glad that he knew how to use a bow and had experience of hunting. Otherwise he could have been one of those players helplessly running after a rabbit with a sword in his hands.

As it was already late, Stephen returned to the camp and started to prepare his lodging for the night. He used his knife to dig a few pits around the camp and inserted spikes inside there. Also he made simple fence using a wooden stakes. Stephen made them at an angle of 45 degrees to hinder movements of animals in case of attack. He also tied the rope to the branch and made loops on it, so that he could fast and easy climb on the tree.

After all those preparation were done, Stephen lit a bonfire, boiled a bowler of water from the stream and baked a rabbit like he did it previous time.

When he finished his supper, while sitting near bonfire, Stephen said

"Alright system, since everything is prepared, let's start out Q&A session."