
The Drift

"Okay, hear me out; I can see you are mad, and you should be, but I think this will be good for us, and…." Wills started to ramble, but I put my hand up to stop him from making more excuses.

"No, I don't want to hear excuses. Tell me what happened from the point where you two decided to go save half a race of people," I said and went to take a seat on a stool that allowed my tail to stay free. 

"Sure, I will tell you since Will is just going to embellish everything," Bob told me.

"Hey! I will not!" Will complained, but I shook my head.

"No, that was twice now. Bob will be the one to explain since he has decided to stay quiet rather than lie to me," I said, looking directly at him. 

I was feeling quite stressed about this, and I would have to look into this in the future. I didn't understand how Will was even able to lie to me in the first place, and it made me feel very apprehensive of him.

Hilda, is there a reason for this?